commit ec5c62a67b58c0e4c7985d8223b3f31eece8c00c
parent c02fd8611f08c4794190a98024518a7060e4ae3c
Author: Ivan Gankevich <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2017 19:15:16 +0300
Sanitise references. Compare the approach to charm++ and actor model.
6 files changed, 1133 insertions(+), 1604 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -3690,15 +3690,15 @@ title(xlab="Размер взволнованной поверхности", yla
чтобы иметь одну очередь задач на кластер. Зернистость управляющих объектов
гораздо выше, чем у пакетных задач, и, несмотря на то что время их выполнения не
может быть надежно спрогнозировано (также как и время выполнения пакетных
-задач), объекты из нескольких параллельных программ могут быть динамически
-распределены между одним и тем же множеством узлов кластера, делая нагрузку
-более равномерной. Недостатком является необходимость в большем количестве
-оперативной памяти для выполнения нескольких задач на одних и тех же узлах, а
-также в том что выполнение каждой программы может занять больше времени из-за
-общих очередей управляющих объектов. Во-вторых, предлагаемый подход использует
-динамическое распределение ролей главного и подчиненного между узлами
-кластера вместо их статического присвоения конкретным физическим узлам. Это
-позволяет сделать узлы взаимозаменяемыми, что необходимо для обеспечения
+задач\nbsp{}cite:zotkin1999job), объекты из нескольких параллельных программ
+могут быть динамически распределены между одним и тем же множеством узлов
+кластера, делая нагрузку более равномерной. Недостатком является необходимость в
+большем количестве оперативной памяти для выполнения нескольких задач на одних и
+тех же узлах, а также в том что выполнение каждой программы может занять больше
+времени из-за общих очередей управляющих объектов. Во-вторых, предлагаемый
+подход использует динамическое распределение ролей главного и подчиненного между
+узлами кластера вместо их статического присвоения конкретным физическим узлам.
+Это позволяет сделать узлы взаимозаменяемыми, что необходимо для обеспечения
отказоустойчивости. Таким образом, одновременное выполнение нескольких
параллельных программ на одном и том же множестве узлов может увеличить
пропускную способность кластера, но также может уменьшить их производительность,
@@ -3722,15 +3722,26 @@ title(xlab="Размер взволнованной поверхности", yla
объектами; проблема решается введением промежуточного слоя объектов, что в свою
очередь влечет увеличивает сложность программы. Во-вторых, иерархия управляющих
объектов совместно с иерархией узлов позволяет автоматически пересчитывать
-завершившиеся некорректно подчиненные объекты на выживших узлах кластера в случае
-выхода из строя оборудования. Это возможно, поскольку ход выполнения программы
-сохраняется в каждом объекте, а не в глобальных переменных, как это делается в
-программах MPI. Дублируя состояние на подчиненные узлы, система пересчитывает
-только объекты из поврежденных процессов, а не программу целиком. Таким образом,
-переход от процессов к управляющим объектам может увеличить производительность
-параллельной программы путем динамической балансировки нагрузки, но также может
-повлиять на ее масштабируемость на большое количество узлов из-за дублирования
-состояния хода выполнения.
+завершившиеся некорректно подчиненные объекты на выживших узлах кластера в
+случае выхода из строя оборудования. Это возможно, поскольку ход выполнения
+программы сохраняется в каждом объекте, а не в глобальных переменных, как это
+делается в программах MPI. Дублируя состояние на подчиненные узлы, система
+пересчитывает только объекты из поврежденных процессов, а не программу целиком.
+Таким образом, переход от процессов к управляющим объектам может увеличить
+производительность параллельной программы путем динамической балансировки
+нагрузки, но также может повлиять на ее масштабируемость на большое количество
+узлов из-за дублирования состояния хода выполнения.
+Разбиение программы на отдельные сущности применяется во фреймворке
+Charm++\nbsp{}cite:kale2012charm и в модели
+актеров\nbsp{}cite:hewitt1973universal,agha1985actors, однако ни один из
+подходов не использует иерархические связи для перезапуска обработки сущностей
+после ошибки. Вместо использования древовидной иерархии управляющих объектов эти
+подходы позволяют обмениваться сообщениями любой паре объектов. Такая
+беспорядочная схема обмена сообщениями не позволяет решить, какой объект
+ответственен за перезапуск другого, завершившегося ошибкой, из-за чего
+неуниверсальные подходы обеспечения отказоустойчивости используются вместо
Три составляющих предлагаемого подхода\nbsp{}--- управляющие объекты, конвейеры
и иерархии\nbsp{}--- дополняют друг друга. Если бы управляющие объекты не
@@ -3901,16 +3912,17 @@ title(xlab="Размер взволнованной поверхности", yla
* Благодарности
Графики в этой работе были подготовлены с помощью языка для статистических
-вычислений R\nbsp{}cite:rlang2016,Sarkar2008lattice и программного обеспечения
-Graphviz\nbsp{}cite:Gansner00anopen. Документ был подготовлен с использованием
-Org-mode\nbsp{}cite:Schulte2011org2,Schulte2011org1,Dominik2010org для GNU
+вычислений R\nbsp{}cite:rlang2016,sarkar2008lattice и программного обеспечения
+Graphviz\nbsp{}cite:gansner00anopen. Документ был подготовлен с использованием
+Org-mode\nbsp{}cite:schulte2011org2,schulte2011org1,dominik2010org для GNU
Emacs, предоставляющего вычислительное окружение для воспроизводимых
исследований. Это означает, что все графики можно воспроизвести и
-соответствующие утверждения проверить, скопировав репозиторий
-диссертации[fn:repo], установив Emacs и экспортировав документ.
+соответствующие утверждения проверить на других вычислительных системах,
+скопировав репозиторий диссертации[fn:repo], установив Emacs и экспортировав
-Исследования были выполнены в рамках грантов РФФИ
-(проекты\nbsp{}\mbox{16-07-01111}, \mbox{16-07-00886}, \mbox{16-07-01113}).
+Исследования были выполнены в рамках грантов РФФИ (проекты \mbox{16-07-01111},
+\mbox{16-07-00886}, \mbox{16-07-01113}).
[fn:repo] [[]]
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -3557,24 +3557,35 @@ increase performance of a parallel programme via dynamic load balancing, but
inhibit its scalability for a large number of nodes and large amount of shared
structures due to duplication of these structures.
+Decomposing parallel programme into individual entities is done in Charm++
+framework\nbsp{}cite:kale2012charm (with load
+balancing\nbsp{}cite:bhandarkar2001adaptive) and in actor
+model\nbsp{}cite:hewitt1973universal,agha1985actors, but none of the approaches
+uses hierarchical relationship to restart entity processing after a failure.
+Instead of using tree hierarchy of kernels, these approaches allow exchanging
+messages between any pair of entities. Such irregular message exchange pattern
+makes it impossible to decide which object is responsible for restarting a
+failed one, hence non-universal fault tolerance techniques are used
In comparison to portable batch systems (PBS) the proposed approach uses
lightweight control flow objects instead of heavy-weight parallel jobs to
distribute the load on cluster nodes. First, this allows to have node object
queues instead of several cluster-wide job queues. The granularity of control
flow objects is much higher than the batch jobs, and despite the fact that their
execution time cannot be reliably predicted (as is execution time of batch
-jobs), objects from multiple parallel programmes can be dynamically distributed
-between the same set of cluster nodes, thus making the load more even. The
-disadvantage is that this requires more RAM to execute many programmes on the
-same set of nodes, and execution time of each programme may be greater because
-of the shared control flow object queues. Second, the proposed approach uses
-dynamic distribution of master and slave roles between cluster nodes instead of
-their static assignment to the particular physical nodes. This makes nodes
-interchangeable, which is required to provide fault tolerance. So, simultaneous
-execution of multiple parallel programmes on the same set of nodes may increase
-throughput of the cluster, but may also decrease their performance taken
-separately, and dynamic role distribution is the base on which resilience to
-failures builds.
+jobs\nbsp{}cite:zotkin1999job), objects from multiple parallel programmes can be
+dynamically distributed between the same set of cluster nodes, thus making the
+load more even. The disadvantage is that this requires more RAM to execute many
+programmes on the same set of nodes, and execution time of each programme may be
+greater because of the shared control flow object queues. Second, the proposed
+approach uses dynamic distribution of master and slave roles between cluster
+nodes instead of their static assignment to the particular physical nodes. This
+makes nodes interchangeable, which is required to provide fault tolerance. So,
+simultaneous execution of multiple parallel programmes on the same set of nodes
+may increase throughput of the cluster, but may also decrease their performance
+taken separately, and dynamic role distribution is the base on which resilience
+to failures builds.
Three building blocks of the proposed approach\nbsp{}--- control flow objects,
pipelines and hierarchies\nbsp{}--- complement each other. Without control flow
@@ -3607,10 +3618,10 @@ generated wavy surface part. Autoregressive dependencies prevent from creating
all the parts at once and statically distributing them between cluster nodes, so
the parts are created dynamically on the first node, when points on which they
depend become available. So, distributed AR model algorithm is a master-slave
-algorithm in which the master dynamically creates tasks for each wavy surface
-part taking into account autoregressive dependencies between points and sends
-them to slaves, and slaves compute each wavy surface part and send them back to
-the master.
+algorithm\nbsp{}cite:lusk2010more in which the master dynamically creates tasks
+for each wavy surface part taking into account autoregressive dependencies
+between points and sends them to slaves, and slaves compute each wavy surface
+part and send them back to the master.
In MPP implementation each task is modelled by a kernel: there is a principal
kernel that creates subordinate kernels on demand, and a subordinate kernels
@@ -3733,12 +3744,13 @@ models in virtual testbed would allow to
* Acknowledgements
The graphs in this work were prepared using R language for statistical
-computing\nbsp{}cite:rlang2016,Sarkar2008lattice and Graphviz
-software\nbsp{}cite:Gansner00anopen. The manuscript was prepared using
-Org-mode\nbsp{}cite:Schulte2011org2,Schulte2011org1,Dominik2010org for GNU Emacs
+computing\nbsp{}cite:rlang2016,sarkar2008lattice and Graphviz
+software\nbsp{}cite:gansner00anopen. The manuscript was prepared using
+Org-mode\nbsp{}cite:schulte2011org2,schulte2011org1,dominik2010org for GNU Emacs
which provides computing environment for reproducible research. This means that
-all graphs can be reproduced and corresponding statements verified by cloning
-thesis repository[fn:repo], installing Emacs and exporting the document.
+all graphs can be reproduced and corresponding statements verified on different
+computer systems by cloning thesis repository[fn:repo], installing Emacs and
+exporting the document.
The research was carried out within frameworks of grants of Russian Foundation
for Basic Research (projects no.\nbsp{}\mbox{16-07-01111}, \mbox{16-07-00886},
diff --git a/bib/.bibtoolrsc b/bib/.bibtoolrsc
@@ -9,11 +9,17 @@ = off
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% delete custom fields
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rewrite.rule {category # ".*"}
rewrite.rule {abstract # ".*"}
+% delete keywords
+rewrite.rule {keywords # ".*"}
% replace double quotes with curly braces
rewrite.rule {"^\"{\(.*\)}\"$" "{\1}"}
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@@ -21,3 +27,7 @@ rewrite.rule {"^\"\(.*\)\"$" "{\1}"}
% delete empty fields
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+% sort by date
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diff --git a/bib/published-papers.bib b/bib/published-papers.bib
@@ -1,266 +1,241 @@
- private = {},
- author = {Degtyarev, A. and Gankevich, I.},
- journal = {Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters},
- publisher = {Pleiades Publishing},
- language = {english},
- number = {3},
- pages = {389--391},
- rawentry = {A. Degtyarev and I. Gankevich Hydrodynamic Pressure Computation under Real Sea Surface on Basis of Autoregressive Model of Irregular Waves // Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, 2015. -- Vol. 12, -- № 3. -- P. 389-391},
- title = {Hydrodynamic Pressure Computation under Real Sea Surface on Basis of Autoregressive Model of Irregular Waves},
- volume = {12},
- year = {2015},
- doi={10.1134/S1547477115030073},
- category = {oceanwaves}
- author = {Degtyarev, A. and Gankevich, I.},
- booktitle = {14\textsuperscript{th} International Ship Stability Workshop},
- language = {english},
- pages = {135--139},
- rawentry = {A.Degtyarev, I.Gankevich Calculation Scheme for Wave Pressures with Autoregression Method // 14\textsuperscript{th} International Ship Stability Workshop, 2014. -- P. 135-139},
- title = {Calculation Scheme for Wave Pressures with Autoregression Method},
- year = {2014},
- category = {oceanwaves}
- author = {Дегтярев, А. Б. and Ганкевич, И. Г.},
- journal = {Труды {XLV} НТК ``Проблемы мореходных качеств судов, корабельной гидромеханики и освоения шельфа'' (Крыловские чтения)},
- language = {russian},
- pages = {25--29},
- rawentry = {Дегтярев А.Б., Ганкевич И.Г. Вычисление гидродинамических давлений под реальной морской поверхностью на основе авторегрессионной модели нерегулярного волнения // Труды {XLV} НТК ``Проблемы мореходных качеств судов, корабельной гидромеханики и освоения шельфа'' (Крыловские чтения), 2013. -- С. 25-29},
- title = {Вычисление гидродинамических давлений под реальной морской поверхностью на основе авторегрессионной модели нерегулярного волнения},
- year = {2013},
- category = {oceanwaves}
- address = {Dubna, Russia},
- author = {Degtyarev, A. and Gankevich, I.},
- booktitle = {Book of Abstr. of the international conference ``Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics'' ({MMCP}'13)},
- language = {english},
- pages = {65},
- rawentry = {Degtyarev A., Gankevich I Hydrodynamic pressure computation under real sea surface on basis of autoregressive model of irregular waves // Book of Abstr. of the international conference ``Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics'' ({MMCP}'13) -- Dubna, Russia, -- 2013. -- P. 65},
- title = {Hydrodynamic pressure computation under real sea surface on basis of autoregressive model of irregular waves},
- year = {2013},
- category = {oceanwaves}
- address = {Athens, Greece},
- author = {Degtyarev, A. and Gankevich, I.},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of 11\textsuperscript{th} International Conference ``Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles''},
- language = {english},
- pages = {841--852},
- rawentry = {A.Degtyarev, I.Gankevich Evaluation of hydrodynamic pressures for autoregression model of irregular waves // Proceedings of 11\textsuperscript{th} International Conference ``Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles'' -- Athens, Greece, -- 2012. -- P. 841-852},
- title = {Evaluation of hydrodynamic pressures for autoregression model of irregular waves},
- year = {2012},
- category = {oceanwaves}
- address = {Yerevan, Armenia},
- author = {Degtyarev, A. and Gankevich, I.},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of 8\textsuperscript{th} International Conference ``Computer Science \& Information Technologies''},
- language = {english},
- pages = {248--251},
- rawentry = {Degtyarev A., Gankevich I. Efficiency Comparison of Wave Surface Generation Using {OpenCL}, {OpenMP} and {MPI} // Proceedings of 8\textsuperscript{th} International Conference ``Computer Science \& Information Technologies'' -- Yerevan, Armenia, -- 2011. -- P. 248-251},
- title = {Efficiency Comparison of Wave Surface Generation Using {OpenCL}, {OpenMP} and {MPI}},
- year = {2011},
- category = {oceanwaves}
- author = {Ганкевич, И. Г. and Дегтярев, А. Б. and {Соэ Моэ Лвин}},
- journal = {Морские интеллектуальные технологии},
- language = {russian},
- pages = {10--13},
- title = {Сравнение эффективности применения {MPI} и {OpenCL} для генерации волновой поверхности },
- volume = {4},
- year = {2010},
- category = {oceanwaves}
- title = {Efficient processing and classification of wave energy spectrum data with a distributed pipeline},
- author = {Ivan Gankevich and Alexander Degtyarev},
- journal={Computer Research and Modeling},
- publisher={Institute of Computer Science},
- volume={7},
- number={3},
- pages={517--520},
- year={2015},
- keywords={distributed system, big data, data processing, parallel computing},
- abstract={
- Processing of large amounts of data often consists of several steps, e.g. pre- and post-processing stages, which are executed sequentially with data written to disk after each step, however, when pre-processing stage for each task is different the more efficient way of processing data is to construct a pipeline which streams data from one stage to another. In a more general case some processing stages can be factored into several parallel subordinate stages thus forming a distributed pipeline where each stage can have multiple inputs and multiple outputs. Such processing pattern emerges in a problem of classification of wave energy spectra based on analytic approximations which can extract different wave systems and their parameters (e.g. wave system type, mean wave direction) from spectrum. Distributed pipeline approach achieves good performance compared to conventional “sequential-stage” processing.
- },
- language={english},
- category={hpc}
- author={Gankevich, Ivan and Tipikin, Yuri and Gaiduchok, Vladimir},
- booktitle={International Conference on High Performance Computing Simulation (HPCS)},
- title={Subordination: Cluster management without distributed consensus},
- year={2015},
- pages={639-642},
- keywords={Clustering algorithms;Computers;Heuristic algorithms;IP networks;Network topology;Nominations and elections;Topology;cluster accounting;cluster management;cluster monitoring;job scheduling;leader election},
- doi={10.1109/HPCSim.2015.7237106},
- abstract = {
- Nowadays, many cluster management systems rely on distributed consensus algorithms to elect a leader that orchestrates subordinate nodes. Contrary to these studies we propose consensus-free algorithm that arranges cluster nodes into multiple levels of subordination. The algorithm structures IP address range of cluster network so that each node has ranked list of candidates, from which it chooses a leader. The results show that this approach easily scales to a large number of nodes due to its asynchronous nature, and enables fast recovery from node failures as they occur only on one level of hierarchy. Multiple levels of subordination are useful for efficiently collecting monitoring and accounting data from large number of nodes, and for scheduling general-purpose tasks on a cluster.
- },
- note = {Outstanding poster paper award.},
- language = {english},
- category = {hpc}
- year={2015},
- isbn={978-3-319-21409-2},
- booktitle={Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2015},
- volume={9158},
- series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
- editor={Gervasi, Osvaldo and Murgante, Beniamino and Misra, Sanjay and Gavrilova, Marina L. and Rocha, Ana Maria Alves Coutinho and Torre, Carmelo and Taniar, David and Apduhan, Bernady O.},
- title={Novel Approaches for Distributing Workload on Commodity Computer Systems},
- publisher={Springer International Publishing},
- keywords={Long-lived transactions; Distributed pipeline; Node discovery; Software engineering; Distributed computing; Cluster computing},
- author={Gankevich, Ivan and Tipikin, Yuri and Degtyarev, Alexander and Korkhov, Vladimir},
- pages={259-271},
- language={english},
- category={hpc}
- author = {Ганкевич, И. Г. and Дегтярев, А. Б.},
- journal = {Процессы управления и устойчивость},
- language = {russian},
- number = {17},
- pages = {295--300},
- rawentry = {Ганкевич И.Г., Дегтярев А.Б. Методы распределения нагрузки на многопроцессорную систему // Процессы управления и устойчивость, 2014. -- T. 1(17), -- С. 295-300},
- title = {Методы распределения нагрузки на многопроцессорную систему },
- volume = {1},
- year = {2014},
- category = {hpc}
- address = {Yerevan, Armenia},
- author = {Gankevich, Ivan and Degtyarev, Alexander},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of {IX} International Conference on Computer Science and Information Tecnologies ({CSIT}'13)},
- language = {english},
- pages = {240--244},
- rawentry = {Ivan Gankevich, Alexander Degtyarev Model of distributed computations in virtual testbed // Proceedings of {IX} International Conference on Computer Science and Information Tecnologies ({CSIT}'13) -- Yerevan, Armenia, -- 2013. -- P. 240-244},
- title = {Model of distributed computations in virtual testbed},
- year = {2013},
- category = {hpc}
- title={Virtual Supercomputer as basis of Scientific Computing},
- author={Alexander Bogdanov and Alexander Degtyarev and Vladimir Korkhov and Vladimir Gaiduchok and Ivan Gankevich},
- editor={Thomas S. Clary},
- year={2015},
- chapter={5},
- volume={11},
- pages={159--198},
- publisher={Nova Science Publishers},
- booktitle={Horizons in Computer Science Research},
- isbn={978-1-63482-499-6},
- abstract = {
- Nowadays supercomputer centers strive to provide their computational resources as services, however, present infrastructure is not particularly suited for such a use. First of all, there are standard application programming interfaces to launch computational jobs via command line or a web service, which work well for a program but turn out to be too complex for scientists: they want applications to be delivered to them from a remote server and prefer to interact with them via graphical interface. Second, there are certain applications which are dependent on older versions of operating systems and libraries and it is either non-practical to install those old systems on a cluster or there exists some conflict between these dependencies. Virtualization technologies can solve this problem, but they are not too popular in scientific computing due to overheads introduced by them. Finally, it is difficult to automatically estimate optimal resource pool size for a particular task, thus it often gets done manually by a user. If the large resource pool is requested for a minor task, the efficiency degrades. Moreover, cluster schedulers depend on estimated wall time to execute the jobs and since it cannot be reliably predicted by a human or a machine their efficiency suffers as well.
- Applications delivery, efficient operating system virtualization and dynamic application resource pool size defining constitute the two problems of scientific computing: complex application interfaces and inefficient use of resources available --- and virtual supercomputer is the way to solve them. The research shows that there are ways to make virtualization technologies efficient for scientific computing: the use of lightweight application containers and dynamic creation of these containers for a particular job are both fast and transparent for a user. There are universal ways to deliver application output to a front-end using execution of a job on a cluster and presenting its results in a graphical form. Finally, an application framework can be developed to decompose parallel application into small independent parts with easily predictable execution time, to simplify scheduling via existing algorithms.
- The aim of this chapter is to promote the key idea of a virtual supercomputer: to harness all available HPC resources and provide users with convenient access to them. Such a challenge can be effectively faced using contemporary virtualization technologies. They can materialize the long-term dream of having a supercomputer at your own desk.
- },
- language={english},
- category={virtualisation}
- title = {Running applications on a hybrid cluster},
- author = {Bogdanov, A. and Gankevich, I. and Gayduchok V. and Yuzhanin, N.},
- journal={Computer Research and Modeling},
- publisher={Institute of Computer Science},
- volume={7},
- number={3},
- pages={475--483},
- year={2015},
- keywords={GPGPU, HPC, computational clusters, OpenFOAM, LINPACK, ViennaCL, CUDA, OpenCL},
- abstract={
- A hybrid cluster implies the use of computational devices with radically different architectures. Usually, these are conventional CPU architecture (e.g. {x86_64}) and GPU architecture (e. g. NVIDIA CUDA). Creating and exploiting such a cluster requires some experience: in order to harness all computational power of the described system and get substantial speedup for computational tasks many factors should be taken into account. These factors consist of hardware characteristics (e.g. network infrastructure, a type of data storage, GPU architecture) as well as software stack (e.g. MPI implementation, GPGPU libraries). So, in order to run scientific applications GPU capabilities, software features, task size and other factors should be considered.
- This report discusses opportunities and problems of hybrid computations. Some statistics from tests programs and applications runs will be demonstrated. The main focus of interest is open source applications (e. g. OpenFOAM) that support GPGPU (with some parts rewritten to use GPGPU directly or by replacing libraries).
- There are several approaches to organize heterogeneous computations for different GPU architectures out of which CUDA library and OpenCL framework are compared. CUDA library is becoming quite typical for hybrid systems with NVIDIA cards, but OpenCL offers portability opportunities which can be a determinant factor when choosing framework for development. We also put emphasis on multi-GPU systems that are often used to build hybrid clusters. Calculations were performed on a hybrid cluster of SPbU computing center.
- },
- language={english},
- category={coop}
- title = {Applications of on-demand virtual clusters to high performance computing},
- author = {Gankevich, I. and Balyan, S. and Abrahamyan, S. and Korkhov, V.},
- journal={Computer Research and Modeling},
- publisher={Institute of Computer Science},
- volume={7},
- number={3},
- pages={511--516},
- year={2015},
- keywords={virtual machine, lightweight virtualisation, application containers},
- abstract={
- Virtual machines are usually associated with an ability to create them on demand by calling web services, then these machines are used to deliver resident services to their clients; however, providing clients with an ability to run an arbitrary programme on the newly created machines is beyond their power. Such kind of usage is useful in a high performance computing environment where most of the resources are consumed by batch programmes and not by daemons or services. In this case a cluster of virtual machines is created on demand to run a distributed or parallel programme and to save its output to a network attached storage. Upon completion this cluster is destroyed and resources are released. With certain modifications this approach can be extended to interactively deliver computational resources to the user thus providing virtual desktop as a service. Experiments show that the process of creating virtual clusters on demand can be made efficient in both cases.
- },
- language={english},
- category={virtualisation}
- year={2015},
- isbn={978-3-319-21409-2},
- booktitle={Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2015},
- volume={9158},
- series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
- editor={Gervasi, Osvaldo and Murgante, Beniamino and Misra, Sanjay and Gavrilova, Marina L. and Rocha, Ana Maria Alves Coutinho and Torre, Carmelo and Taniar, David and Apduhan, Bernady O.},
- doi={10.1007/978-3-319-21410-8_23},
- title={Profiling Scheduler for Efficient Resource Utilization},
- publisher={Springer International Publishing},
- keywords={Computational cluster; Scheduler; HPC; Profiling; Resource sharing; Load balancing; Networking},
- author={Bogdanov, Alexander and Gaiduchok, Vladimir and Ahmed, Nabil and Cubahiro, Amissi and Gankevich, Ivan},
- pages={299-310},
- abstract = {
- Optimal resource utilization is one of the most important and most challenging tasks for computational centers. A typical contemporary center includes several clusters. These clusters are used by many clients. So, administrators should set resource sharing policies that will meet different requirements of different groups of users. Users want to compute their tasks fast while organizations want their resources to be utilized efficiently. Traditional schedulers do not allow administrator to efficiently solve these problems in that way. Dynamic resource reallocation can improve the efficiency of system utilization while profiling running applications can generate important statistical data that can be used in order to optimize future application usage. These are basic advantages of a new scheduler that are discussed in this paper.
- },
- language={english},
- category={coop}
- author = {Gankevich, Ivan and Korkhov, Vladimir and Balyan, Serob and Gaiduchok, Vladimir and Gushchanskiy, Dmitry and Tipikin, Yuri and Degtyarev, Alexander and Bogdanov, Alexander},
- journal = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
- language = {english},
- pages = {341--354},
- rawentry = {Ivan Gankevich, Vladimir Korkhov, Serob Balyan, Vladimir Gaiduchok, Dmitry Gushchanskiy, Yuri Tipikin, Alexander Degtyarev, Alexander Bogdanov Constructing Virtual Private Supercomputer Using Virtualization and Cloud Technologies // Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014. -- Vol. 8584, -- P. 341-354},
- title = {Constructing Virtual Private Supercomputer Using Virtualization and Cloud Technologies},
- volume = {8584},
- year = {2014},
- category = {virtualisation}
- author = {Gankevich, I. and Gaiduchok, V. and Gushchanskiy, D. and Tipikin, Yu. and Korkhov, V. and Degtyarev, A. and Bogdanov, A. and Zolotarev, V.},
- booktitle = {{IEEE} conference publication},
- language = {english},
- pages = {1--6},
- rawentry = {Gankevich I., Gaiduchok V., Gushchanskiy D., Tipikin Yu., Korkhov V., Degtyarev A., Bogdanov A., Zolotarev V. Virtual private supercomputer: Design and evaluation // {IEEE} CONFERENCE PUBLICATION, 2013. -- Vol. 6710358, -- P. 1-6},
- title = {Virtual private supercomputer: Design and evaluation},
- volume = {6710358},
- year = {2013},
- category = {virtualisation}
+@InProceedings{ degtyarev2012eval,
+ address = {Athens, Greece},
+ author = {Degtyarev, A. and Gankevich, I.},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of 11\textsuperscript{th} International
+ Conference ``Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles''},
+ language = {english},
+ pages = {841--852},
+ title = {Evaluation of hydrodynamic pressures for autoregression model
+ of irregular waves},
+ year = {2012}
+@Article{ degtiarev2013vychi,
+ author = {Дегтярев, А. Б. and Ганкевич, И. Г.},
+ journal = {Труды {XLV} НТК ``Проблемы
+ мореходных качеств судов,
+ корабельной гидромеханики и
+ освоения шельфа'' (Крыловскре
+ чтения)},
+ language = {russian},
+ pages = {25--29},
+ title = {Вычисление гидродинамических
+ давлений под реальной морской
+ поверхностью на основе
+ авторегрессионной модели
+ нерегулярного волнения},
+ year = {2013}
+@InProceedings{ gankevich2013mode,
+ address = {Yerevan, Armenia},
+ author = {Gankevich, Ivan and Degtyarev, Alexander},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of {IX} International Conference on Computer
+ Science and Information Tecnologies ({CSIT}'2013)},
+ language = {english},
+ pages = {240--244},
+ title = {Model of distributed computations in virtual testbed},
+ year = {2013}
+@InProceedings{ degtyarev2014calc,
+ author = {Degtyarev, A. and Gankevich, I.},
+ booktitle = {14\textsuperscript{th} International Ship Stability Workshop},
+ language = {english},
+ pages = {135--139},
+ title = {Calculation Scheme for Wave Pressures with Autoregression
+ Method},
+ year = {2014}
+@Article{ gankevich2014meto,
+ author = {Ганкевич, И. Г. and Дегтярев, А. Б.},
+ journal = {Процессы управления и
+ устойчивость},
+ language = {russian},
+ number = {17},
+ pages = {295--300},
+ title = {Методы распределения нагрузки на
+ многопроцессорную систему },
+ volume = {1},
+ year = {2014}
+@Article{ degtyarev2015hydr,
+ author = {Degtyarev, A. and Gankevich, I.},
+ journal = {Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters},
+ publisher = {Pleiades Publishing},
+ language = {english},
+ number = {3},
+ pages = {389--391},
+ title = {Hydrodynamic Pressure Computation under Real Sea Surface on
+ Basis of Autoregressive Model of Irregular Waves},
+ volume = {12},
+ year = {2015},
+ doi = {10.1134/S1547477115030073},
+ url = {}
+@InCollection{ gankevich2015novel,
+ year = {2015},
+ isbn = {978-3-319-21409-2},
+ booktitle = {Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2015},
+ volume = {9158},
+ series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
+ editor = {Gervasi, Osvaldo and Murgante, Beniamino and Misra, Sanjay
+ and Gavrilova, Marina L. and Rocha, Ana Maria Alves Coutinho
+ and Torre, Carmelo and Taniar, David and Apduhan, Bernady O.},
+ doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-21410-8_20},
+ title = {Novel Approaches for Distributing Workload on Commodity
+ Computer Systems},
+ url = {},
+ publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
+ keywords = {Long-lived transactions; Distributed pipeline; Node
+ discovery; Software engineering; Distributed computing;
+ Cluster computing},
+ author = {Gankevich, Ivan and Tipikin, Yuri and Degtyarev, Alexander
+ and Korkhov, Vladimir},
+ pages = {259--271},
+ language = {english},
+ tags = {scopus,wos}
+@Article{ gankevich2015spec,
+ title = {Efficient processing and classification of wave energy
+ spectrum data with a distributed pipeline},
+ author = {Ivan Gankevich and Alexander Degtyarev},
+ journal = {Computer Research and Modeling},
+ publisher = {Institute of Computer Science},
+ volume = {7},
+ number = {3},
+ pages = {517--520},
+ year = {2015},
+ keywords = {distributed system, big data, data processing, parallel
+ computing},
+ url = {},
+ language = {english}
+@InProceedings{ gankevich2015subord,
+ author = {Gankevich, Ivan and Tipikin, Yuri and Gaiduchok, Vladimir},
+ booktitle = {International Conference on High Performance Computing
+ Simulation (HPCS)},
+ title = {Subordination: Cluster management without distributed
+ consensus},
+ year = {2015},
+ pages = {639--642},
+ keywords = {Clustering algorithms;Computers;Heuristic algorithms;IP
+ networks;Network topology;Nominations and
+ elections;Topology;cluster accounting;cluster
+ management;cluster monitoring;job scheduling;leader election},
+ doi = {10.1109/HPCSim.2015.7237106},
+ note = {Outstanding poster paper award.},
+ language = {english}
+@InBook{ degtyarev2016balance,
+ author = {Degtyarev, Alexander and Gankevich, Ivan},
+ editor = {Gavrilova, L. Marina and Tan, Kenneth C. J.},
+ title = {Balancing Load on a Multiprocessor System with Event-Driven
+ Approach},
+ booktitle = {Transactions on Computational Science XXVII},
+ year = {2016},
+ publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
+ address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
+ pages = {35--52},
+ isbn = {978-3-662-50412-3},
+ doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-50412-3_3},
+ url = {},
+ language = {english},
+ tags = {scopus}
+@InProceedings{ gankevich2016factory,
+ author = {I. Gankevich and Y. Tipikin and V. Korkhov and V. Gaiduchok},
+ booktitle = {International Conference on High Performance Computing
+ Simulation (HPCS'16)},
+ title = {Factory: Non-stop batch jobs without checkpointing},
+ year = {2016},
+ pages = {979--984},
+ keywords = {parallel processing;software fault tolerance;checkpoint
+ mechanisms;computational microkernels;factory;hydrodynamics
+ HPC application;node failures;nonstop batch
+ jobs;Computers;Fault tolerance;Fault tolerant
+ systems;Kernel;Libraries;Message passing;Production
+ facilities;cluster computing;distributed computing;fault
+ tolerance;job scheduling;parallel computing},
+ doi = {10.1109/HPCSim.2016.7568441},
+ month = {July},
+ language = {english},
+ tags = {scopus,wos}
+@InBook{ gankevich2016master,
+ author = {Gankevich, Ivan and Tipikin, Yuri and Korkhov, Vladimir and
+ Gaiduchok, Vladimir and Degtyarev, Alexander and Bogdanov,
+ Alexander},
+ editor = {Gervasi, Osvaldo and Murgante, Beniamino and Misra, Sanjay
+ and Rocha, A.C. Ana Maria and Torre, M. Carmelo and Taniar,
+ David and Apduhan, O. Bernady and Stankova, Elena and Wang,
+ Shangguang},
+ title = {Factory: Master Node High-Availability for Big Data
+ Applications and Beyond},
+ booktitle = {Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2016:
+ 16\textsuperscript{th} International Conference, Beijing,
+ China, July 4-7, 2016, Proceedings, Part II},
+ year = {2016},
+ publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
+ pages = {379--389},
+ isbn = {978-3-319-42108-7},
+ doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-42108-7_29},
+ url = {},
+ language = {english},
+ tags = {scopus,wos}
+@InBook{ ivashchenko2017gpulab,
+ author = {Ivashchenko, Andrei and Belezeko, Alexey and Gankevich, Ivan
+ and Korkhov, Vladimir and Kulabukhova, Nataliia},
+ editor = {Gervasi, Osvaldo and Murgante, Beniamino and Misra, Sanjay
+ and Borruso, Giuseppe and Torre, Carmelo M. and Rocha, Ana
+ Maria A.C. and Taniar, David and Apduhan, Bernady O. and
+ Stankova, Elena and Cuzzocrea, Alfredo},
+ title = {Acceleration of Computing and Visualization Processes with
+ OpenCL for Standing Sea Wave Simulation Model},
+ booktitle = {Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2017:
+ 17\textsuperscript{th} International Conference, Trieste,
+ Italy, July 3-6, 2017, Proceedings, Part V},
+ year = {2017},
+ publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
+ address = {Cham},
+ pages = {505--518},
+ isbn = {978-3-319-62404-4},
+ doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-62404-4_38},
+ url = {},
+ language = {english}
+@InBook{ korkhov2017ascheduler,
+ author = {Korkhov, Vladimir and Gankevich, Ivan and Iakushkin, Oleg and
+ Gushchanskiy, Dmitry and Khmel, Dmitry and Ivashchenko, Andrey
+ and Pyayt, Alexander and Zobnin, Sergey and Loginov,
+ Alexander},
+ editor = {Gervasi, Osvaldo and Murgante, Beniamino and Misra, Sanjay
+ and Borruso, Giuseppe and Torre, Carmelo M. and Rocha, Ana
+ Maria A.C. and Taniar, David and Apduhan, Bernady O. and
+ Stankova, Elena and Cuzzocrea, Alfredo},
+ title = {Distributed Data Processing on Microcomputers with Ascheduler
+ and Apache Spark},
+ booktitle = {Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2017:
+ 17\textsuperscript{th} International Conference, Trieste,
+ Italy, July 3-6, 2017, Proceedings, Part V},
+ year = {2017},
+ publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
+ address = {Cham},
+ pages = {387--398},
+ isbn = {978-3-319-62404-4},
+ doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-62404-4_28},
+ url = {},
+ language = {english}
diff --git a/bib/refs.bib b/bib/refs.bib
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- title = {Parallel programming with migratable objects: {Charm++} in
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- author = {Acun, Bilge and Gupta, Arpan and Jain, Nikhil and Langer,
- Akhil and Menon, Harshitha and Mikida, Eric and Ni, Xiang and
- Robson, Michael and Sun, Yanhua and Totoni, Ehsan and others},
- booktitle = {High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis,
- SC14: International Conference for},
- pages = {647--658},
- year = {2014},
- organization = {IEEE}
-@TechReport{ agha1985actors,
- title = {Actors: A model of concurrent computation in distributed
- systems.},
- author = {Agha, Gul A},
- year = {1985},
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-@InCollection{ aguilera2001stable,
- title = {Stable leader election},
- author = {Aguilera, Marcos K and Delporte-Gallet, Carole and
- Fauconnier, Hugues and Toueg, Sam},
- booktitle = {Distributed Computing},
- pages = {108--122},
- year = {2001},
- publisher = {Springer}
+@Article{ owen1956tables,
+ title = {Tables for computing bivariate normal probabilities},
+ author = {Owen, Donald B},
+ journal = {The Annals of Mathematical Statistics},
+ volume = {27},
+ number = {4},
+ pages = {1075--1090},
+ year = {1956},
+ publisher = {JSTOR}
-@InProceedings{ alien,
- author = {P. Saiz and L. Aphecetche and P. Buncic and R. Piskac and
- J.E. Revsbech and V. Sego},
- title = {AliEn - ALICE environment on the GRID},
- booktitle = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section
- A: Vol. 502(2-3), pp. 437-440},
- year = {2003}
+@Article{ longuet1957statistical,
+ title = {The statistical analysis of a random, moving surface},
+ author = {Longuet-Higgins, Michael S},
+ journal = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A:
+ Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences},
+ volume = {249},
+ number = {966},
+ pages = {321--387},
+ year = {1957},
+ publisher = {The Royal Society}
-@InProceedings{ anastopoulos2015assessing,
- author = {Anastopoulos, Panayiotis A. and Spyrou, Kostas J.},
- year = {2015},
- title = {Assessing the Stability of Ships under the Effect of
- Realistic wave groups},
- booktitle = {International Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean
- Vehicles (STAB)},
- pages = {489--498},
- address = {Glasgow, UK}
+@Article{ wallace1958asymptotic,
+ title = {Asymptotic approximations to distributions},
+ author = {Wallace, David L},
+ journal = {The Annals of Mathematical Statistics},
+ volume = {29},
+ number = {3},
+ pages = {635--654},
+ year = {1958},
+ publisher = {JSTOR}
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- title = {CouchDB: The definitive guide},
- author = {Anderson, J Chris and Lehnardt, Jan and Slater, Noah},
- year = {2010},
- publisher = {O'Reilly Media, Inc.}
+@Article{ longuet1963nonlinear,
+ title = {The effect of non-linearities on statistical distributions in
+ the theory of sea waves},
+ author = {Longuet-Higgins, Michael S},
+ journal = {Journal of fluid mechanics},
+ volume = {17},
+ number = {03},
+ pages = {459--480},
+ year = {1963},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press}
-@Book{ andrianov2007,
- title = {Parallel and distributed computations (in Russian)},
- author = {Andrianov, S. and Degtyarev, A.},
- isbn = {9785983400733},
- year = {2007},
- publisher = {Saint Petersburg State University}
+@Book{ kochin1966theoretical,
+ title = {Theoretical hydrodynamics [in Russian]},
+ author = {Kochin, N. and Kibel, I. and Roze, N.},
+ pages = {237},
+ year = {1966},
+ publisher = {FizMatLit}
-@Misc{ apples,
- author = {F. Berman and R. Wolski and H. Casanova and W. Cirne and H.
- Dail and M. Faerman and S. Figueira and J. Hayes and G.
- Obertelli and J. Schopf and G. Shao and S. Smallen and N.
- Spring and A. Su and D. Zagorodnov},
- note = { Adaptive Computing on the Grid Using AppLeS, \emph{IEEE
- Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 14(4)
- pp. 369-382}, 2003}
+@InProceedings{ hewitt1973universal,
+ title = {A universal modular actor formalism for artificial
+ intelligence},
+ author = {Hewitt, Carl and Bishop, Peter and Steiger, Richard},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd international joint conference on
+ Artificial intelligence},
+ pages = {235--245},
+ year = {1973},
+ organization = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.}
-@PhDThesis{ armstrong2003thesis,
- title = {Making reliable distributed systems in the presence of
- software errors},
- author = {Armstrong, Joe},
- year = {2003},
- school = {The Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden}
+@Book{ box1976time,
+ title = {Time series analysis: forecasting and control, revised ed},
+ author = {Box, George EP and Jenkins, Gwilym M},
+ year = {1976},
+ publisher = {Holden-Day}
-@InProceedings{ autoreg2011csit,
- author = {A. Degtyarev and I. Gankevich},
- title = {Wave Surface Generation Using {OpenCL}, {OpenMP} and {MPI}},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of 8\textsuperscript{th} International Conference
- ``Computer Science \& Information Technologies''},
- year = 2011,
- pages = {248--251}
-@Article{ bala2012fault,
- title = {Fault tolerance-challenges, techniques and implementation in
- cloud computing},
- author = {Bala, Anju and Chana, Inderveer},
- journal = {IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues},
- volume = {9},
- number = {1},
- pages = {1694--0814},
- year = {2012}
+@Article{ huang1980experimental,
+ title = {An experimental study of the surface elevation probability
+ distribution and statistics of wind-generated waves},
+ author = {Huang, Norden E. and Long, Steven R.},
+ journal = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics},
+ volume = {101},
+ number = {01},
+ pages = {179--200},
+ year = {1980},
+ publisher = {Cambridge Univ Press}
-@Article{ beck2001modern,
- title = {Modern computational methods for ships in a seaway},
- author = {Beck, Robert F and Reed, Arthur M},
- journal = {Transactions of Society of Naval Architects and Marine
- Engineers},
- volume = {109},
- pages = {1--48},
- year = {2001},
- publisher = {Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers}
+@TechReport{ schmitke1981shipmo,
+ author = {Schmitke, RT and Whitten, BT},
+ year = {1981}
-@InCollection{ belenky2011self,
- title = {On Self-Repeating Effect in Reconstruction of Irregular
- Waves},
- author = {Belenky, Vadim},
- booktitle = {Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability and Capsizing in Waves},
- pages = {589--597},
- year = {2011},
- publisher = {Springer}
+@Book{ spanos1982arma,
+ title = {ARMA Algorithms for Ocean Spectral Analysis},
+ author = {Spanos, Pol D},
+ year = {1982},
+ publisher = {University of Texas at Austin. Engineering Mechanics Research
+ Laboratory}
-@InCollection{ bhandarkar2001adaptive,
- title = {Adaptive load balancing for MPI programs},
- author = {Bhandarkar, Milind and Kal{\'e}, Laxmikant V and de Sturler,
- Eric and Hoeflinger, Jay},
- booktitle = {Computational Science-ICCS 2001},
- pages = {108--117},
- year = {2001},
- publisher = {Springer}
+@Article{ van1982album,
+ title = {An album of fluid motion},
+ author = {Van Dyke, Milton},
+ year = {1982},
+ publisher = {Parabolic Press Stanford}
@Article{ boccotti1983wind,
@@ -145,192 +115,162 @@
publisher = {Springer}
-@Article{ bogdanov2015hybrid,
- title = {Running applications on a hybrid cluster},
- author = {Bogdanov, A. and Gankevich, I. and Gayduchok V. and Yuzhanin,
- N.},
- journal = {Computer Research and Modeling},
- publisher = {Institute of Computer Science},
- volume = {7},
+@Article{ spanos1983arma,
+ title = {ARMA algorithms for ocean wave modeling},
+ author = {Spanos, PT D},
+ journal = {Journal of Energy Resources Technology},
+ volume = {105},
number = {3},
- pages = {475--483},
- year = {2015},
- keywords = {GPGPU, HPC, computational clusters, OpenFOAM, LINPACK,
- ViennaCL, CUDA, OpenCL},
- language = {english}
+ pages = {300--309},
+ year = {1983},
+ publisher = {American Society of Mechanical Engineers}
-@InCollection{ bogdanov2015sched,
- year = {2015},
- isbn = {978-3-319-21409-2},
- booktitle = {Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2015},
- volume = {9158},
- series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
- editor = {Gervasi, Osvaldo and Murgante, Beniamino and Misra, Sanjay
- and Gavrilova, Marina L. and Rocha, Ana Maria Alves Coutinho
- and Torre, Carmelo and Taniar, David and Apduhan, Bernady O.},
- doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-21410-8_23},
- title = {Profiling Scheduler for Efficient Resource Utilization},
- publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
- keywords = {Computational cluster; Scheduler; HPC; Profiling; Resource
- sharing; Load balancing; Networking},
- author = {Bogdanov, Alexander and Gaiduchok, Vladimir and Ahmed, Nabil
- and Cubahiro, Amissi and Gankevich, Ivan},
- pages = {299--310},
- language = {english}
-@InBook{ bogdanov2015vsc,
- title = {Virtual Supercomputer as basis of Scientific Computing},
- author = {Alexander Bogdanov and Alexander Degtyarev and Vladimir
- Korkhov and Vladimir Gaiduchok and Ivan Gankevich},
- editor = {Thomas S. Clary},
- year = {2015},
- chapter = {5},
- volume = {11},
- pages = {159--198},
- publisher = {Nova Science Publishers},
- booktitle = {Horizons in Computer Science Research},
- isbn = {978-1-63482-499-6},
- language = {english}
+@TechReport{ agha1985actors,
+ title = {Actors: A model of concurrent computation in distributed
+ systems.},
+ author = {Agha, Gul A},
+ year = {1985},
+ institution = {DTIC Document}
-@PhDThesis{ boukhanovsky1997thesis,
- author = {Бухановский, А.В.},
- title = {Вероятностное моделирование
- полей ветрового волнения с учетом
- их неоднородности и
- нестационарности},
- year = {1997},
- school = {СПбГУ}
+@Article{ fischer1985impossibility,
+ title = {Impossibility of distributed consensus with one faulty
+ process},
+ author = {Fischer, Michael J and Lynch, Nancy A and Paterson, Michael
+ S},
+ journal = {Journal of the ACM (JACM)},
+ volume = {32},
+ number = {2},
+ pages = {374--382},
+ year = {1985},
+ publisher = {ACM}
-@InCollection{ boukhanovsky2001peculiarities,
- title = {Peculiarities of Computer Simulation and Statistical
- Representation of Time—Spatial Metocean Fields},
- author = {Boukhanovsky, Alexander and Rozhkov, V and Degtyarev, A},
- booktitle = {Computational Science—ICCS 2001},
- pages = {463--472},
- year = {2001},
- publisher = {Springer}
+@Book{ oppenheim1989discrete,
+ title = {Discrete-time signal processing},
+ author = {Oppenheim, Alan V and Schafer, Ronald W and Buck, John R and
+ others},
+ volume = {2},
+ year = {1989},
+ publisher = {Prentice hall Englewood Cliffs, NJ}
-@Book{ box1976time,
- title = {Time series analysis: forecasting and control, revised ed},
- author = {Box, George EP and Jenkins, Gwilym M},
- year = {1976},
- publisher = {Holden-Day}
+@Book{ rozhkov1990stochastic,
+ title = {Вероятностные модели
+ океанологических процессов},
+ author = {Рожков, Валентин Алексеевич and
+ Трапезников, Юрий Александрович},
+ year = {1990},
+ publisher = {Гидрометеоиздат}
-@TechReport{ boyer2012glusterfs,
- title = {Glusterfs one storage server to rule them all},
- author = {Boyer, Eric B and Broomfield, Matthew C and Perrotti, Terrell
- A},
- year = {2012},
- institution = {Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)}
+@Article{ valiant1990bridging,
+ title = {A bridging model for parallel computation},
+ author = {Valiant, Leslie G.},
+ journal = {Communications of the ACM},
+ volume = {33},
+ number = {8},
+ pages = {103--111},
+ year = {1990},
+ publisher = {ACM}
-@Article{ brunekreef1996design,
- title = {Design and analysis of dynamic leader election protocols in
- broadcast networks},
- author = {Brunekreef, Jacob and Katoen, Joost-Pieter and Koymans, Ron
- and Mauw, Sjouke},
- journal = {Distributed Computing},
- volume = {9},
- number = {4},
- pages = {157--171},
- year = {1996},
- publisher = {Springer}
+@Article{ mignolet1992simulation1,
+ title = {Simulation of homogeneous two-dimensional random fields: Part
+ I --- AR and ARMA models},
+ author = {Mignolet, Marc P. and Spanos, Pol D.},
+ journal = {Journal of applied mechanics},
+ volume = {59},
+ number = {2S},
+ pages = {S260--S269},
+ year = {1992},
+ publisher = {American Society of Mechanical Engineers}
-@Article{ byoungseon1999arma3d,
- author = {ByoungSeon Choi},
- journal = {IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing},
- title = {An order-recursive algorithm to solve the 3-D Yule-Walker
- equations of causal 3-D AR models},
- year = {1999},
- volume = {47},
- number = {9},
- pages = {2491--2502},
- doi = {10.1109/78.782192},
- issn = {1053-587X},
- month = {Sep}
+@Article{ spanos1992simulation2,
+ title = {Simulation of homogeneous two-dimensional random fields: Part
+ II --- MA and ARMA Models},
+ author = {Spanos, Pol D. and Mignolet, Marc P.},
+ journal = {Journal of applied mechanics},
+ volume = {59},
+ number = {2S},
+ pages = {S270--S277},
+ year = {1992},
+ publisher = {American Society of Mechanical Engineers}
-@Article{ cassen2002keepalived,
- title = {Keepalived: Health checking for LVS \& high availability},
- author = {Cassen, Alexandre},
- journal = {URL},
- year = {2002}
+@Article{ fekete1993impossibility,
+ title = {The impossibility of implementing reliable communication in
+ the face of crashes},
+ author = {Fekete, Alan and Lynch, Nancy and Mansour, Yishay and
+ Spinelli, John},
+ journal = {Journal of the ACM (JACM)},
+ volume = {40},
+ number = {5},
+ pages = {1087--1107},
+ year = {1993},
+ publisher = {ACM}
-@Misc{ clfft,
- author = {{clFFT developers}},
- title = {{clFFT: OpenCL Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs)}},
- howpublished = {\url{}}
+@Article{ brunekreef1996design,
+ title = {Design and analysis of dynamic leader election protocols in
+ broadcast networks},
+ author = {Brunekreef, Jacob and Katoen, Joost-Pieter and Koymans, Ron
+ and Mauw, Sjouke},
+ journal = {Distributed Computing},
+ volume = {9},
+ number = {4},
+ pages = {157--171},
+ year = {1996},
+ publisher = {Springer}
-@InProceedings{ condor,
- author = {M. Litzkow and M. Livny and M.W. Mutka},
- title = {Condor: a hunter of idle workstations},
- booktitle = {8th IEEE conference on distributed computing systems, IEEE,
- New York, 1998, pp. 104ᅵ111.},
- year = {1998}
+@Article{ kilgard1996opengl,
+ title = {The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) Programming Interface},
+ author = {Kilgard, Mark J.},
+ year = {1996},
+ publisher = {Citeseer}
-@Misc{ condor2,
- author = {J. Frey and T. Tannenbaum and M. Livny and I. Foster and S.
- Tuecke},
- note = {Condor-G: A Computation Management Agent for
- Multi-Institutional Grids, \emph{Cluster Computing Journal, V.
- 5, N 3, pp. 237-246}, 2002}
+@Article{ rozhkov1996theory,
+ title = {Теория вероятностей случайных
+ событий, величин и функций с
+ гидрометеорологическими
+ примерами},
+ author = {Рожков, В. А.},
+ journal = {СПб, Прогресс--Погода},
+ year = {1996}
-@Article{ dean2008mapreduce,
- title = {{MapReduce}: Simplified data processing on large clusters},
- author = {Dean, Jeffrey and Ghemawat, Sanjay},
- journal = {Communications of the ACM},
- volume = {51},
- number = {1},
- pages = {107--113},
- year = {2008},
- publisher = {ACM}
+@Article{ spanos1996efficient,
+ title = {Efficient iterative ARMA approximation of multivariate random
+ processes for structural dynamics applications},
+ author = {Spanos, Pol D. and Zeldin, B. A.},
+ journal = {Earthquake engineering \& structural dynamics},
+ volume = {25},
+ number = {5},
+ pages = {497--507},
+ year = {1996},
+ publisher = {Wiley Online Library}
-@InCollection{ deg2003,
- title = {High Performance Computer Technologies in Shipbuilding},
- booktitle = {OPTIMISTIC --- optimization in marine design, Mensch \& Buch
- Verlag, Berlin},
- author = {Degtyarev, A.},
- editor = {Birk, L. and Harries, S.},
- year = {2003}
-@Article{ degtiarev2013vychi,
- author = {Дегтярев, А. Б. and Ганкевич, И. Г.},
- journal = {Труды {XLV} НТК ``Проблемы
- мореходных качеств судов,
- корабельной гидромеханики и
- освоения шельфа'' (Крыловские
- чтения)},
- language = {russian},
- pages = {25--29},
- title = {Вычисление гидродинамических
- давлений под реальной морской
- поверхностью на основе
- авторегрессионной модели
- нерегулярного волнения},
- year = {2013}
-@InProceedings{ degtyarev1995estimation,
- title = {On the Estimation of the Ship Motion Stability in Real Sea},
- author = {Degtyarev, Alexander B and Boukhanovsky, Alexander V},
- booktitle = {Proc. of International Symposium “Ship Safety in a Seaway:
- Stability, Manoeuvrability, Nonlinear Approach”,
- Kaliningrad},
- volume = {2},
- year = {1995}
+@PhDThesis{ zeldin1996representation,
+ title = {Representation and synthesis of random fields: ARMA,
+ Galerkin, and wavelet procedures},
+ author = {Zeldin, Boris A.},
+ year = {1996},
+ school = {Rice University}
+@PhDThesis{ boukhanovsky1997thesis,
+ author = {Бухановский, А. В.},
+ title = {Вероятностное моделирование
+ полей ветрового волнения с учетом
+ их неоднородности и
+ нестационарности},
+ year = {1997},
+ school = {СПбГУ}
@TechReport{ degtyarev1997analysis,
@@ -343,8 +283,18 @@
institution = {Strathclyde University}
+@InProceedings{ veldhuizen1997will,
+ title = {Will C++ be faster than Fortran?},
+ author = {Veldhuizen, Todd L. and Jernigan, M. Ed.},
+ booktitle = {International Conference on Computing in Object-Oriented
+ Parallel Environments},
+ pages = {49--56},
+ year = {1997},
+ organization = {Springer}
@InProceedings{ degtyarev1998modelling,
- author = {Дегтярев, А.Б. and Подолякин, А.Б.},
+ author = {Дегтярев, А. Б. and Подолякин, А. Б.},
title = {Имитационное моделирование
поведения судна на реальном
@@ -356,392 +306,266 @@
year = {1998}
-@InProceedings{ degtyarev2011modelling,
- title = {Modelling of incident waves near the ship’s hull
- (application of autoregressive approach in problems of
- simulation of rough seas)},
- author = {Degtyarev, AB and Reed, AM},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th International Ship Stability
- Work-shop},
- year = {2011}
+@Article{ matsumoto1998dynamic,
+ title = {Dynamic creation of pseudorandom number generators},
+ author = {Matsumoto, Makoto and Nishimura, Takuji},
+ journal = {Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods},
+ volume = {2000},
+ pages = {56--69},
+ year = {1998}
-@Article{ degtyarev2013synoptic,
- title = {Synoptic and short-term modeling of ocean waves},
- author = {Degtyarev, Alexander B and Reed, Arthur M},
- journal = {International Shipbuilding Progress},
- volume = {60},
- number = {1-4},
- pages = {523--553},
- year = {2013},
- publisher = {IOS Press}
+@Article{ matsumoto1998mersenne,
+ title = {Mersenne twister: a 623-dimensionally equidistributed uniform
+ pseudo-random number generator},
+ author = {Matsumoto, Makoto and Nishimura, Takuji},
+ journal = {ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
+ (TOMACS)},
+ volume = {8},
+ number = {1},
+ pages = {3--30},
+ year = {1998},
+ publisher = {ACM}
-@InProceedings{ degtyarev2014calc,
- author = {Degtyarev, A. and Gankevich, I.},
- booktitle = {14\textsuperscript{th} International Ship Stability Workshop},
- language = {english},
- pages = {135--139},
- title = {Calculation Scheme for Wave Pressures with Autoregression
- Method},
- year = {2014}
+@TechReport{ rfc2338,
+ author = {S. Knight and D. Weaver and D. Whipple and R. Hinden and D.
+ Mitzel and P. Hunt and P. Higginson and M. Shand and A.
+ Lindem},
+ title = {{Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol}},
+ howpublished = {Internet Requests for Comments},
+ type = {RFC},
+ number = 2338,
+ pages = {1--26},
+ year = {1998},
+ month = {April},
+ issn = {2070-1721},
+ publisher = {RFC Editor},
+ institution = {RFC Editor},
+ url = {},
+ doi = {10.17487/RFC2338}
-@Article{ degtyarev2015hydr,
- author = {Degtyarev, A. and Gankevich, I.},
- journal = {Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters},
- publisher = {Pleiades Publishing},
- language = {english},
- number = {3},
- pages = {389--391},
- title = {Hydrodynamic Pressure Computation under Real Sea Surface on
- Basis of Autoregressive Model of Irregular Waves},
- volume = {12},
- year = {2015},
- doi = {10.1134/S1547477115030073}
+@Article{ byoungseon1999arma3d,
+ author = {ByoungSeon Choi},
+ journal = {IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing},
+ title = {An order-recursive algorithm to solve the 3-D Yule-Walker
+ equations of causal 3-D AR models},
+ year = {1999},
+ volume = {47},
+ number = {9},
+ pages = {2491--2502},
+ doi = {10.1109/78.782192},
+ issn = {1053-587X},
+ month = {Sep}
-@InBook{ degtyarev2016balance,
- author = {Degtyarev, Alexander and Gankevich, Ivan},
- editor = {Gavrilova, L. Marina and Tan, Kenneth C. J.},
- title = {Balancing Load on a Multiprocessor System with Event-Driven
- Approach},
- booktitle = {Transactions on Computational Science XXVII},
- year = {2016},
- publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
- address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
- pages = {35--52},
- isbn = {978-3-662-50412-3},
- doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-50412-3_3},
- url = {},
- language = {english}
+@InProceedings{ zotkin1999job,
+ title = {Job-length estimation and performance in backfilling
+ schedulers},
+ author = {Zotkin, Dinitry and Keleher, Peter J.},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of
+ the 8\textsuperscript{th} International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing},
+ pages = {236--243},
+ year = {1999},
+ organization = {IEEE}
-@Misc{ diane,
- author = {J.T. Moscicki},
- note = { Distributed analysis environment for HEP and
- interdisciplinary applications. \emph{Nuclear Instruments and
- Methods in Physics Research A. V. 502 pp. 426-429}, 2003}
+@Article{ gansner00anopen,
+ author = {Emden R. Gansner and Stephen C. North},
+ title = {An open graph visualization system and its applications to
+ software engineering},
+ year = {2000},
+ volume = {30},
+ number = {11},
+ pages = {1203--1233},
+ url = {}
-@Misc{ dianeurl,
- note = {DIstributed ANalysis Environment,}
+@Book{ tel2000introduction,
+ title = {Introduction to distributed algorithms},
+ author = {Tel, Gerard},
+ year = {2000},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University press}
-@InProceedings{ dirac,
- author = {A. Tsaregorodtsev and V. Garonne and I. Stokes-Rees},
- title = { DIRAC: A Scalable lightweight Architecture for High
- Throughput Computing},
- booktitle = {In Procs 5th IEEE/ACM Int. Workshop on Grid Computing
- (GRID'04)},
- year = {2004}
+@Article{ veldhuizen2000techniques,
+ title = {Techniques for scientific C++},
+ author = {Veldhuizen, Todd},
+ journal = {Computer science technical report},
+ volume = {542},
+ pages = {60},
+ year = {2000},
+ publisher = {Citeseer}
-@Article{ divya2013elasticsearch,
- title = {ElasticSearch: An advanced and quick search technique to
- handle voluminous data},
- author = {Divya, Manda Sai and Goyal, Shiv Kumar},
- journal = {Compusoft},
- volume = {2},
- number = {6},
- pages = {171},
- year = {2013},
- publisher = {COMPUSOFT, An International Journal of Advanced Computer
- Technology}
+@InCollection{ aguilera2001stable,
+ title = {Stable leader election},
+ author = {Aguilera, Marcos K and Delporte-Gallet, Carole and
+ Fauconnier, Hugues and Toueg, Sam},
+ booktitle = {Distributed Computing},
+ pages = {108--122},
+ year = {2001},
+ publisher = {Springer}
-@Book{ dominik2010org,
- author = {Carsten Dominik},
- title = {The Org-Mode 7 Reference Manual: Organize Your Life with GNU
- Emacs},
- publisher = {Network Theory},
- year = 2010,
- address = {UK},
- note = {with contributions by David O'Toole, Bastien Guerry, Philip
- Rooke, Dan Davison, Eric Schulte, and Thomas Dye}
+@Article{ beck2001modern,
+ title = {Modern computational methods for ships in a seaway},
+ author = {Beck, Robert F. and Reed, Arthur M.},
+ journal = {Transactions of Society of Naval Architects and Marine
+ Engineers},
+ volume = {109},
+ pages = {1--48},
+ year = {2001},
+ publisher = {Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers}
-@InProceedings{ durairajan2015intertubes,
- title = {InterTubes: A Study of the US Long-haul Fiber-optic
- Infrastructure},
- author = {Durairajan, Ramakrishnan and Barford, Paul and Sommers, Joel
- and Willinger, Walter},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Special Interest
- Group on Data Communication},
- pages = {565--578},
- year = {2015},
- organization = {ACM}
+@InCollection{ bhandarkar2001adaptive,
+ title = {Adaptive load balancing for MPI programs},
+ author = {Bhandarkar, Milind and Kal{\'e}, Laxmikant V. and de Sturler,
+ Eric and Hoeflinger, Jay},
+ booktitle = {International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS'01)},
+ pages = {108--117},
+ year = {2001},
+ publisher = {Springer}
-@InProceedings{ durumeric2013zmap,
- title = {ZMap: Fast Internet-wide Scanning and Its Security
- Applications.},
- author = {Durumeric, Zakir and Wustrow, Eric and Halderman, J Alex},
- booktitle = {Usenix Security},
- volume = {2013},
- year = {2013}
+@InCollection{ boukhanovsky2001peculiarities,
+ title = {Peculiarities of Computer Simulation and Statistical
+ Representation of Time-Spatial Metocean Fields},
+ author = {Boukhanovsky, A. and Rozhkov, V. and Degtyarev, A.},
+ booktitle = {International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS'01)},
+ pages = {463--472},
+ year = {2001},
+ publisher = {Springer}
-@Misc{ egee,
- author = {F. Gagliardi and B. Jones and F. Grey and M.E. Begin and M.
- Heikkurinen},
- note = { Building an infrastructure for scientific Grid computing:
- status and goals of the EGEE project, \emph{Philosophical
- Transactions of the Royal Society A. V. 363, Issue 1833, pp.
- 1729 - 1742}, 2005}
+@InProceedings{ kat2001prediction,
+ title = {Prediction of extreme motions and capsizing of ships and
+ offshore marine vehicles},
+ author = {de Kat, Jan O. and Paulling, J. Randolph},
+ booktitle = {20\textsuperscript{th} Conference on Offshore Mechanics and
+ Arctic Engineering (OMAE'01)},
+ year = {2001}
-@Article{ egwutuoha2013survey,
- title = {A survey of fault tolerance mechanisms and checkpoint/restart
- implementations for high performance computing systems},
- author = {Egwutuoha, Ifeanyi P and Levy, David and Selic, Bran and
- Chen, Shiping},
- journal = {The Journal of Supercomputing},
- volume = {65},
- number = {3},
- pages = {1302--1326},
- year = {2013},
- publisher = {Springer}
+@Article{ cassen2002keepalived,
+ title = {Keepalived: Health checking for LVS \& high availability},
+ author = {Cassen, Alexandre},
+ journal = {URL},
+ year = {2002}
-@Article{ engelmann2006symmetric,
- title = {Symmetric active/active high availability for
- high-performance computing system services},
- author = {Engelmann, Christian and Scott, Stephen L and Leangsuksun,
- Chokchai Box and He, Xubin Ben and others},
- journal = {Journal of Computers},
- volume = {1},
- number = {8},
- pages = {43--54},
- year = {2006}
-@InProceedings{ equake,
- author = {D. Weissenbach and E. Clevede},
- title = {Faster earthquake source mechanism determination with EGEE},
- booktitle = {1st EGEE Conference, Geneva},
- year = {2006}
-@InProceedings{ fabri2009cgal,
- title = {CGAL: The computational geometry algorithms library},
- author = {Fabri, Andreas and Pion, Sylvain},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL international
- conference on advances in geographic information systems},
- pages = {538--539},
- year = {2009},
- organization = {ACM}
-@InProceedings{ faucets,
- author = {L.V. Kale and S. Kumar and J. DeSouza and M. Potnuru and S.
- Bandhakavi},
- title = {Faucets: Efficient Resource Allocation in the Computational
- Grid},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Parallel
- Processing},
- year = {2004}
+@InProceedings{ van2002development,
+ title = {Development, validation and application of a time domain
+ seakeeping method for high speed craft with a ride control
+ system},
+ author = {van Walree, F.},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24\textsuperscript{th} Symposium on Naval
+ Hydrodynamics},
+ year = {2002}
-@Article{ fekete1993impossibility,
- title = {The impossibility of implementing reliable communication in
- the face of crashes},
- author = {Fekete, Alan and Lynch, Nancy and Mansour, Yishay and
- Spinelli, John},
- journal = {Journal of the ACM (JACM)},
- volume = {40},
- number = {5},
- pages = {1087--1107},
- year = {1993},
- publisher = {ACM}
+@PhDThesis{ armstrong2003thesis,
+ title = {Making reliable distributed systems in the presence of
+ software errors},
+ author = {Armstrong, Joe},
+ year = {2003},
+ school = {The Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden}
-@Article{ fischer1985impossibility,
- title = {Impossibility of distributed consensus with one faulty
- process},
- author = {Fischer, Michael J and Lynch, Nancy A and Paterson, Michael
- S},
- journal = {Journal of the ACM (JACM)},
- volume = {32},
- number = {2},
- pages = {374--382},
- year = {1985},
- publisher = {ACM}
+@Article{ shin2003nonlinear,
+ title = {Nonlinear time domain simulation technology for seakeeping
+ and wave-load analysis for modern ship design. Authors'
+ closure},
+ author = {Shin, Y. S. and Belenky, V. L. and Lin, W. M. and Weems, K.
+ M. and Engle, A. H. and Mc Taggart, Kevin and Falzarano,
+ Jeffrey M. and Hutchison, Bruce L. and Gerigk, Miroslaw and
+ Grochowalski, Stefan},
+ journal = {Transactions of Society of Naval Architects and Marine
+ Engineers},
+ volume = {111},
+ pages = {557--583},
+ year = {2003},
+ publisher = {Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers}
-@Article{ fusco2010short,
- title = {Short-term wave forecasting for real-time control of wave
- energy converters},
- author = {Fusco, Francesco and Ringwood, John V},
- journal = {IEEE Transactions on sustainable energy},
- volume = {1},
- number = {2},
- pages = {99--106},
- year = {2010},
- publisher = {IEEE}
+@TechReport{ rfc3768,
+ author = {Robert Hinden},
+ title = {{Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)}},
+ howpublished = {Internet Requests for Comments},
+ type = {RFC},
+ number = 3768,
+ pages = {1--27},
+ year = {2004},
+ month = {April},
+ issn = {2070-1721},
+ publisher = {RFC Editor},
+ institution = {RFC Editor},
+ url = {},
+ doi = {10.17487/RFC3768}
-@Book{ galassi2015gnu,
- author = {Galassi, M and Davies, J and Theiler, J and Gough, B and
- Jungman, G and Alken, P and Booth, M and Rossi, F and Ulerich,
- R},
- title = {GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual},
- year = {2009},
- isbn = {0954612078, 9780954612078},
- edition = {3},
- publisher = {Network Theory Ltd.},
- note = {Eds. Brian Gough}
-@Misc{ ganga,
- author = {J.T. Moscicki },
- note = { Ganga - a computational task management tool for easy access
- to Grid. \emph{Computer Physics Communications, Volume 180,
- Issue 11, Pages 2303–2316, 2009}, }
-@Article{ gankevich2010srav,
- author = {Ганкевич, И. Г. and Дегтярев, А. Б. and
- {Соэ Моэ Лвин}},
- journal = {Морские интеллектуальные
- технологии},
- language = {russian},
- pages = {10--13},
- title = {Сравнение эффективности
- применения {MPI} и {OpenCL} для
- генерации волновой поверхности },
- volume = {4},
- year = {2010}
+@InProceedings{ liew2005arma3d,
+ author = {J. Liew and S. L. Marple},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings. (ICASSP '05). IEEE International Conference on
+ Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005.},
+ title = {Three-dimensional fast algorithm solution for octant-based
+ three-dimensional Yule-Walker equations},
+ year = {2005},
+ volume = {2},
+ pages = {889--892},
+ doi = {10.1109/ICASSP.2005.1415548},
+ issn = {1520-6149},
+ month = {March}
-@InProceedings{ gankevich2013mode,
- address = {Yerevan, Armenia},
- author = {Gankevich, Ivan and Degtyarev, Alexander},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of {IX} International Conference on Computer
- Science and Information Tecnologies ({CSIT}'13)},
- language = {english},
- pages = {240--244},
- title = {Model of distributed computations in virtual testbed},
- year = {2013}
-@InProceedings{ gankevich2013virt,
- author = {Gankevich, I. and Gaiduchok, V. and Gushchanskiy, D. and
- Tipikin, Yu. and Korkhov, V. and Degtyarev, A. and Bogdanov,
- A. and Zolotarev, V.},
- booktitle = {{IEEE} conference publication},
- language = {english},
- pages = {1--6},
- title = {Virtual private supercomputer: Design and evaluation},
- volume = {6710358},
- year = {2013}
-@Article{ gankevich2014cons,
- author = {Gankevich, Ivan and Korkhov, Vladimir and Balyan, Serob and
- Gaiduchok, Vladimir and Gushchanskiy, Dmitry and Tipikin, Yuri
- and Degtyarev, Alexander and Bogdanov, Alexander},
- journal = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
- language = {english},
- pages = {341--354},
- title = {Constructing Virtual Private Supercomputer Using
- Virtualization and Cloud Technologies},
- volume = {8584},
- year = {2014}
-@Article{ gankevich2014meto,
- author = {Ганкевич, И. Г. and Дегтярев, А. Б.},
- journal = {Процессы управления и
- устойчивость},
- language = {russian},
- number = {17},
- pages = {295--300},
- title = {Методы распределения нагрузки на
- многопроцессорную систему },
+@Article{ engelmann2006symmetric,
+ title = {Symmetric active/active high availability for
+ high-performance computing system services},
+ author = {Engelmann, Christian and Scott, Stephen L. and Leangsuksun,
+ Chokchai Box and He, Xubin Ben},
+ journal = {Journal of Computers},
volume = {1},
- year = {2014}
+ number = {8},
+ pages = {43--54},
+ year = {2006}
-@InCollection{ gankevich2015novel,
- year = {2015},
- isbn = {978-3-319-21409-2},
- booktitle = {Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2015},
- volume = {9158},
- series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
- editor = {Gervasi, Osvaldo and Murgante, Beniamino and Misra, Sanjay
- and Gavrilova, Marina L. and Rocha, Ana Maria Alves Coutinho
- and Torre, Carmelo and Taniar, David and Apduhan, Bernady O.},
- title = {Novel Approaches for Distributing Workload on Commodity
- Computer Systems},
- publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
- keywords = {Long-lived transactions; Distributed pipeline; Node
- discovery; Software engineering; Distributed computing;
- Cluster computing},
- author = {Gankevich, Ivan and Tipikin, Yuri and Degtyarev, Alexander
- and Korkhov, Vladimir},
- pages = {259--271},
- language = {english}
-@Article{ gankevich2015spec,
- title = {Efficient processing and classification of wave energy
- spectrum data with a distributed pipeline},
- author = {Ivan Gankevich and Alexander Degtyarev},
- journal = {Computer Research and Modeling},
- publisher = {Institute of Computer Science},
- volume = {7},
- number = {3},
- pages = {517--520},
- year = {2015},
- keywords = {distributed system, big data, data processing, parallel
- computing},
- language = {english}
+@InProceedings{ uhlemann2006joshua,
+ author = {K. Uhlemann and C. Engelmann and S. L. Scott},
+ booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing},
+ title = {JOSHUA: Symmetric Active/Active Replication for Highly
+ Available HPC Job and Resource Management},
+ year = {2006},
+ pages = {1--10},
+ doi = {10.1109/CLUSTR.2006.311855},
+ issn = {1552-5244},
+ month = {September}
-@InProceedings{ gankevich2015subord,
- author = {Gankevich, Ivan and Tipikin, Yuri and Gaiduchok, Vladimir},
- booktitle = {International Conference on High Performance Computing
- Simulation (HPCS)},
- title = {Subordination: Cluster management without distributed
- consensus},
- year = {2015},
- pages = {639--642},
- keywords = {Clustering algorithms;Computers;Heuristic algorithms;IP
- networks;Network topology;Nominations and
- elections;Topology;cluster accounting;cluster
- management;cluster monitoring;job scheduling;leader election},
- doi = {10.1109/HPCSim.2015.7237106},
- note = {Outstanding poster paper award.},
- language = {english}
-@Article{ gankevich2015virtcluster,
- title = {Applications of on-demand virtual clusters to high
- performance computing},
- author = {Gankevich, I. and Balyan, S. and Abrahamyan, S. and Korkhov,
- V.},
- journal = {Computer Research and Modeling},
- publisher = {Institute of Computer Science},
- volume = {7},
- number = {3},
- pages = {511--516},
- year = {2015},
- keywords = {virtual machine, lightweight virtualisation, application
- containers},
- language = {english}
+@Article{ van2007forensic,
+ title = {Forensic research into the loss of ships by means of a time
+ domain simulation tool},
+ author = {van Walree, F. and de Kat, J. O. and Ractliffe, A. T.},
+ journal = {International shipbuilding progress},
+ volume = {54},
+ number = {4},
+ pages = {381--407},
+ year = {2007},
+ publisher = {IOS Press}
-@Article{ gansner00anopen,
- author = {Emden R. Gansner and Stephen C. North},
- title = {An open graph visualization system and its applications to
- software engineering},
- year = {2000},
- volume = {30},
- number = {11},
- pages = {1203--1233},
- url = {}
+@Article{ dean2008mapreduce,
+ title = {{MapReduce}: Simplified data processing on large clusters},
+ author = {Dean, Jeffrey and Ghemawat, Sanjay},
+ journal = {Communications of the ACM},
+ volume = {51},
+ number = {1},
+ pages = {107--113},
+ year = {2008},
+ publisher = {ACM}
@Article{ goto2008anatomy,
@@ -766,428 +590,44 @@
publisher = {ACM}
-@Misc{ gptm3d,
- author = {C. Germain-Renaud and R. Texier and A. Osorio},
- note = {Interactive Reconstruction and Measurement on the Grid.
- \emph{Methods of Information in Medicine, Vol. 44(2) pp.
- 227-232}, 2005}
@Misc{ gsl2008scientific,
title = {Scientific Library},
author = {GSL, GNU},
year = {2008}
-@InProceedings{ handigol2012reproducible,
- title = {Reproducible network experiments using container-based
- emulation},
- author = {Handigol, Nikhil and Heller, Brandon and Jeyakumar,
- Vimalkumar and Lantz, Bob and McKeown, Nick},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8\textsuperscript{th} international
- conference on Emerging networking experiments and
- technologies},
- pages = {253--264},
- year = {2012},
- organization = {ACM}
-@PhDThesis{ heller2013reproducible,
- title = {Reproducible Network Research with High-fidelity Emulation},
- author = {Heller, Brandon},
- year = {2013},
- school = {Stanford University}
-@InProceedings{ hewitt1973universal,
- title = {A universal modular actor formalism for artificial
- intelligence},
- author = {Hewitt, Carl and Bishop, Peter and Steiger, Richard},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd international joint conference on
- Artificial intelligence},
- pages = {235--245},
- year = {1973},
- organization = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.}
-@Article{ huang1980experimental,
- title = {An experimental study of the surface elevation probability
- distribution and statistics of wind-generated waves},
- author = {Huang, Norden E and Long, Steven R},
- journal = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics},
- volume = {101},
- number = {01},
- pages = {179--200},
- year = {1980},
- publisher = {Cambridge Univ Press}
-@InProceedings{ hunt2010zookeeper,
- title = {ZooKeeper: Wait-free Coordination for Internet-scale
- Systems.},
- author = {Hunt, Patrick and Konar, Mahadev and Junqueira, Flavio Paiva
- and Reed, Benjamin},
- booktitle = {USENIX annual technical conference},
- volume = {8},
- pages = {9},
- year = {2010},
- organization = {Boston, MA, USA}
-@InProceedings{ islam2012oozie,
- title = {Oozie: towards a scalable workflow management system for
- {Hadoop}},
- author = {Islam, Mohammad and Huang, Angelo K and Battisha, Mohamed and
- Chiang, Michelle and Srinivasan, Santhosh and Peters, Craig
- and Neumann, Andreas and Abdelnur, Alejandro},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Scalable
- Workflow Execution Engines and Technologies},
- pages = {4},
- year = {2012},
- organization = {ACM}
-@Article{ kale2012charm++,
- title = {Charm++ for Productivity and Performance},
- author = {Kale, Laxmikant V and Gupta, Anshu Arya Abhinav Bhatele
- Abhishek and Jain, Nikhil and Lifflander, Pritish Jetley
- Jonathan and Miller, Phil and Sun, Yanhua and Zheng, Ramprasad
- Venkataraman Lukasz Wesolowski Gengbin},
- year = {2012}
-@InProceedings{ kat2001prediction,
- title = {Prediction of extreme motions and capsizing of ships and
- offshore marine vehicles},
- author = {de Kat, Jan O and Paulling, J Randolph},
- booktitle = {OMAE 2001-20th Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic
- Engineering},
- year = {2001}
-@Article{ kilgard1996opengl,
- title = {The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) Programming Interface},
- author = {Kilgard, Mark J},
- year = {1996},
- publisher = {Citeseer}
-@Book{ kochin1966theoretical,
- title = {Theoretical hydrodynamics [in Russian]},
- author = {Kochin, N. and Kibel, I. and Roze, N.},
- pages = {237},
- year = {1966},
- publisher = {FizMatLit}
-@InCollection{ kochman2012batched,
- title = {Batched transactions for {RESTful} web services},
- author = {Kochman, Sebastian and Wojciechowski, Pawe{\l} T and
- Kmieciak, Mi{\l}osz},
- booktitle = {Current Trends in Web Engineering},
- pages = {86--98},
- year = {2012},
- publisher = {Springer}
-@Article{ lakshman2010cassandra,
- title = {Cassandra: A decentralized structured storage system},
- author = {Lakshman, Avinash and Malik, Prashant},
- journal = {ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review},
- volume = {44},
- number = {2},
- pages = {35--40},
- year = {2010},
- publisher = {ACM}
-@InProceedings{ lantz2010network,
- title = {A network in a laptop: rapid prototyping for software-defined
- networks},
- author = {Lantz, Bob and Heller, Brandon and McKeown, Nick},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9\textsuperscript{th} ACM SIGCOMM Workshop
- on Hot Topics in Networks},
- pages = {19},
- year = {2010},
- organization = {ACM}
-@InProceedings{ liew2005arma3d,
- author = {J. Liew and S. L. Marple},
- booktitle = {Proceedings. (ICASSP '05). IEEE International Conference on
- Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005.},
- title = {Three-dimensional fast algorithm solution for octant-based
- three-dimensional Yule-Walker equations},
- year = {2005},
- volume = {2},
- pages = {ii/889-ii/892 Vol. 2},
- doi = {10.1109/ICASSP.2005.1415548},
- issn = {1520-6149},
- month = {March}
-@InProceedings{ lifflander2014scalable,
- title = {Scalable replay with partial-order dependencies for
- message-logging fault tolerance},
- author = {Lifflander, Jonathan and Meneses, Esteban and Menon,
- Harshitha and Miller, Phil and Krishnamoorthy, Sriram and
- Kal{\'e}, Laxmikant V},
- booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing
- pages = {19--28},
- year = {2014},
- organization = {IEEE}
-@Article{ longuet1957statistical,
- title = {The statistical analysis of a random, moving surface},
- author = {Longuet-Higgins, Michael S},
- journal = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A:
- Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences},
- volume = {249},
- number = {966},
- pages = {321--387},
- year = {1957},
- publisher = {The Royal Society}
-@Article{ longuet1963nonlinear,
- title = {The effect of non-linearities on statistical distributions in
- the theory of sea waves},
- author = {Longuet-Higgins, Michael S},
- journal = {Journal of fluid mechanics},
- volume = {17},
- number = {03},
- pages = {459--480},
- year = {1963},
- publisher = {Cambridge University Press}
-@Article{ lusk2010more,
- title = {More scalability, less pain: A simple programming model and
- its implementation for extreme computing},
- author = {Lusk, Ewing L and Pieper, Steven C and Butler, Ralph M and
- others},
- journal = {SciDAC Review},
- volume = {17},
- number = {1},
- pages = {30--37},
- year = {2010}
-@Book{ lyons2010understanding,
- title = {Understanding digital signal processing},
- author = {Lyons, Richard G},
- year = {2010},
- publisher = {Pearson Education}
-@InProceedings{ malewicz2010pregel,
- title = {Pregel: a system for large-scale graph processing},
- author = {Malewicz, Grzegorz and Austern, Matthew H and Bik, Aart JC
- and Dehnert, James C and Horn, Ilan and Leiser, Naty and
- Czajkowski, Grzegorz},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMOD International Conference
- on Management of data},
- pages = {135--146},
- year = {2010},
- organization = {ACM}
-@Manual{ mathematica10,
- author = {{Wolfram Research, Inc.}},
- title = {Mathematica},
- annote = {Version 10.4},
- publisher = {Wolfram Research, Inc.},
- address = {Champaign, Illinois},
- year = {2016}
-@Article{ matsumoto1998dynamic,
- title = {Dynamic creation of pseudorandom number generators},
- author = {Matsumoto, Makoto and Nishimura, Takuji},
- journal = {Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods},
- volume = {2000},
- pages = {56--69},
- year = {1998}
-@Article{ matsumoto1998mersenne,
- title = {Mersenne twister: a 623-dimensionally equidistributed uniform
- pseudo-random number generator},
- author = {Matsumoto, Makoto and Nishimura, Takuji},
- journal = {ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
- (TOMACS)},
- volume = {8},
- number = {1},
- pages = {3--30},
- year = {1998},
- publisher = {ACM}
-@Misc{ maxmind2016geolite,
- title = {GeoIP},
- author = {MaxMind, LLC},
- howpublished = {\url{}},
- year = {2016}
-@InProceedings{ meyer2012radic,
- title = {RADIC: A FaultTolerant Middleware with Automatic Management
- of Spare Nodes*},
- author = {Meyer, Hugo and Rexachs, Dolores and Luque, Emilio},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and
- Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA)},
- pages = {1},
- year = {2012},
- organization = {The Steering Committee of The World Congress in Computer
- Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing
- (WorldComp)}
-@Article{ mignolet1992simulation1,
- title = {Simulation of homogeneous two-dimensional random fields: Part
- I—AR and ARMA models},
- author = {Mignolet, Marc P and Spanos, Pol D},
- journal = {Journal of applied mechanics},
- volume = {59},
- number = {2S},
- pages = {S260--S269},
- year = {1992},
- publisher = {American Society of Mechanical Engineers}
-@InProceedings{ mpiblast,
- author = {A. Darling and L. Carey and W. Feng},
- title = {The Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of mpiBLAST},
- booktitle = {4th International Conference on Linux Clusters: The HPC
- Revolution 2003 in conjunction with ClusterWorld Conference
- and Expo},
- year = {2003}
-@Misc{ mpichg2,
- author = {N. Karonis and B. Toonen and I. Foster},
- note = { MPICH-G2: A Grid-Enabled Implementation of the Message
- Passing Interface, \emph{Journal of Parallel and Distributed
- Computing, Vol. 63(5), pp. 551-563}, 2003}
-@Article{ murthy2011architecture,
- title = {Architecture of next generation apache hadoop mapreduce
- framework},
- author = {Murthy, Arun C and Douglas, Chris and Konar, Mahadev and
- O’Malley, Owen and Radia, Sanjay and Agarwal, Sharad and KV,
- Vinod},
- journal = {Apache Jira},
- year = {2011}
-@Misc{ nimrod,
- note = {Nimrod-G.}
-@Misc{ nws,
- author = { R. Wolski and N. Spring and J. Hayes},
- note = {The Network Weather Service: Distributed Resource Performance
- Forecasting Service for Metacomputing. \emph{Journal of Future
- Generation Computing Systems,Volume 15, Numbers 5-6, pp.
- 757-768}, October 1999 }
-@Book{ octave2015,
- author = {John W. Eaton and David Bateman and S{\o}ren Hauberg and Rik
- Wehbring},
- title = {{GNU Octave} version 4.0.0 manual: a high-level interactive
- language for numerical computations},
- year = {2015},
- url = {}
-@Article{ okorafor2012zookeeper,
- title = {Availability of Jobtracker machine in hadoop/mapreduce
- zookeeper coordinated clusters},
- author = {Okorafor, Ekpe and Patrick, Mensah Kwabena},
- journal = {Advanced Computing: An International Journal (ACIJ)},
- volume = {3},
- number = {3},
- pages = {19--30},
- year = {2012}
-@Book{ oppenheim1989discrete,
- title = {Discrete-time signal processing},
- author = {Oppenheim, Alan V and Schafer, Ronald W and Buck, John R and
- others},
- volume = {2},
- year = {1989},
- publisher = {Prentice hall Englewood Cliffs, NJ}
-@Book{ ostrovsky2015couchbase,
- title = {Pro Couchbase Server},
- author = {Ostrovsky, David and Rodenski, Yaniv and Haji, Mohammed},
- year = {2015},
- publisher = {Apress}
-@Article{ owen1956tables,
- title = {Tables for computing bivariate normal probabilities},
- author = {Owen, Donald B},
- journal = {The Annals of Mathematical Statistics},
- volume = {27},
- number = {4},
- pages = {1075--1090},
- year = {1956},
- publisher = {JSTOR}
-@Book{ pavel2013algorithms,
- title = {Algorithms for efficient computation of convolution},
- author = {Pavel, Karas and David, Svoboda},
- year = {2013},
- publisher = {INTECH Open Access Publisher}
-@Misc{ respgrids,
- author = {C. Germain-Renaud and C. Loomis and J.T. Moscicki and R.
- Texier},
- note = { Scheduling for Responsive Grids. \emph{Grid Computing
- Journal, Special Issue on EGEE User Forum}, 2006}
-@TechReport{ rfc2338,
- author = {S. Knight and D. Weaver and D. Whipple and R. Hinden and D.
- Mitzel and P. Hunt and P. Higginson and M. Shand and A.
- Lindem},
- title = {{Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol}},
- howpublished = {Internet Requests for Comments},
- type = {RFC},
- number = 2338,
- pages = {1--26},
- year = {1998},
- month = {April},
- issn = {2070-1721},
- publisher = {RFC Editor},
- institution = {RFC Editor},
- url = {},
- doi = {10.17487/RFC2338}
+@Book{ sarkar2008lattice,
+ title = {Lattice: Multivariate Data Visualization with R},
+ author = {Deepayan Sarkar},
+ publisher = {Springer},
+ address = {New York},
+ year = {2008},
+ isbn = {978-0-387-75968-5},
+ note = {ISBN 978-0-387-75968-5},
+ url = {}
-@TechReport{ rfc3768,
- author = {Robert Hinden},
- title = {{Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)}},
- howpublished = {Internet Requests for Comments},
- type = {RFC},
- number = 3768,
- pages = {1--27},
- year = {2004},
- month = {April},
- issn = {2070-1721},
- publisher = {RFC Editor},
- institution = {RFC Editor},
- url = {},
- doi = {10.17487/RFC3768}
+@InProceedings{ fabri2009cgal,
+ title = {CGAL: The computational geometry algorithms library},
+ author = {Fabri, Andreas and Pion, Sylvain},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17\textsuperscript{th} ACM SIGSPATIAL
+ international conference on advances in geographic information
+ systems},
+ pages = {538--539},
+ year = {2009},
+ organization = {ACM}
+@Book{ galassi2015gnu,
+ author = {Galassi, M. and Davies, J. and Theiler, J. and Gough, B. and
+ Jungman, G. and Alken, P. and Booth, M. and Rossi, F. and
+ Ulerich, R.},
+ title = {GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual},
+ year = {2009},
+ isbn = {0954612078, 9780954612078},
+ edition = {3},
+ publisher = {Network Theory Ltd.},
+ editor = {Brian Gough}
@TechReport{ rfc5482,
@@ -1206,6 +646,94 @@
doi = {10.17487/RFC5482}
+@Book{ anderson2010couchdb,
+ title = {CouchDB: The definitive guide},
+ author = {Anderson, J. Chris and Lehnardt, Jan and Slater, Noah},
+ year = {2010},
+ publisher = {O'Reilly Media, Inc.}
+@Book{ dominik2010org,
+ author = {Carsten Dominik},
+ title = {The Org-Mode 7 Reference Manual: Organize Your Life with GNU
+ Emacs},
+ publisher = {Network Theory},
+ year = 2010,
+ address = {UK},
+ note = {with contributions by David O'Toole, Bastien Guerry, Philip
+ Rooke, Dan Davison, Eric Schulte, and Thomas Dye}
+@Article{ fusco2010short,
+ title = {Short-term wave forecasting for real-time control of wave
+ energy converters},
+ author = {Fusco, Francesco and Ringwood, John V.},
+ journal = {IEEE Transactions on sustainable energy},
+ volume = {1},
+ number = {2},
+ pages = {99--106},
+ year = {2010},
+ publisher = {IEEE}
+@InProceedings{ hunt2010zookeeper,
+ title = {ZooKeeper: Wait-free Coordination for Internet-scale
+ Systems.},
+ author = {Hunt, Patrick and Konar, Mahadev and Junqueira, Flavio Paiva
+ and Reed, Benjamin},
+ booktitle = {USENIX annual technical conference},
+ volume = {8},
+ pages = {9},
+ year = {2010},
+ organization = {Boston, MA, USA}
+@Article{ lakshman2010cassandra,
+ title = {Cassandra: A decentralized structured storage system},
+ author = {Lakshman, Avinash and Malik, Prashant},
+ journal = {ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review},
+ volume = {44},
+ number = {2},
+ pages = {35--40},
+ year = {2010},
+ publisher = {ACM}
+@InProceedings{ lantz2010network,
+ title = {A network in a laptop: rapid prototyping for software-defined
+ networks},
+ author = {Lantz, Bob and Heller, Brandon and McKeown, Nick},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9\textsuperscript{th} ACM SIGCOMM Workshop
+ on Hot Topics in Networks},
+ pages = {19},
+ year = {2010},
+ organization = {ACM}
+@Article{ lusk2010more,
+ title = {More scalability, less pain: A simple programming model and
+ its implementation for extreme computing},
+ author = {Lusk, Ewing L. and Pieper, Steven C. and Butler, Ralph M. and
+ others},
+ journal = {SciDAC Review},
+ volume = {17},
+ number = {1},
+ pages = {30--37},
+ year = {2010}
+@InProceedings{ malewicz2010pregel,
+ title = {Pregel: a system for large-scale graph processing},
+ author = {Malewicz, Grzegorz and Austern, Matthew H and Bik, Aart JC
+ and Dehnert, James C and Horn, Ilan and Leiser, Naty and
+ Czajkowski, Grzegorz},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on
+ Management of data},
+ pages = {135--146},
+ year = {2010},
+ organization = {ACM}
@TechReport{ rfc5798,
author = {S. Nadas},
title = {{Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Version 3 for IPv4
@@ -1223,81 +751,46 @@
doi = {10.17487/RFC5798}
-@Manual{ rlang2016,
- title = {R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing},
- author = {{R Core Team}},
- organization = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing},
- address = {Vienna, Austria},
- year = {2016},
- url = {}
-@Article{ romano2014design,
- title = {Design and evaluation of a parallel invocation protocol for
- transactional applications over the web},
- author = {Romano, Paolo and Quaglia, Francesco},
- journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computers},
- volume = {63},
- number = {2},
- pages = {317--334},
- year = {2014},
- publisher = {IEEE}
-@Book{ rozhkov1990stochastic,
- title = {Вероятностные модели
- океанологических процессов},
- author = {Рожков, Валентин Алексеевич and
- Трапезников, Юрий Александрович},
- year = {1990},
- publisher = {Гидрометеоиздат}
-@Article{ rozhkov1996theory,
- title = {Теория вероятностей случайных
- событий, величин и функций с
- гидрометеорологическими
- примерами},
- author = {Рожков, ВА},
- journal = {С-Пб, Прогресс--Погода},
- year = {1996}
+@InProceedings{ seo2010hama,
+ title = {Hama: An efficient matrix computation with the mapreduce
+ framework},
+ author = {Seo, Sangwon and Yoon, Edward J. and Kim, Jaehong and Jin,
+ Seongwook and Kim, Jin-Soo and Maeng, Seungryoul},
+ booktitle = {IEEE 2\textsuperscript{nd} international conference on Cloud
+ Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom'10)},
+ pages = {721--726},
+ year = {2010},
+ organization = {IEEE}
-@Book{ sarkar2008lattice,
- title = {Lattice: Multivariate Data Visualization with R},
- author = {Deepayan Sarkar},
- publisher = {Springer},
- address = {New York},
- year = {2008},
- isbn = {978-0-387-75968-5},
- note = {ISBN 978-0-387-75968-5},
- url = {}
+@InCollection{ belenky2011self,
+ title = {On Self-Repeating Effect in Reconstruction of Irregular
+ Waves},
+ author = {Belenky, Vadim},
+ booktitle = {Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability and Capsizing in Waves},
+ pages = {589--597},
+ year = {2011},
+ publisher = {Springer}
-@TechReport{ schmitke1981shipmo,
- author = {Schmitke, RT and Whitten, BT},
- year = {1981}
+@InProceedings{ degtyarev2011modelling,
+ title = {Modelling of incident waves near the ship’s hull
+ (application of autoregressive approach in problems of
+ simulation of rough seas)},
+ author = {Degtyarev, A. B. and Reed, A. M.},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12\textsuperscript{th} International Ship
+ Stability Workshop},
+ year = {2011}
-@Article{ schulte2011org1,
- author = {Eric Schulte and Dan Davison and Thomas Dye and Carsten
- Dominik},
- title = {A Multi-Language Computing Environment for Literate
- Programming and Reproducible Research},
- journal = {Journal of Statistical Software},
- volume = {46},
- number = {3},
- pages = {1--24},
- day = {25},
- month = {1},
- year = {2012},
- coden = {JSSOBK},
- issn = {1548-7660},
- bibdate = {2011-10-03},
- url = {},
- accepted = {2011-10-03},
- submitted = {2010-12-22}
+@Article{ murthy2011architecture,
+ title = {Architecture of next generation apache hadoop mapreduce
+ framework},
+ author = {Murthy, Arun C. and Douglas, Chris and Konar, Mahadev and
+ O’Malley, Owen and Radia, Sanjay and Agarwal, Sharad and K.
+ V., Vinod},
+ journal = {Apache Jira},
+ year = {2011}
@Article{ schulte2011org2,
@@ -1309,94 +802,104 @@
volume = {13},
number = {3},
pages = {66--73},
- keywords = {Org-mode language;active documents;code intermingling;data
- intermingling;hierarchical documents;plain-text markup
- language;prose intermingling;document handling;specification
- languages;},
doi = {10.1109/MCSE.2011.41},
issn = {1521-9615}
-@InProceedings{ seo2010hama,
- title = {Hama: An efficient matrix computation with the mapreduce
- framework},
- author = {Seo, Sangwon and Yoon, Edward J and Kim, Jaehong and Jin,
- Seongwook and Kim, Jin-Soo and Maeng, Seungryoul},
- booktitle = {Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2010 IEEE
- Second International Conference on},
- pages = {721--726},
- year = {2010},
- organization = {IEEE}
+@InCollection{ svoboda2011efficient,
+ title = {Efficient computation of convolution of huge images},
+ author = {Svoboda, David},
+ booktitle = {Image Analysis and Processing--ICIAP 2011},
+ pages = {453--462},
+ year = {2011},
+ publisher = {Springer}
-@Article{ shin2003nonlinear,
- title = {Nonlinear time domain simulation technology for seakeeping
- and wave-load analysis for modern ship design. Authors'
- closure},
- author = {Shin, Y S and Belenky, V L and Lin, W M and Weems, K M and
- Engle, A H and Mc Taggart, Kevin and Falzarano, Jeffrey M and
- Hutchison, Bruce L and Gerigk, Miroslaw and Grochowalski,
- Stefan},
- journal = {Transactions of Society of Naval Architects and Marine
- Engineers},
- volume = {111},
- pages = {557--583},
- year = {2003},
- publisher = {Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers}
+@TechReport{ boyer2012glusterfs,
+ title = {Glusterfs one storage server to rule them all},
+ author = {Boyer, Eric B. and Broomfield, Matthew C. and Perrotti,
+ Terrell A.},
+ year = {2012},
+ institution = {Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)}
-@Article{ soshmina2007,
- title = {Using {GRID} technologies for computations (in Russian)},
- author = {Soshmina, I. and Bogdanov, A.},
- year = {2007},
- series = {4},
- volume = {3},
- pages = {130--137},
- journal = {Saint Petersburg State University Bulletin (Physics and
- Chemistry)}
+@InProceedings{ handigol2012reproducible,
+ title = {Reproducible network experiments using container-based
+ emulation},
+ author = {Handigol, Nikhil and Heller, Brandon and Jeyakumar,
+ Vimalkumar and Lantz, Bob and McKeown, Nick},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8\textsuperscript{th} international
+ conference on Emerging networking experiments and
+ technologies},
+ pages = {253--264},
+ year = {2012},
+ organization = {ACM}
-@Book{ spanos1982arma,
- title = {ARMA Algorithms for Ocean Spectral Analysis},
- author = {Spanos, Pol D},
- year = {1982},
- publisher = {University of Texas at Austin. Engineering Mechanics Research
- Laboratory}
+@InProceedings{ islam2012oozie,
+ title = {Oozie: towards a scalable workflow management system for
+ {Hadoop}},
+ author = {Islam, Mohammad and Huang, Angelo K. and Battisha, Mohamed
+ and Chiang, Michelle and Srinivasan, Santhosh and Peters,
+ Craig and Neumann, Andreas and Abdelnur, Alejandro},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1\textsuperscript{st} ACM SIGMOD Workshop
+ on Scalable Workflow Execution Engines and Technologies},
+ pages = {4},
+ year = {2012},
+ organization = {ACM}
+@Article{ kale2012charm,
+ title = {Charm++ for Productivity and Performance},
+ author = {Kale, Laxmikant V. and Gupta, Anshu Arya Abhinav Bhatele
+ Abhishek and Jain, Nikhil and Lifflander, Pritish Jetley
+ Jonathan and Miller, Phil and Sun, Yanhua and Zheng, Ramprasad
+ Venkataraman Lukasz Wesolowski Gengbin},
+ year = {2012}
+@InProceedings{ meyer2012radic,
+ title = {RADIC: A FaultTolerant Middleware with Automatic Management
+ of Spare Nodes*},
+ author = {Meyer, Hugo and Rexachs, Dolores and Luque, Emilio},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and
+ Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA)},
+ pages = {1},
+ year = {2012},
+ organization = {The Steering Committee of The World Congress in Computer
+ Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing
+ (WorldComp)}
-@Article{ spanos1983arma,
- title = {ARMA algorithms for ocean wave modeling},
- author = {Spanos, PT D},
- journal = {Journal of Energy Resources Technology},
- volume = {105},
+@Article{ okorafor2012zookeeper,
+ title = {Availability of Jobtracker machine in hadoop/mapreduce
+ zookeeper coordinated clusters},
+ author = {Okorafor, Ekpe and Patrick, Mensah Kwabena},
+ journal = {Advanced Computing: An International Journal (ACIJ)},
+ volume = {3},
number = {3},
- pages = {300--309},
- year = {1983},
- publisher = {American Society of Mechanical Engineers}
-@Article{ spanos1992simulation2,
- title = {Simulation of homogeneous two-dimensional random fields: Part
- II—MA and ARMA Models},
- author = {Spanos, Pol D and Mignolet, Marc P},
- journal = {Journal of applied mechanics},
- volume = {59},
- number = {2S},
- pages = {S270--S277},
- year = {1992},
- publisher = {American Society of Mechanical Engineers}
+ pages = {19--30},
+ year = {2012}
-@Article{ spanos1996efficient,
- title = {Efficient iterative ARMA approximation of multivariate random
- processes for structural dynamics applications},
- author = {Spanos, Pol D and Zeldin, BA},
- journal = {Earthquake engineering \& structural dynamics},
- volume = {25},
- number = {5},
- pages = {497--507},
- year = {1996},
- publisher = {Wiley Online Library}
+@Article{ schulte2011org1,
+ author = {Eric Schulte and Dan Davison and Thomas Dye and Carsten
+ Dominik},
+ title = {A Multi-Language Computing Environment for Literate
+ Programming and Reproducible Research},
+ journal = {Journal of Statistical Software},
+ volume = {46},
+ number = {3},
+ pages = {1--24},
+ day = {25},
+ month = {1},
+ year = {2012},
+ coden = {JSSOBK},
+ issn = {1548-7660},
+ bibdate = {2011-10-03},
+ url = {},
+ accepted = {2011-10-03},
+ submitted = {2010-12-22}
@InProceedings{ stab2012,
@@ -1409,132 +912,143 @@
pages = {841--852}
-@InCollection{ svoboda2011efficient,
- title = {Efficient computation of convolution of huge images},
- author = {Svoboda, David},
- booktitle = {Image Analysis and Processing--ICIAP 2011},
- pages = {453--462},
- year = {2011},
- publisher = {Springer}
-@Book{ tel2000introduction,
- title = {Introduction to distributed algorithms},
- author = {Tel, Gerard},
- year = {2000},
- publisher = {Cambridge University press}
-@InProceedings{ uhlemann2006joshua,
- title = {JOSHUA: Symmetric active/active replication for highly
- available HPC job and resource management},
- author = {Uhlemann, Kai and Engelmann, Christian and Scott, Stephen L},
- booktitle = {Cluster Computing, 2006 IEEE International Conference on},
- pages = {1--10},
- year = {2006},
- organization = {IEEE}
+@Article{ degtyarev2013synoptic,
+ title = {Synoptic and short-term modeling of ocean waves},
+ author = {Degtyarev, Alexander B. and Reed, Arthur M.},
+ journal = {International Shipbuilding Progress},
+ volume = {60},
+ number = {1-4},
+ pages = {523--553},
+ year = {2013},
+ publisher = {IOS Press}
-@Misc{ uls,
- author = {J.T. Moscicki and M. Bubak and H.-C. Lee and A. Muraru and P.
- Sloot},
- note = {Quality of Service on the Grid with User Level Scheduling.
- \emph{Cracow Grid Workshop Proceedings}, 2006}
+@Article{ divya2013elasticsearch,
+ title = {ElasticSearch: An advanced and quick search technique to
+ handle voluminous data},
+ author = {Divya, Manda Sai and Goyal, Shiv Kumar},
+ journal = {An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology},
+ volume = {2},
+ number = {6},
+ pages = {171},
+ year = {2013},
+ publisher = {COMPUSOFT}
-@Misc{ usa-backbone,
- title = {Rostelecom Internet Backbone map},
- howpublished = {\url{}},
- year = {2016}
+@Article{ egwutuoha2013survey,
+ title = {A survey of fault tolerance mechanisms and checkpoint/restart
+ implementations for high performance computing systems},
+ author = {Egwutuoha, Ifeanyi P. and Levy, David and Selic, Bran and
+ Chen, Shiping},
+ journal = {The Journal of Supercomputing},
+ volume = {65},
+ number = {3},
+ pages = {1302--1326},
+ year = {2013},
+ publisher = {Springer}
-@Misc{ utopia,
- author = {S. Zhou and X. Zheng and J. Wang and P. Delisle},
- note = {Utopia: a load sharing facility for large, heterogeneous
- distributed computer systems, \emph{Software Practice and
- Experience, v.23(12), pp.1305-1336}, 1993}
+@PhDThesis{ heller2013reproducible,
+ title = {Reproducible Network Research with High-fidelity Emulation},
+ author = {Heller, Brandon},
+ year = {2013},
+ school = {Stanford University}
-@Article{ valiant1990bridging,
- title = {A bridging model for parallel computation},
- author = {Valiant, Leslie G},
- journal = {Communications of the ACM},
- volume = {33},
- number = {8},
- pages = {103--111},
- year = {1990},
- publisher = {ACM}
+@Book{ pavel2013algorithms,
+ title = {Algorithms for efficient computation of convolution},
+ author = {Pavel, Karas and David, Svoboda},
+ year = {2013},
+ publisher = {INTECH Open Access Publisher}
-@Article{ van1982album,
- title = {An album of fluid motion},
- author = {Van Dyke, Milton},
- year = {1982},
- publisher = {Parabolic Press Stanford}
+@InProceedings{ vavilapalli2013yarn,
+ author = {Vavilapalli, Vinod Kumar and Murthy, Arun C. and Douglas,
+ Chris and Agarwal, Sharad and Konar, Mahadev and Evans, Robert
+ and Graves, Thomas and Lowe, Jason and Shah, Hitesh and Seth,
+ Siddharth and Saha, Bikas and Curino, Carlo and O'Malley, Owen
+ and Radia, Sanjay and Reed, Benjamin and Baldeschwieler,
+ Eric},
+ title = {Apache Hadoop YARN: Yet Another Resource Negotiator},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4\textsuperscript{th} Annual Symposium on
+ Cloud Computing},
+ series = {SOCC '13},
+ year = {2013},
+ isbn = {978-1-4503-2428-1},
+ location = {Santa Clara, California},
+ pages = {5:1--5:16},
+ articleno = {5},
+ numpages = {16},
+ url = {},
+ doi = {10.1145/2523616.2523633},
+ acmid = {2523633},
+ publisher = {ACM},
+ address = {New York, NY, USA}
-@InProceedings{ van2002development,
- title = {Development, validation and application of a time domain
- seakeeping method for high speed craft with a ride control
- system},
- author = {Van Walree, F},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics},
- year = {2002}
+@InProceedings{ acun2014charmpp,
+ title = {Parallel programming with migratable objects: {Charm++} in
+ practice},
+ author = {Acun, Bilge and Gupta, Arpan and Jain, Nikhil and Langer,
+ Akhil and Menon, Harshitha and Mikida, Eric and Ni, Xiang and
+ Robson, Michael and Sun, Yanhua and Totoni, Ehsan and others},
+ booktitle = {International Conference for High Performance Computing,
+ Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC'14},
+ pages = {647--658},
+ year = {2014},
+ organization = {IEEE}
-@Article{ van2007forensic,
- title = {Forensic research into the loss of ships by means of a time
- domain simulation tool},
- author = {van Walree, F and de Kat, JO and Ractliffe, AT},
- journal = {International shipbuilding progress},
- volume = {54},
- number = {4},
- pages = {381--407},
- year = {2007},
- publisher = {IOS Press}
+@InProceedings{ lifflander2014scalable,
+ title = {Scalable replay with partial-order dependencies for
+ message-logging fault tolerance},
+ author = {Lifflander, Jonathan and Meneses, Esteban and Menon,
+ Harshitha and Miller, Phil and Krishnamoorthy, Sriram and
+ Kal{\'e}, Laxmikant V.},
+ booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing
+ pages = {19--28},
+ year = {2014},
+ organization = {IEEE}
-@InProceedings{ vavilapalli2013yarn,
- title = {Apache Hadoop YARN: Yet Another Resource Negotiator},
- author = {Vavilapalli, Vinod Kumar and Murthy, Arun C and Douglas,
- Chris and Agarwal, Sharad and Konar, Mahadev and Evans, Robert
- and Graves, Thomas and Lowe, Jason and Shah, Hitesh and Seth,
- Siddharth and others},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th annual Symposium on Cloud Computing},
- pages = {5},
- year = {2013},
- organization = {ACM}
+@Article{ romano2014design,
+ title = {Design and evaluation of a parallel invocation protocol for
+ transactional applications over the web},
+ author = {Romano, Paolo and Quaglia, Francesco},
+ journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computers},
+ volume = {63},
+ number = {2},
+ pages = {317--334},
+ year = {2014},
+ publisher = {IEEE}
-@InProceedings{ veldhuizen1997will,
- title = {Will C++ be faster than Fortran?},
- author = {Veldhuizen, Todd L and Jernigan, M Ed},
- booktitle = {International Conference on Computing in Object-Oriented
- Parallel Environments},
- pages = {49--56},
- year = {1997},
- organization = {Springer}
+@InProceedings{ anastopoulos2015assessing,
+ author = {Anastopoulos, Panayiotis A. and Spyrou, Kostas J.},
+ year = {2015},
+ title = {Assessing the Stability of Ships under the Effect of
+ Realistic wave groups},
+ booktitle = {International Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean
+ Vehicles (STAB'15)},
+ pages = {489--498},
+ address = {Glasgow, UK}
-@Article{ veldhuizen2000techniques,
- title = {Techniques for scientific C++},
- author = {Veldhuizen, Todd},
- journal = {Computer science technical report},
- volume = {542},
- pages = {60},
- year = {2000},
- publisher = {Citeseer}
+@Book{ octave2015,
+ author = {John W. Eaton and David Bateman and S{\o}ren Hauberg and Rik
+ Wehbring},
+ title = {{GNU Octave} version 4.0.0 manual: a high-level interactive
+ language for numerical computations},
+ year = {2015},
+ url = {}
-@Article{ wallace1958asymptotic,
- title = {Asymptotic approximations to distributions},
- author = {Wallace, David L},
- journal = {The Annals of Mathematical Statistics},
- volume = {29},
- number = {3},
- pages = {635--654},
- year = {1958},
- publisher = {JSTOR}
+@Book{ ostrovsky2015couchbase,
+ title = {Pro Couchbase Server},
+ author = {Ostrovsky, David and Rodenski, Yaniv and Haji, Mohammed},
+ year = {2015},
+ publisher = {Apress}
@InProceedings{ weems2015rapid,
@@ -1548,28 +1062,26 @@
address = {Glasgow, UK}
-@Book{ wilde2011rest,
- title = {{REST}: from research to practice},
- author = {Wilde, Erik and Pautasso, Cesare},
- year = {2011},
- publisher = {Springer Science \& Business Media}
+@Manual{ mathematica10,
+ author = {{Wolfram Research, Inc.}},
+ title = {Mathematica},
+ annote = {Version 10.4},
+ publisher = {Wolfram Research, Inc.},
+ address = {Champaign, Illinois},
+ year = {2016}
-@PhDThesis{ zeldin1996representation,
- title = {Representation and synthesis of random fields: ARMA,
- Galerkin, and wavelet procedures},
- author = {Zeldin, Boris A},
- year = {1996},
- school = {Rice University}
+@Manual{ rlang2016,
+ title = {R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing},
+ author = {{R Core Team}},
+ organization = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing},
+ address = {Vienna, Austria},
+ year = {2016},
+ url = {}
-@InProceedings{ zotkin1999job,
- title = {Job-length estimation and performance in backfilling
- schedulers},
- author = {Zotkin, Dinitry and Keleher, Peter J},
- booktitle = {High Performance Distributed Computing, 1999. Proceedings.
- The Eighth International Symposium on},
- pages = {236--243},
- year = {1999},
- organization = {IEEE}
+@Misc{ clfft,
+ author = {{clFFT developers}},
+ title = {{clFFT: OpenCL Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs)}},
+ howpublished = {\url{}}
diff --git a/bib/unused b/bib/unused
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+sed -rne 's/@.*\{\s*(.*),.*/\1/p' refs.bib |
+sort -u |
+while read label
+ grep -E "\\b$label\\b" ../*.org >/dev/null || echo $label