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commit e06634dcfe24f90f628dd1e6d600b9f43ba93db5
parent efb623a3630a0692cd686e6bf9ee3f53d7fdc558
Author: Ivan Gankevich <>
Date:   Wed, 20 Jun 2018 15:38:09 +0300

Add main ARMA slide.

Diffstat: | 339++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------------
slides-preamble.tex | 3++-
2 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 160 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/ @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Недостатки: периодичность, вероятностная сходимость, линейная теория волн. -** Цель и задачи +** Постановка задачи Разработать /без предположений линейной теории волн/ - трехмерную имитационную модель морского волнения, @@ -62,22 +62,83 @@ - программный комплекс для систем с общей и распределенной памятью. * Трехмерная модель АРСС -** Основные формулы + +** Процесс АРСС + \begin{equation*} - \zeta_{i,j,k} = + \rectemph{zeta1}{\zeta_{i,j,k}} = \sum\limits_{l=0}^{p_1} \sum\limits_{m=0}^{p_2} \sum\limits_{n=0}^{p_3} - \Phi_{l,m,n} \zeta_{i-l,j-m,k-n} + \rectemph{phi}{\Phi_{l,m,n}} \rectemph{zeta2}{\zeta_{i-l,j-m,k-n}} + \sum\limits_{l=0}^{q_1} \sum\limits_{m=0}^{q_2} \sum\limits_{n=0}^{q_3} - \Theta_{l,m,n} \epsilon_{i-l,j-m,k-n} - , - \label{eq:arma-process} + \rectemph{theta}{\Theta_{l,m,n}} \rectemph{eps}{\epsilon_{i-l,j-m,k-n}} \end{equation*} +#+BEAMER: \vspace{0.5cm} + +#+begin_src dot :exports results :file build/arma-pipeline-ru.pdf +digraph G { + + node [fontname="Open Sans",fontsize=10,margin="0.055,0",shape=box,bgcolor="E5E6E5",style="filled",height="0.37"] + graph [nodesep="0.25",ranksep="0.30",rankdir="LR" margin=0] + edge [arrowsize=0.66] + bgcolor="#F5F6F5" + + acf [label="АКФ"] + yule_walker_equations [label="Уравнения\nЮла—Уокера"] + nonlinear_equations [label="Нелинейные\nуравнения"] + ar_process [label="Процесс\nАР"] + ma_process [label="Процесс\nСС"] + arma_process [label="Процесс\nАРСС"] + + acf->yule_walker_equations->ar_process->arma_process + acf->nonlinear_equations->ma_process->arma_process + +} +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +[[file:build/arma-pipeline-ru.pdf]] + +#+begin_export latex +\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] +\node[fill=none,baseline,anchor=south west,xshift=1.1cm,yshift=-1.75cm] + (zetaLabel) at (current page.north west) + {\scriptsize{}подъем взволнованной поверхности}; +\node[fill=none,anchor=south east,xshift=-2cm,yshift=-1.75cm] + (epsLabel) at (current page.north east) + {\scriptsize{}белый шум}; +\node[fill=none,baseline,anchor=north west,below=of phi,yshift=0.2cm] + (phiLabel) + {\scriptsize{}коэф. АР}; +\node[fill=none,baseline,anchor=north west,below=of theta,yshift=0.2cm] + (thetaLabel) + {\scriptsize{}коэф. СС}; +\path[->,thick] (zetaLabel.south -| zeta1.north) edge (zeta1.north); +\path[->,thick] (zetaLabel.south -| zeta2.north west) + edge [transform canvas={xshift=2mm}] + (zeta2.north west); +\path[->,thick] (epsLabel.south -| eps.north west) + edge [transform canvas={xshift=2mm}] + (eps.north west); +\path[->,thick] (phiLabel.north -| phi.south west) + edge [transform canvas={xshift=2.5mm}] + (phi.south west); +\path[->,thick] (thetaLabel.north -| theta.south west) + edge [transform canvas={xshift=2.5mm}] + (theta.south west); +\end{tikzpicture} +#+end_export + +*** Note +:PROPERTIES: +:BEAMER_ENV: note +:END: + По сравнению с моделью ЛХ - высоко-производительная, - непериодическая, @@ -87,101 +148,19 @@ - трехмерная, - исследуются трехмерные АКФ, а не спектры. -** Определение коэффициентов :noexport: -#+begin_export latex -\framesubitile{Модель АР} - \small% - Решить СЛАУ (трехмерные уравнения Юла---Уокера) относительно $\Phi$: - \begin{equation*} - \Gamma - \left[ - \begin{array}{l} - \Phi_{0,0,0}\\ - \Phi_{0,0,1}\\ - \vdotswithin{\Phi_{0,0,0}}\\ - \Phi_{p_1,p_2,p_3} - \end{array} - \right] - = - \left[ - \begin{array}{l} - K_{0,0,0}-\Var{\epsilon}\\ - K_{0,0,1}\\ - \vdotswithin{K_{0,0,0}}\\ - K_{p_1,p_2,p_3} - \end{array} - \right], - \qquad - \Gamma= - \left[ - \begin{array}{llll} - \Gamma_0 & \Gamma_1 & \cdots & \Gamma_{p_1} \\ - \Gamma_1 & \Gamma_0 & \ddots & \vdotswithin{\Gamma_0} \\ - \vdotswithin{\Gamma_0} & \ddots & \ddots & \Gamma_1 \\ - \Gamma_{p_1} & \cdots & \Gamma_1 & \Gamma_0 - \end{array} - \right], - \end{equation*} - \begin{equation*} - \Gamma_i = - \left[ - \begin{array}{llll} - \Gamma^0_i & \Gamma^1_i & \cdots & \Gamma^{p_2}_i \\ - \Gamma^1_i & \Gamma^0_i & \ddots & \vdotswithin{\Gamma^0_i} \\ - \vdotswithin{\Gamma^0_i} & \ddots & \ddots & \Gamma^1_i \\ - \Gamma^{p_2}_i & \cdots & \Gamma^1_i & \Gamma^0_i - \end{array} - \right] - \qquad - \Gamma_i^j= - \left[ - \begin{array}{llll} - K_{i,j,0} & K_{i,j,1} & \cdots & K_{i,j,p_3} \\ - K_{i,j,1} & K_{i,j,0} & \ddots &x \vdotswithin{K_{i,j,0}} \\ - \vdotswithin{K_{i,j,0}} & \ddots & \ddots & K_{i,j,1} \\ - K_{i,j,p_3} & \cdots & K_{i,j,1} & K_{i,j,0} - \end{array} - \right]. - \end{equation*} -#+end_export - -** Определение коэффициентов :noexport: -#+begin_export latex -\framesubitile{Модель СС} - \small% - Solve non-linear system of equations for $\Theta$: - \begin{equation*} - K_{i,j,k} = - \left[ - \displaystyle - \sum\limits_{l=i}^{q_1} - \sum\limits_{m=j}^{q_2} - \sum\limits_{n=k}^{q_3} - \Theta_{l,m,n}\Theta_{l-i,m-j,n-k} - \right] - \Var{\epsilon} - \end{equation*} - via fixed-point iteration method: - \begin{equation*} - \theta_{i,j,k} = - -\frac{K_{0,0,0}}{\Var{\epsilon}} - + - \sum\limits_{l=i}^{q_1} - \sum\limits_{m=j}^{q_2} - \sum\limits_{n=k}^{q_3} - \Theta_{l,m,n} \Theta_{l-i,m-j,n-k}. - \end{equation*} -#+end_export +** АКФ морской поверхности -** Критерии выбора моделей АР и СС -Использовать модель АР для стоячих волн и модель СС для прогрессивных. -#+latex: \newline\newline -Экспериментальный результат: -- модели расходятся, если делать наоборот; -- характеристики взволнованной поверхности соответствуют реальным. +*** Columns +:PROPERTIES: +:BEAMER_env: columns +:END: -** АКФ морской поверхности +**** Column 1 +:PROPERTIES: +:BEAMER_col: 1.00 +:END: +#+latex: \vspace{-0.5cm} #+begin_src dot :exports results :file build/acf-pipeline-ru.pdf digraph G { @@ -207,6 +186,20 @@ digraph G { #+RESULTS: [[file:build/acf-pipeline-ru.pdf]] +**** Column 2 :noexport: +:PROPERTIES: +:BEAMER_col: 0.37 +:END: + +\begin{equation*} +\hat{\gamma} = |\hat{\zeta}|^2 +\end{equation*} + +*** Separator +:PROPERTIES: +:BEAMER_env: ignoreheading +:END: + *** Columns :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_env: columns @@ -218,7 +211,6 @@ digraph G { :BEAMER_col: 0.30 :END: -#+latex: \vspace{-1cm} #+header: :width 1.7 :height 1.2 :bg #F5F6F5 :font sans #+begin_src R :file build/acf-propagating-plain-wave-ru.pdf source(file.path("R", "common.R")) @@ -250,7 +242,6 @@ arma.wavy_plot(df, 0, zlim=c(0,0.5), expand=0.5, border=NA) :BEAMER_col: 0.35 :END: -#+latex: \vspace{-1cm} #+header: :width 1.7 :height 1.2 :bg #F5F6F5 :font sans #+begin_src R :file build/acf-standing-plain-wave-ru.pdf source(file.path("R", "common.R")) @@ -281,7 +272,6 @@ arma.wavy_plot(df, 0, zlim=c(-0.05,0.05), expand=0.5, border=NA) :BEAMER_col: 0.30 :END: -#+latex: \vspace{-1cm} #+header: :width 1.7 :height 1.2 :bg #F5F6F5 :font sans #+begin_src R :file build/acf-propagating-stokes-wave-ru.pdf source(file.path("R", "common.R")) @@ -310,66 +300,97 @@ arma.acf_plot(df, 0, zlim=c(0,1.0), expand=0.5, border=NA) #+RESULTS: [[file:build/acf-propagating-stokes-wave-ru.pdf]] -** АКФ морской поверхности :noexport: +** Определение коэффициентов :noexport: #+begin_export latex -\small -\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] - \node[fill=spbuWhite2,text width=2.3cm,xshift=1cm,yshift=1.5cm,anchor=west] (waveProfile) at (current page.west) {Формула профиля волны или спектра}; - \node[fill=spbuWhite2,text width=2.0cm,yshift=1.5cm] (bigPoly) at (current {Полином высокой степени}; - \node[fill=spbuWhite2,text width=2.0cm,xshift=-1cm,yshift=1.5cm,anchor=east] (acfApprox) at (current page.east) {Формула АКФ}; - \draw[->,thick] (waveProfile) to node[above] {\scriptsize теорема} node[below] {\scriptsize Винера---Хинчина} (bigPoly); - \draw[->,thick] (bigPoly) to node[above] {\scriptsize аппроксимация} node[below] {\scriptsize модельной функцией} (acfApprox); -\end{tikzpicture} -\only<1>{ -\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] - \node[xshift=-3cm,yshift=-1.5cm,anchor=center] (acf1) at (current {\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{standing-acf-0}}; - \node[xshift=3cm,yshift=-1.5cm,anchor=center] (acf2) at (current {\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{propagating-acf-00}}; -\end{tikzpicture} -} -\only<2>{ -\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] - \node[xshift=-3cm,yshift=-1.5cm,anchor=center] (acf1) at (current {\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{standing-acf-1}}; - \node[xshift=3cm,yshift=-1.5cm,anchor=center] (acf2) at (current {\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{propagating-acf-00}}; -\end{tikzpicture} -} -\only<3>{ -\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] - \node[xshift=-3cm,yshift=-1.5cm,anchor=center] (acf1) at (current {\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{standing-acf-3}}; - \node[xshift=3cm,yshift=-1.5cm,anchor=center] (acf2) at (current {\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{propagating-acf-00}}; -\end{tikzpicture} -} -\only<4>{ -\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] - \node[xshift=-3cm,yshift=-1.5cm,anchor=center] (acf1) at (current {\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{standing-acf-4}}; - \node[xshift=3cm,yshift=-1.5cm,anchor=center] (acf2) at (current {\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{propagating-acf-00}}; -\end{tikzpicture} -} -\only<5>{ -\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] - \node[xshift=-3cm,yshift=-1.5cm,anchor=center] (acf1) at (current {\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{standing-acf-4}}; - \node[xshift=3cm,yshift=-1.5cm,anchor=center] (acf2) at (current {\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{propagating-acf-00}}; -\end{tikzpicture} -} -\only<6>{ -\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] - \node[xshift=-3cm,yshift=-1.5cm,anchor=center] (acf1) at (current {\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{standing-acf-4}}; - \node[xshift=3cm,yshift=-1.5cm,anchor=center] (acf2) at (current {\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{propagating-acf-01}}; -\end{tikzpicture} -} -\only<7>{ -\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] - \node[xshift=-3cm,yshift=-1.5cm,anchor=center] (acf1) at (current {\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{standing-acf-4}}; - \node[xshift=3cm,yshift=-1.5cm,anchor=center] (acf2) at (current {\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{propagating-acf-03}}; -\end{tikzpicture} -} -\only<8>{ -\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] - \node[xshift=-3cm,yshift=-1.5cm,anchor=center] (acf1) at (current {\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{standing-acf-4}}; - \node[xshift=3cm,yshift=-1.5cm,anchor=center] (acf2) at (current {\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{propagating-acf-04}}; -\end{tikzpicture} -} +\framesubitile{Модель АР} + \small% + Решить СЛАУ (трехмерные уравнения Юла---Уокера) относительно $\Phi$: + \begin{equation*} + \Gamma + \left[ + \begin{array}{l} + \Phi_{0,0,0}\\ + \Phi_{0,0,1}\\ + \vdotswithin{\Phi_{0,0,0}}\\ + \Phi_{p_1,p_2,p_3} + \end{array} + \right] + = + \left[ + \begin{array}{l} + K_{0,0,0}-\Var{\epsilon}\\ + K_{0,0,1}\\ + \vdotswithin{K_{0,0,0}}\\ + K_{p_1,p_2,p_3} + \end{array} + \right], + \qquad + \Gamma= + \left[ + \begin{array}{llll} + \Gamma_0 & \Gamma_1 & \cdots & \Gamma_{p_1} \\ + \Gamma_1 & \Gamma_0 & \ddots & \vdotswithin{\Gamma_0} \\ + \vdotswithin{\Gamma_0} & \ddots & \ddots & \Gamma_1 \\ + \Gamma_{p_1} & \cdots & \Gamma_1 & \Gamma_0 + \end{array} + \right], + \end{equation*} + \begin{equation*} + \Gamma_i = + \left[ + \begin{array}{llll} + \Gamma^0_i & \Gamma^1_i & \cdots & \Gamma^{p_2}_i \\ + \Gamma^1_i & \Gamma^0_i & \ddots & \vdotswithin{\Gamma^0_i} \\ + \vdotswithin{\Gamma^0_i} & \ddots & \ddots & \Gamma^1_i \\ + \Gamma^{p_2}_i & \cdots & \Gamma^1_i & \Gamma^0_i + \end{array} + \right] + \qquad + \Gamma_i^j= + \left[ + \begin{array}{llll} + K_{i,j,0} & K_{i,j,1} & \cdots & K_{i,j,p_3} \\ + K_{i,j,1} & K_{i,j,0} & \ddots &x \vdotswithin{K_{i,j,0}} \\ + \vdotswithin{K_{i,j,0}} & \ddots & \ddots & K_{i,j,1} \\ + K_{i,j,p_3} & \cdots & K_{i,j,1} & K_{i,j,0} + \end{array} + \right]. + \end{equation*} #+end_export +** Определение коэффициентов :noexport: +#+BEAMER: \framesubitile{Модель СС} +#+BEAMER: \small +Решить систему нелинейных уравнений +\begin{equation*} + K_{i,j,k} = + \left[ + \displaystyle + \sum\limits_{l=i}^{q_1} + \sum\limits_{m=j}^{q_2} + \sum\limits_{n=k}^{q_3} + \Theta_{l,m,n}\Theta_{l-i,m-j,n-k} + \right] + \Var{\epsilon} +\end{equation*} +относительно \(\Theta\) с помощью метода простой итерации: +\begin{equation*} + \theta_{i,j,k} = + -\frac{K_{0,0,0}}{\Var{\epsilon}} + + + \sum\limits_{l=i}^{q_1} + \sum\limits_{m=j}^{q_2} + \sum\limits_{n=k}^{q_3} + \Theta_{l,m,n} \Theta_{l-i,m-j,n-k}. +\end{equation*} + +** Критерии выбора моделей АР и СС :noexport: +Использовать модель АР для стоячих волн и модель СС для прогрессивных. +#+latex: \newline\newline +Экспериментальный результат: +- модели расходятся, если делать наоборот; +- характеристики взволнованной поверхности соответствуют реальным. + ** Верификация модели АРСС *** Стоячие волны diff --git a/slides-preamble.tex b/slides-preamble.tex @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ \usepackage{colortbl} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{shapes} +\usetikzlibrary{positioning} \graphicspath{{build/}{graphics/slides/}} @@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ \newcommand*{\rectemph}[2]{% \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(#1tmp.base),remember picture] \node[fill=none,inner sep=0mm] (#1tmp) {$\displaystyle\phantom{#2}$};% - \node[overlay,rectangle,fill=none,ultra thick,draw=markBlue, inner xsep=0.5mm, inner ysep=1mm] (#1) at (#1tmp) {$\displaystyle#2$};% + \node[overlay,rectangle,fill=none,ultra thick,draw=none, inner xsep=0.5mm, inner ysep=1mm] (#1) at (#1tmp) {$\displaystyle#2$};% \end{tikzpicture} }