
Simulation modelling of irregular waves for marine object dynamics programmes
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      2 @Article{         owen1956tables,
      3   title         = {Tables for computing bivariate normal probabilities},
      4   author        = {Owen, Donald B},
      5   journal       = {The Annals of Mathematical Statistics},
      6   volume        = {27},
      7   number        = {4},
      8   pages         = {1075--1090},
      9   year          = {1956},
     10   publisher     = {JSTOR}
     11 }
     13 @Article{         longuet1957statistical,
     14   title         = {The statistical analysis of a random, moving surface},
     15   author        = {Longuet-Higgins, Michael S},
     16   journal       = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A:
     17                   Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences},
     18   volume        = {249},
     19   number        = {966},
     20   pages         = {321--387},
     21   year          = {1957},
     22   publisher     = {The Royal Society}
     23 }
     25 @Article{         wallace1958asymptotic,
     26   title         = {Asymptotic approximations to distributions},
     27   author        = {Wallace, David L},
     28   journal       = {The Annals of Mathematical Statistics},
     29   volume        = {29},
     30   number        = {3},
     31   pages         = {635--654},
     32   year          = {1958},
     33   publisher     = {JSTOR}
     34 }
     36 @Article{         longuet1963nonlinear,
     37   title         = {The effect of non-linearities on statistical distributions in
     38                   the theory of sea waves},
     39   author        = {Longuet-Higgins, Michael S},
     40   journal       = {Journal of fluid mechanics},
     41   volume        = {17},
     42   number        = {03},
     43   pages         = {459--480},
     44   year          = {1963},
     45   publisher     = {Cambridge University Press}
     46 }
     48 @Book{            kochin1966theoretical,
     49   title         = {Theoretical hydrodynamics [in Russian]},
     50   author        = {Kochin, N. and Kibel, I. and Roze, N.},
     51   pages         = {237},
     52   year          = {1966},
     53   publisher     = {FizMatLit}
     54 }
     56 @InProceedings{   hewitt1973universal,
     57   title         = {A universal modular actor formalism for artificial
     58                   intelligence},
     59   author        = {Hewitt, Carl and Bishop, Peter and Steiger, Richard},
     60   booktitle     = {Proceedings of the 3\textsuperscript{rd} international joint
     61                   conference on Artificial intelligence},
     62   pages         = {235--245},
     63   year          = {1973},
     64   organization  = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.}
     65 }
     67 @Book{            box1976time,
     68   title         = {Time series analysis: forecasting and control},
     69   author        = {Box, George E. P. and Jenkins, Gwilym M.},
     70   year          = {1976},
     71   publisher     = {Holden-Day}
     72 }
     74 @Article{         huang1980experimental,
     75   title         = {An experimental study of the surface elevation probability
     76                   distribution and statistics of wind-generated waves},
     77   author        = {Huang, Norden E. and Long, Steven R.},
     78   journal       = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics},
     79   volume        = {101},
     80   number        = {01},
     81   pages         = {179--200},
     82   year          = {1980},
     83   publisher     = {Cambridge Univ Press}
     84 }
     86 @TechReport{      schmitke1981shipmo,
     88   author        = {Schmitke, RT and Whitten, BT},
     89   year          = {1981}
     90 }
     92 @Book{            spanos1982arma,
     93   title         = {ARMA Algorithms for Ocean Spectral Analysis},
     94   author        = {Spanos, Pol D},
     95   year          = {1982},
     96   publisher     = {University of Texas at Austin. Engineering Mechanics Research
     97                   Laboratory}
     98 }
    100 @Article{         van1982album,
    101   title         = {An album of fluid motion},
    102   author        = {Van Dyke, Milton},
    103   year          = {1982},
    104   publisher     = {Parabolic Press Stanford}
    105 }
    107 @Article{         boccotti1983wind,
    108   title         = {On wind wave kinematics},
    109   author        = {Boccotti, Paolo},
    110   journal       = {Meccanica},
    111   volume        = {18},
    112   number        = {4},
    113   pages         = {205--216},
    114   year          = {1983},
    115   publisher     = {Springer}
    116 }
    118 @Article{         spanos1983arma,
    119   title         = {ARMA algorithms for ocean wave modeling},
    120   author        = {Spanos, PT D},
    121   journal       = {Journal of Energy Resources Technology},
    122   volume        = {105},
    123   number        = {3},
    124   pages         = {300--309},
    125   year          = {1983},
    126   publisher     = {American Society of Mechanical Engineers}
    127 }
    129 @TechReport{      agha1985actors,
    130   title         = {Actors: A model of concurrent computation in distributed
    131                   systems.},
    132   author        = {Agha, Gul A},
    133   year          = {1985},
    134   institution   = {DTIC Document}
    135 }
    137 @Article{         fischer1985impossibility,
    138   title         = {Impossibility of distributed consensus with one faulty
    139                   process},
    140   author        = {Fischer, Michael J and Lynch, Nancy A and Paterson, Michael
    141                   S},
    142   journal       = {Journal of the ACM (JACM)},
    143   volume        = {32},
    144   number        = {2},
    145   pages         = {374--382},
    146   year          = {1985},
    147   publisher     = {ACM}
    148 }
    150 @Book{            oppenheim1989discrete,
    151   title         = {Discrete-time signal processing},
    152   author        = {Oppenheim, Alan V. and Schafer, Ronald W. and Buck, John R.},
    153   volume        = {2},
    154   year          = {1989},
    155   publisher     = {Prentice hall Englewood Cliffs, NJ}
    156 }
    158 @Book{            rozhkov1990stochastic,
    159   title         = {Вероятностные модели
    160                   океанологических процессов},
    161   author        = {Рожков, В. А. and Трапезников, Ю. А.},
    162   year          = {1990},
    163   publisher     = {Гидрометеоиздат}
    164 }
    166 @Article{         valiant1990bridging,
    167   title         = {A bridging model for parallel computation},
    168   author        = {Valiant, Leslie G.},
    169   journal       = {Communications of the ACM},
    170   volume        = {33},
    171   number        = {8},
    172   pages         = {103--111},
    173   year          = {1990},
    174   publisher     = {ACM}
    175 }
    177 @Article{         mignolet1992simulation1,
    178   title         = {Simulation of homogeneous two-dimensional random fields: Part
    179                   I --- AR and ARMA models},
    180   author        = {Mignolet, Marc P. and Spanos, Pol D.},
    181   journal       = {Journal of applied mechanics},
    182   volume        = {59},
    183   number        = {2S},
    184   pages         = {S260--S269},
    185   year          = {1992},
    186   publisher     = {American Society of Mechanical Engineers}
    187 }
    189 @Article{         spanos1992simulation2,
    190   title         = {Simulation of homogeneous two-dimensional random fields: Part
    191                   II --- MA and ARMA Models},
    192   author        = {Spanos, Pol D. and Mignolet, Marc P.},
    193   journal       = {Journal of applied mechanics},
    194   volume        = {59},
    195   number        = {2S},
    196   pages         = {S270--S277},
    197   year          = {1992},
    198   publisher     = {American Society of Mechanical Engineers}
    199 }
    201 @Article{         fekete1993impossibility,
    202   title         = {The impossibility of implementing reliable communication in
    203                   the face of crashes},
    204   author        = {Fekete, Alan and Lynch, Nancy and Mansour, Yishay and
    205                   Spinelli, John},
    206   journal       = {Journal of the ACM (JACM)},
    207   volume        = {40},
    208   number        = {5},
    209   pages         = {1087--1107},
    210   year          = {1993},
    211   publisher     = {ACM}
    212 }
    214 @Article{         brunekreef1996design,
    215   title         = {Design and analysis of dynamic leader election protocols in
    216                   broadcast networks},
    217   author        = {Brunekreef, Jacob and Katoen, Joost-Pieter and Koymans, Ron
    218                   and Mauw, Sjouke},
    219   journal       = {Distributed Computing},
    220   volume        = {9},
    221   number        = {4},
    222   pages         = {157--171},
    223   year          = {1996},
    224   publisher     = {Springer}
    225 }
    227 @Article{         kilgard1996opengl,
    228   title         = {The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) Programming Interface},
    229   author        = {Kilgard, Mark J.},
    230   year          = {1996},
    231   publisher     = {Citeseer}
    232 }
    234 @Article{         rozhkov1996theory,
    235   title         = {Теория вероятностей случайных
    236                   событий, величин и функций с
    237                   гидрометеорологическими
    238                   примерами},
    239   author        = {Рожков, В. А.},
    240   journal       = {СПб, Прогресс-Погода},
    241   year          = {1996}
    242 }
    244 @Article{         spanos1996efficient,
    245   title         = {Efficient iterative ARMA approximation of multivariate random
    246                   processes for structural dynamics applications},
    247   author        = {Spanos, Pol D. and Zeldin, B. A.},
    248   journal       = {Earthquake engineering \& structural dynamics},
    249   volume        = {25},
    250   number        = {5},
    251   pages         = {497--507},
    252   year          = {1996},
    253   publisher     = {Wiley Online Library}
    254 }
    256 @PhDThesis{       zeldin1996representation,
    257   title         = {Representation and synthesis of random fields: ARMA,
    258                   Galerkin, and wavelet procedures},
    259   author        = {Zeldin, Boris A.},
    260   year          = {1996},
    261   school        = {Rice University}
    262 }
    264 @PhDThesis{       boukhanovsky1997thesis,
    265   author        = {Бухановский, А. В.},
    266   title         = {Вероятностное моделирование
    267                   полей ветрового волнения с учетом
    268                   их неоднородности и
    269                   нестационарности},
    270   year          = {1997},
    271   school        = {СПбГУ}
    272 }
    274 @TechReport{      degtyarev1997analysis,
    275   author        = {Degtyarev, A. and Boukhanovsky, A.},
    276   title         = {Analysis of Peculiarities of Ship-Environmental Interaction},
    277   month         = {September},
    278   year          = {1997},
    279   address       = {Ship Stability Research Center, Glasgow},
    280   number        = {09-97-1AB-1VA},
    281   institution   = {Strathclyde University}
    282 }
    284 @InProceedings{   veldhuizen1997will,
    285   title         = {Will C++ be faster than Fortran?},
    286   author        = {Veldhuizen, Todd L. and Jernigan, M. Ed.},
    287   booktitle     = {International Conference on Computing in Object-Oriented
    288                   Parallel Environments},
    289   pages         = {49--56},
    290   year          = {1997},
    291   organization  = {Springer}
    292 }
    294 @InProceedings{   degtyarev1998modelling,
    295   author        = {Дегтярев, А. Б. and Подолякин, А. Б.},
    296   title         = {Имитационное моделирование
    297                   поведения судна на реальном
    298                   волнении},
    299   address       = {Санкт-Петербург},
    300   volume        = {B},
    301   pages         = {416--423},
    302   booktitle     = {Тр. II Межд. конф. по судостроению
    303                   – ISC'98},
    304   year          = {1998}
    305 }
    307 @Article{         matsumoto1998dynamic,
    308   title         = {Dynamic creation of pseudorandom number generators},
    309   author        = {Matsumoto, Makoto and Nishimura, Takuji},
    310   journal       = {Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods},
    311   volume        = {2000},
    312   pages         = {56--69},
    313   year          = {1998}
    314 }
    316 @Article{         matsumoto1998mersenne,
    317   title         = {Mersenne twister: a 623-dimensionally equidistributed uniform
    318                   pseudo-random number generator},
    319   author        = {Matsumoto, Makoto and Nishimura, Takuji},
    320   journal       = {ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
    321                   (TOMACS)},
    322   volume        = {8},
    323   number        = {1},
    324   pages         = {3--30},
    325   year          = {1998},
    326   publisher     = {ACM}
    327 }
    329 @TechReport{      rfc2338,
    330   author        = {S. Knight and D. Weaver and D. Whipple and R. Hinden and D.
    331                   Mitzel and P. Hunt and P. Higginson and M. Shand and A.
    332                   Lindem},
    333   title         = {{Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol}},
    334   howpublished  = {Internet Requests for Comments},
    335   type          = {RFC},
    336   number        = 2338,
    337   pages         = {1--26},
    338   year          = {1998},
    339   month         = {April},
    340   issn          = {2070-1721},
    341   publisher     = {RFC Editor},
    342   institution   = {RFC Editor},
    343   url           = {},
    344   doi           = {10.17487/RFC2338}
    345 }
    347 @Article{         byoungseon1999arma3d,
    348   author        = {ByoungSeon Choi},
    349   journal       = {IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing},
    350   title         = {An order-recursive algorithm to solve the 3-D Yule-Walker
    351                   equations of causal 3-D AR models},
    352   year          = {1999},
    353   volume        = {47},
    354   number        = {9},
    355   pages         = {2491--2502},
    356   doi           = {10.1109/78.782192},
    357   issn          = {1053-587X},
    358   month         = {Sep}
    359 }
    361 @InProceedings{   zotkin1999job,
    362   title         = {Job-length estimation and performance in backfilling
    363                   schedulers},
    364   author        = {Zotkin, Dinitry and Keleher, Peter J.},
    365   booktitle     = {Proceedings of the 8\textsuperscript{th} International
    366                   Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing},
    367   pages         = {236--243},
    368   year          = {1999},
    369   organization  = {IEEE}
    370 }
    372 @Article{         gansner00anopen,
    373   author        = {Emden R. Gansner and Stephen C. North},
    374   title         = {An open graph visualization system and its applications to
    375                   software engineering},
    376   journal       = {Software --- Practice and Experience},
    377   year          = {2000},
    378   volume        = {30},
    379   number        = {11},
    380   pages         = {1203--1233},
    381   url           = {}
    382 }
    384 @Book{            tel2000introduction,
    385   title         = {Introduction to distributed algorithms},
    386   author        = {Tel, Gerard},
    387   year          = {2000},
    388   publisher     = {Cambridge University press}
    389 }
    391 @Article{         veldhuizen2000techniques,
    392   title         = {Techniques for scientific C++},
    393   author        = {Veldhuizen, Todd},
    394   journal       = {Computer science technical report},
    395   volume        = {542},
    396   pages         = {60},
    397   year          = {2000},
    398   publisher     = {Citeseer}
    399 }
    401 @InCollection{    aguilera2001stable,
    402   title         = {Stable leader election},
    403   author        = {Aguilera, Marcos K and Delporte-Gallet, Carole and
    404                   Fauconnier, Hugues and Toueg, Sam},
    405   booktitle     = {Distributed Computing},
    406   pages         = {108--122},
    407   year          = {2001},
    408   publisher     = {Springer}
    409 }
    411 @Article{         beck2001modern,
    412   title         = {Modern computational methods for ships in a seaway},
    413   author        = {Beck, Robert F. and Reed, Arthur M.},
    414   journal       = {Transactions of Society of Naval Architects and Marine
    415                   Engineers},
    416   volume        = {109},
    417   pages         = {1--48},
    418   year          = {2001},
    419   publisher     = {Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers}
    420 }
    422 @InCollection{    bhandarkar2001adaptive,
    423   title         = {Adaptive load balancing for MPI programs},
    424   author        = {Bhandarkar, Milind and Kal{\'e}, Laxmikant V. and de Sturler,
    425                   Eric and Hoeflinger, Jay},
    426   booktitle     = {International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS'01)},
    427   pages         = {108--117},
    428   year          = {2001},
    429   publisher     = {Springer}
    430 }
    432 @InCollection{    boukhanovsky2001peculiarities,
    433   title         = {Peculiarities of Computer Simulation and Statistical
    434                   Representation of Time-Spatial Metocean Fields},
    435   author        = {Boukhanovsky, A. and Rozhkov, V. and Degtyarev, A.},
    436   booktitle     = {International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS'01)},
    437   pages         = {463--472},
    438   year          = {2001},
    439   publisher     = {Springer}
    440 }
    442 @InProceedings{   kat2001prediction,
    443   title         = {Prediction of extreme motions and capsizing of ships and
    444                   offshore marine vehicles},
    445   author        = {de Kat, Jan O. and Paulling, J. Randolph},
    446   booktitle     = {20\textsuperscript{th} conference on Offshore Mechanics and
    447                   Arctic Engineering (OMAE'01)},
    448   year          = {2001}
    449 }
    451 @Article{         cassen2002keepalived,
    452   title         = {Keepalived: Health checking for LVS \& high availability},
    453   author        = {Cassen, Alexandre},
    454   journal       = {URL},
    455   year          = {2002}
    456 }
    458 @InProceedings{   van2002development,
    459   title         = {Development, validation and application of a time domain
    460                   seakeeping method for high speed craft with a ride control
    461                   system},
    462   author        = {van Walree, F.},
    463   booktitle     = {Proceedings of the 24\textsuperscript{th} symposium on Naval
    464                   Hydrodynamics},
    465   year          = {2002}
    466 }
    468 @PhDThesis{       armstrong2003thesis,
    469   title         = {Making reliable distributed systems in the presence of
    470                   software errors},
    471   author        = {Armstrong, Joe},
    472   year          = {2003},
    473   school        = {The Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden},
    474   address       = {Sweden}
    475 }
    477 @Article{         shin2003nonlinear,
    478   title         = {Nonlinear time domain simulation technology for seakeeping
    479                   and wave-load analysis for modern ship design},
    480   author        = {Shin, Y. S. and Belenky, V. L. and Lin, W. M. and Weems, K.
    481                   M. and Engle, A. H. and Mc Taggart, Kevin and Falzarano,
    482                   Jeffrey M. and Hutchison, Bruce L. and Gerigk, Miroslaw and
    483                   Grochowalski, Stefan},
    484   journal       = {Transactions of Society of Naval Architects and Marine
    485                   Engineers},
    486   volume        = {111},
    487   pages         = {557--583},
    488   year          = {2003},
    489   publisher     = {Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers}
    490 }
    492 @TechReport{      rfc3768,
    493   author        = {Robert Hinden},
    494   title         = {{Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)}},
    495   howpublished  = {Internet Requests for Comments},
    496   type          = {RFC},
    497   number        = 3768,
    498   pages         = {1--27},
    499   year          = {2004},
    500   month         = {April},
    501   issn          = {2070-1721},
    502   publisher     = {RFC Editor},
    503   institution   = {RFC Editor},
    504   url           = {},
    505   doi           = {10.17487/RFC3768}
    506 }
    508 @InProceedings{   liew2005arma3d,
    509   author        = {J. Liew and S. L. Marple},
    510   booktitle     = {IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and
    511                   Signal Processing (ICASSP'05)},
    512   title         = {Three-dimensional fast algorithm solution for octant-based
    513                   three-dimensional Yule-Walker equations},
    514   year          = {2005},
    515   volume        = {2},
    516   pages         = {889--892},
    517   doi           = {10.1109/ICASSP.2005.1415548},
    518   issn          = {1520-6149},
    519   month         = {March}
    520 }
    522 @Article{         engelmann2006symmetric,
    523   title         = {Symmetric active/active high availability for
    524                   high-performance computing system services},
    525   author        = {Engelmann, Christian and Scott, Stephen L. and Leangsuksun,
    526                   Chokchai Box and He, Xubin Ben},
    527   journal       = {Journal of Computers},
    528   volume        = {1},
    529   number        = {8},
    530   pages         = {43--54},
    531   year          = {2006}
    532 }
    534 @InProceedings{   uhlemann2006joshua,
    535   author        = {K. Uhlemann and C. Engelmann and S. L. Scott},
    536   booktitle     = {IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing},
    537   title         = {JOSHUA: Symmetric Active/Active Replication for Highly
    538                   Available HPC Job and Resource Management},
    539   year          = {2006},
    540   pages         = {1--10},
    541   doi           = {10.1109/CLUSTR.2006.311855},
    542   issn          = {1552-5244},
    543   month         = {September}
    544 }
    546 @Article{         van2007forensic,
    547   title         = {Forensic research into the loss of ships by means of a time
    548                   domain simulation tool},
    549   author        = {van Walree, F. and de Kat, J. O. and Ractliffe, A. T.},
    550   journal       = {International shipbuilding progress},
    551   volume        = {54},
    552   number        = {4},
    553   pages         = {381--407},
    554   year          = {2007},
    555   publisher     = {IOS Press}
    556 }
    558 @Article{         dean2008mapreduce,
    559   title         = {{MapReduce}: Simplified data processing on large clusters},
    560   author        = {Dean, Jeffrey and Ghemawat, Sanjay},
    561   journal       = {Communications of the ACM},
    562   volume        = {51},
    563   number        = {1},
    564   pages         = {107--113},
    565   year          = {2008},
    566   publisher     = {ACM}
    567 }
    569 @Article{         goto2008anatomy,
    570   title         = {Anatomy of high-performance matrix multiplication},
    571   author        = {Goto, Kazushige and Geijn, Robert A},
    572   journal       = {ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS)},
    573   volume        = {34},
    574   number        = {3},
    575   pages         = {12},
    576   year          = {2008},
    577   publisher     = {ACM}
    578 }
    580 @Article{         goto2008high,
    581   title         = {High-performance implementation of the level-3 BLAS},
    582   author        = {Goto, Kazushige and Van De Geijn, Robert},
    583   journal       = {ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS)},
    584   volume        = {35},
    585   number        = {1},
    586   pages         = {4},
    587   year          = {2008},
    588   publisher     = {ACM}
    589 }
    591 @Misc{            gsl2008scientific,
    592   title         = {Scientific Library},
    593   author        = {GSL, GNU},
    594   year          = {2008}
    595 }
    597 @Book{            sarkar2008lattice,
    598   title         = {Lattice: Multivariate Data Visualization with R},
    599   author        = {Deepayan Sarkar},
    600   publisher     = {Springer},
    601   address       = {New York},
    602   year          = {2008},
    603   isbn          = {978-0-387-75968-5},
    604   url           = {}
    605 }
    607 @InProceedings{   fabri2009cgal,
    608   title         = {CGAL: The computational geometry algorithms library},
    609   author        = {Fabri, Andreas and Pion, Sylvain},
    610   booktitle     = {Proceedings of the 17\textsuperscript{th} ACM SIGSPATIAL
    611                   international conference on advances in geographic information
    612                   systems},
    613   pages         = {538--539},
    614   year          = {2009},
    615   organization  = {ACM}
    616 }
    618 @Book{            galassi2015gnu,
    619   author        = {Galassi, M. and Davies, J. and Theiler, J. and Gough, B. and
    620                   Jungman, G. and Alken, P. and Booth, M. and Rossi, F. and
    621                   Ulerich, R.},
    622   title         = {GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual},
    623   year          = {2009},
    624   isbn          = {0954612078, 9780954612078},
    625   edition       = {3},
    626   publisher     = {Network Theory Ltd.},
    627   editor        = {Brian Gough}
    628 }
    630 @TechReport{      rfc5482,
    631   author        = {Lars Eggert and Fernando Gont},
    632   title         = {{TCP User Timeout Option}},
    633   howpublished  = {Internet Requests for Comments},
    634   type          = {RFC},
    635   number        = 5482,
    636   pages         = {1--13},
    637   year          = {2009},
    638   month         = {March},
    639   issn          = {2070-1721},
    640   publisher     = {RFC Editor},
    641   institution   = {RFC Editor},
    642   url           = {},
    643   doi           = {10.17487/RFC5482}
    644 }
    646 @Book{            anderson2010couchdb,
    647   title         = {CouchDB: The definitive guide},
    648   author        = {Anderson, J. Chris and Lehnardt, Jan and Slater, Noah},
    649   year          = {2010},
    650   publisher     = {O'Reilly Media, Inc.}
    651 }
    653 @Book{            dominik2010org,
    654   author        = {Carsten Dominik},
    655   title         = {The Org-Mode 7 Reference Manual: Organize Your Life with GNU
    656                   Emacs},
    657   publisher     = {Network Theory},
    658   year          = 2010,
    659   address       = {UK},
    660   note          = {with contributions by David O'Toole, Bastien Guerry, Philip
    661                   Rooke, Dan Davison, Eric Schulte, and Thomas Dye}
    662 }
    664 @Article{         fusco2010short,
    665   title         = {Short-term wave forecasting for real-time control of wave
    666                   energy converters},
    667   author        = {Fusco, Francesco and Ringwood, John V.},
    668   journal       = {IEEE Transactions on sustainable energy},
    669   volume        = {1},
    670   number        = {2},
    671   pages         = {99--106},
    672   year          = {2010},
    673   publisher     = {IEEE}
    674 }
    676 @InProceedings{   hunt2010zookeeper,
    677   title         = {ZooKeeper: Wait-free Coordination for Internet-scale
    678                   Systems.},
    679   author        = {Hunt, Patrick and Konar, Mahadev and Junqueira, Flavio Paiva
    680                   and Reed, Benjamin},
    681   booktitle     = {USENIX annual technical conference},
    682   volume        = {8},
    683   pages         = {9},
    684   year          = {2010},
    685   organization  = {Boston, MA, USA}
    686 }
    688 @Article{         lakshman2010cassandra,
    689   title         = {Cassandra: A decentralized structured storage system},
    690   author        = {Lakshman, Avinash and Malik, Prashant},
    691   journal       = {ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review},
    692   volume        = {44},
    693   number        = {2},
    694   pages         = {35--40},
    695   year          = {2010},
    696   publisher     = {ACM}
    697 }
    699 @InProceedings{   lantz2010network,
    700   title         = {A network in a laptop: rapid prototyping for software-defined
    701                   networks},
    702   author        = {Lantz, Bob and Heller, Brandon and McKeown, Nick},
    703   booktitle     = {Proceedings of the 9\textsuperscript{th} ACM SIGCOMM Workshop
    704                   on Hot Topics in Networks},
    705   pages         = {19},
    706   year          = {2010},
    707   organization  = {ACM}
    708 }
    710 @Article{         lusk2010more,
    711   title         = {More scalability, less pain: A simple programming model and
    712                   its implementation for extreme computing},
    713   author        = {Lusk, Ewing L. and Pieper, Steven C. and Butler, Ralph M. and
    714                   others},
    715   journal       = {SciDAC Review},
    716   volume        = {17},
    717   number        = {1},
    718   pages         = {30--37},
    719   year          = {2010}
    720 }
    722 @InProceedings{   malewicz2010pregel,
    723   title         = {Pregel: a system for large-scale graph processing},
    724   author        = {Malewicz, Grzegorz and Austern, Matthew H and Bik, Aart JC
    725                   and Dehnert, James C and Horn, Ilan and Leiser, Naty and
    726                   Czajkowski, Grzegorz},
    727   booktitle     = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on
    728                   Management of data},
    729   pages         = {135--146},
    730   year          = {2010},
    731   organization  = {ACM}
    732 }
    734 @TechReport{      rfc5798,
    735   author        = {S. Nadas},
    736   title         = {{Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Version 3 for IPv4
    737                   and IPv6}},
    738   howpublished  = {Internet Requests for Comments},
    739   type          = {RFC},
    740   number        = 5798,
    741   pages         = {1--39},
    742   year          = {2010},
    743   month         = {March},
    744   issn          = {2070-1721},
    745   publisher     = {RFC Editor},
    746   institution   = {RFC Editor},
    747   url           = {},
    748   doi           = {10.17487/RFC5798}
    749 }
    751 @InProceedings{   seo2010hama,
    752   title         = {Hama: An efficient matrix computation with the mapreduce
    753                   framework},
    754   author        = {Seo, Sangwon and Yoon, Edward J. and Kim, Jaehong and Jin,
    755                   Seongwook and Kim, Jin-Soo and Maeng, Seungryoul},
    756   booktitle     = {IEEE 2\textsuperscript{nd} international conference on Cloud
    757                   Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom'10)},
    758   pages         = {721--726},
    759   year          = {2010},
    760   organization  = {IEEE}
    761 }
    763 @InCollection{    belenky2011self,
    764   title         = {On Self-Repeating Effect in Reconstruction of Irregular
    765                   Waves},
    766   author        = {Belenky, Vadim},
    767   booktitle     = {Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability and Capsizing in Waves},
    768   pages         = {589--597},
    769   year          = {2011},
    770   publisher     = {Springer}
    771 }
    773 @InProceedings{   degtyarev2011modelling,
    774   title         = {Modelling of incident waves near the ship’s hull
    775                   (application of autoregressive approach in problems of
    776                   simulation of rough seas)},
    777   author        = {Degtyarev, A. B. and Reed, A. M.},
    778   booktitle     = {Proceedings of the 12\textsuperscript{th} International Ship
    779                   Stability Workshop},
    780   year          = {2011}
    781 }
    783 @Article{         murthy2011architecture,
    784   title         = {Architecture of next generation Apache Hadoop MapReduce
    785                   framework},
    786   author        = {Murthy, Arun C. and Douglas, Chris and Konar, Mahadev and
    787                   O’Malley, Owen and Radia, Sanjay and Agarwal, Sharad and K.
    788                   V., Vinod},
    789   journal       = {Apache Jira},
    790   year          = {2011}
    791 }
    793 @Article{         schulte2011org2,
    794   author        = {Schulte, E. and Davison, D.},
    795   journal       = {Computing in Science Engineering},
    796   title         = {Active Documents with Org-Mode},
    797   year          = {2011},
    798   month         = {May-June},
    799   volume        = {13},
    800   number        = {3},
    801   pages         = {66--73},
    802   doi           = {10.1109/MCSE.2011.41},
    803   issn          = {1521-9615}
    804 }
    806 @InCollection{    svoboda2011efficient,
    807   title         = {Efficient computation of convolution of huge images},
    808   author        = {Svoboda, David},
    809   booktitle     = {Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP'11)},
    810   pages         = {453--462},
    811   year          = {2011},
    812   publisher     = {Springer}
    813 }
    815 @InBook{          boyer2012glusterfs,
    816   address       = {United States},
    817   title         = {GlusterFS One Storage Server to Rule Them All},
    818   url           = {},
    819   author        = {Boyer, Eric B. and Broomfield, Matthew C. and Perrotti,
    820                   Terrell A.},
    821   year          = {2012},
    822   month         = {July},
    823   number        = {LA-UR-12-23586},
    824   institution   = {Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)}
    825 }
    827 @InProceedings{   handigol2012reproducible,
    828   title         = {Reproducible network experiments using container-based
    829                   emulation},
    830   author        = {Handigol, Nikhil and Heller, Brandon and Jeyakumar,
    831                   Vimalkumar and Lantz, Bob and McKeown, Nick},
    832   booktitle     = {Proceedings of the 8\textsuperscript{th} international
    833                   conference on Emerging networking experiments and
    834                   technologies},
    835   pages         = {253--264},
    836   year          = {2012},
    837   organization  = {ACM}
    838 }
    840 @InProceedings{   islam2012oozie,
    841   title         = {Oozie: towards a scalable workflow management system for
    842                   {Hadoop}},
    843   author        = {Islam, Mohammad and Huang, Angelo K. and Battisha, Mohamed
    844                   and Chiang, Michelle and Srinivasan, Santhosh and Peters,
    845                   Craig and Neumann, Andreas and Abdelnur, Alejandro},
    846   booktitle     = {Proceedings of the 1\textsuperscript{st} ACM SIGMOD Workshop
    847                   on Scalable Workflow Execution Engines and Technologies},
    848   pages         = {4},
    849   year          = {2012},
    850   organization  = {ACM}
    851 }
    853 @Article{         kale2012charm,
    854   title         = {Charm++ for Productivity and Performance},
    855   author        = {Kale, Laxmikant V. and Gupta, Anshu Arya Abhinav Bhatele
    856                   Abhishek and Jain, Nikhil and Lifflander, Pritish Jetley
    857                   Jonathan and Miller, Phil and Sun, Yanhua and Zheng, Ramprasad
    858                   Venkataraman Lukasz Wesolowski Gengbin},
    859   year          = {2012}
    860 }
    862 @InProceedings{   meyer2012radic,
    863   title         = {RADIC: A Fault Tolerant Middleware with Automatic Management
    864                   of Spare Nodes},
    865   author        = {Meyer, Hugo and Rexachs, Dolores and Luque, Emilio},
    866   booktitle     = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and
    867                   Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA)},
    868   pages         = {1--7},
    869   year          = {2012},
    870   address       = {Athens},
    871   organization  = {The Steering Committee of The World Congress in Computer
    872                   Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing
    873                   (WorldComp)}
    874 }
    876 @Article{         okorafor2012zookeeper,
    877   title         = {Availability of JobTracker machine in Hadoop/MapReduce
    878                   ZooKeeper coordinated clusters},
    879   author        = {Okorafor, Ekpe and Patrick, Mensah Kwabena},
    880   journal       = {Advanced Computing: An International Journal (ACIJ)},
    881   volume        = {3},
    882   number        = {3},
    883   pages         = {19--30},
    884   year          = {2012}
    885 }
    887 @Article{         schulte2011org1,
    888   author        = {Eric Schulte and Dan Davison and Thomas Dye and Carsten
    889                   Dominik},
    890   title         = {A Multi-Language Computing Environment for Literate
    891                   Programming and Reproducible Research},
    892   journal       = {Journal of Statistical Software},
    893   volume        = {46},
    894   number        = {3},
    895   pages         = {1--24},
    896   day           = {25},
    897   month         = {1},
    898   year          = {2012},
    899   coden         = {JSSOBK},
    900   issn          = {1548-7660},
    901   bibdate       = {2011-10-03},
    902   url           = {},
    903   accepted      = {2011-10-03},
    904   submitted     = {2010-12-22}
    905 }
    907 @InProceedings{   stab2012,
    908   author        = {A. Degtyarev and I. Gankevich},
    909   title         = {Evaluation of hydrodynamic pressures for autoregression model
    910                   of irregular waves},
    911   booktitle     = {Proceedings of 11\textsuperscript{th} International
    912                   Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, Athens},
    913   year          = 2012,
    914   pages         = {841--852}
    915 }
    917 @Article{         degtyarev2013synoptic,
    918   title         = {Synoptic and short-term modeling of ocean waves},
    919   author        = {Degtyarev, Alexander B. and Reed, Arthur M.},
    920   journal       = {International Shipbuilding Progress},
    921   volume        = {60},
    922   number        = {1-4},
    923   pages         = {523--553},
    924   year          = {2013},
    925   publisher     = {IOS Press}
    926 }
    928 @Article{         divya2013elasticsearch,
    929   title         = {ElasticSearch: An advanced and quick search technique to
    930                   handle voluminous data},
    931   author        = {Divya, Manda Sai and Goyal, Shiv Kumar},
    932   journal       = {An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology},
    933   volume        = {2},
    934   number        = {6},
    935   pages         = {171},
    936   year          = {2013},
    937   publisher     = {COMPUSOFT}
    938 }
    940 @Article{         egwutuoha2013survey,
    941   title         = {A survey of fault tolerance mechanisms and checkpoint/restart
    942                   implementations for high performance computing systems},
    943   author        = {Egwutuoha, Ifeanyi P. and Levy, David and Selic, Bran and
    944                   Chen, Shiping},
    945   journal       = {The Journal of Supercomputing},
    946   volume        = {65},
    947   number        = {3},
    948   pages         = {1302--1326},
    949   year          = {2013},
    950   publisher     = {Springer}
    951 }
    953 @PhDThesis{       heller2013reproducible,
    954   title         = {Reproducible Network Research with High-fidelity Emulation},
    955   author        = {Heller, Brandon},
    956   year          = {2013},
    957   school        = {Stanford University}
    958 }
    960 @Book{            pavel2013algorithms,
    961   title         = {Algorithms for efficient computation of convolution},
    962   author        = {Pavel, Karas and David, Svoboda},
    963   year          = {2013},
    964   publisher     = {INTECH Open Access Publisher}
    965 }
    967 @InProceedings{   vavilapalli2013yarn,
    968   author        = {Vavilapalli, Vinod Kumar and Murthy, Arun C. and Douglas,
    969                   Chris and Agarwal, Sharad and Konar, Mahadev and Evans, Robert
    970                   and Graves, Thomas and Lowe, Jason and Shah, Hitesh and Seth,
    971                   Siddharth and Saha, Bikas and Curino, Carlo and O'Malley, Owen
    972                   and Radia, Sanjay and Reed, Benjamin and Baldeschwieler,
    973                   Eric},
    974   title         = {Apache Hadoop YARN: Yet Another Resource Negotiator},
    975   booktitle     = {Proceedings of the 4\textsuperscript{th} Annual Symposium on
    976                   Cloud Computing},
    977   series        = {SOCC '13},
    978   year          = {2013},
    979   isbn          = {978-1-4503-2428-1},
    980   location      = {Santa Clara, California},
    981   pages         = {5:1--5:16},
    982   articleno     = {5},
    983   numpages      = {16},
    984   url           = {},
    985   doi           = {10.1145/2523616.2523633},
    986   acmid         = {2523633},
    987   publisher     = {ACM},
    988   address       = {New York, NY, USA}
    989 }
    991 @InProceedings{   acun2014charmpp,
    992   title         = {Parallel programming with migratable objects: {Charm++} in
    993                   practice},
    994   author        = {Acun, Bilge and Gupta, Arpan and Jain, Nikhil and Langer,
    995                   Akhil and Menon, Harshitha and Mikida, Eric and Ni, Xiang and
    996                   Robson, Michael and Sun, Yanhua and Totoni, Ehsan and others},
    997   booktitle     = {International Conference for High Performance Computing,
    998                   Networking, Storage and Analysis},
    999   pages         = {647--658},
   1000   year          = {2014},
   1001   organization  = {IEEE}
   1002 }
   1004 @InProceedings{   lifflander2014scalable,
   1005   title         = {Scalable replay with partial-order dependencies for
   1006                   message-logging fault tolerance},
   1007   author        = {Lifflander, Jonathan and Meneses, Esteban and Menon,
   1008                   Harshitha and Miller, Phil and Krishnamoorthy, Sriram and
   1009                   Kal{\'e}, Laxmikant V.},
   1010   booktitle     = {IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing
   1011                   (CLUSTER)},
   1012   pages         = {19--28},
   1013   year          = {2014},
   1014   organization  = {IEEE}
   1015 }
   1017 @Article{         romano2014design,
   1018   title         = {Design and evaluation of a parallel invocation protocol for
   1019                   transactional applications over the web},
   1020   author        = {Romano, Paolo and Quaglia, Francesco},
   1021   journal       = {IEEE Transactions on Computers},
   1022   volume        = {63},
   1023   number        = {2},
   1024   pages         = {317--334},
   1025   year          = {2014},
   1026   publisher     = {IEEE}
   1027 }
   1029 @InProceedings{   anastopoulos2015assessing,
   1030   author        = {Anastopoulos, Panayiotis A. and Spyrou, Kostas J.},
   1031   year          = {2015},
   1032   title         = {Assessing the Stability of Ships under the Effect of
   1033                   Realistic wave groups},
   1034   booktitle     = {International Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean
   1035                   Vehicles (STAB'15)},
   1036   pages         = {489--498},
   1037   address       = {Glasgow, UK}
   1038 }
   1040 @Book{            octave2015,
   1041   author        = {John W. Eaton and David Bateman and S{\o}ren Hauberg and Rik
   1042                   Wehbring},
   1043   title         = {{GNU Octave} version 4.0.0 manual: a high-level interactive
   1044                   language for numerical computations},
   1045   year          = {2015},
   1046   url           = {}
   1047 }
   1049 @Book{            ostrovsky2015couchbase,
   1050   title         = {Pro Couchbase Server},
   1051   author        = {Ostrovsky, David and Rodenski, Yaniv and Haji, Mohammed},
   1052   year          = {2015},
   1053   publisher     = {Apress}
   1054 }
   1056 @InProceedings{   weems2015rapid,
   1057   author        = {Kenneth Weems and Vadim Belenky},
   1058   year          = {2015},
   1059   title         = {Rapid Ship Motion Simulations for Investigating Rare
   1060                   Stability Failures in Irregular Seas},
   1061   booktitle     = {International Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean
   1062                   Vehicles (STAB)},
   1063   pages         = {915--925},
   1064   address       = {Glasgow, UK}
   1065 }
   1067 @Manual{          mathematica10,
   1068   author        = {{Wolfram Research, Inc.}},
   1069   title         = {Mathematica},
   1070   annote        = {Version 10.4},
   1071   publisher     = {Wolfram Research, Inc.},
   1072   address       = {Champaign, Illinois},
   1073   year          = {2016}
   1074 }
   1076 @Manual{          rlang2016,
   1077   title         = {R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing},
   1078   author        = {{R Core Team}},
   1079   organization  = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing},
   1080   address       = {Vienna, Austria},
   1081   year          = {2016},
   1082   url           = {}
   1083 }
   1085 @Misc{            clfft,
   1086   author        = {{clFFT developers}},
   1087   title         = {{clFFT: OpenCL Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs)}},
   1088   howpublished  = {\url{}}
   1089 }