refs.bib (11421B)
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Mechanics and Engineering}, 19 volume={3}, 20 pages={32--41}, 21 year={1959} 22 } 23 24 @article{longuet1957statistical, 25 title={The statistical analysis of a random, moving surface}, 26 author={Longuet---Higgins, Michael S}, 27 journal={Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences}, 28 volume={249}, 29 number={966}, 30 pages={321--387}, 31 year={1957}, 32 publisher={The Royal Society} 33 } 34 35 @article{beck2001modern, 36 title={Modern computational methods for ships in a seaway}, 37 author={Beck, Robert F. and Reed, Arthur M. and Sclavounos, Paul D. and 38 Hutchison, Bruce L.}, 39 journal={Transactions-Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers}, 40 volume={109}, 41 pages={1--51}, 42 year={2001}, 43 publisher={Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers} 44 } 45 46 @article{spanos1983arma, 47 title={ARMA algorithms for ocean wave modeling}, 48 author={Spanos, PT D}, 49 journal={Journal of Energy Resources Technology}, 50 volume={105}, 51 number={3}, 52 pages={300--309}, 53 year={1983}, 54 publisher={American Society of Mechanical Engineers} 55 } 56 57 @book{spanos1982arma, 58 title={ARMA Algorithms for Ocean Spectral Analysis}, 59 author={Spanos, Pol D}, 60 year={1982}, 61 publisher={University of Texas at Austin. Engineering Mechanics Research Laboratory} 62 } 63 64 @article{mignolet1992simulation, 65 title={Simulation of homogeneous two-dimensional random fields: Part I—AR and ARMA models}, 66 author={Mignolet, Marc P and Spanos, Pol D}, 67 journal={Journal of applied mechanics}, 68 volume={59}, 69 number={2S}, 70 pages={S260--S269}, 71 year={1992}, 72 publisher={American Society of Mechanical Engineers} 73 } 74 75 @article{spanos1992simulation, 76 title={Simulation of homogeneous two-dimensional random fields: Part II—MA and ARMA Models}, 77 author={Spanos, Pol D and Mignolet, Marc P}, 78 journal={Journal of applied mechanics}, 79 volume={59}, 80 number={2S}, 81 pages={S270--S277}, 82 year={1992}, 83 publisher={American Society of Mechanical Engineers} 84 } 85 86 @article{spanos1996efficient, 87 title={Efficient iterative ARMA approximation of multivariate random processes for structural dynamics applications}, 88 author={Spanos, Pol D and Zeldin, BA}, 89 journal={Earthquake engineering \& structural dynamics}, 90 volume={25}, 91 number={5}, 92 pages={497--507}, 93 year={1996}, 94 publisher={Wiley Online Library} 95 } 96 97 @phdthesis{zeldin1996representation, 98 title={Representation and synthesis of random fields: ARMA, Galerkin, and wavelet procedures}, 99 author={Zeldin, Boris A}, 100 year={1996}, 101 school={Rice University} 102 } 103 104 @Book{ box1976time, 105 title = {Time series analysis: forecasting and control, revised 106 ed}, 107 author = {Box, George EP and Jenkins, Gwilym M}, 108 year = {1976}, 109 publisher = {Holden-Day} 110 } 111 112 @Article{ boccotti1983wind, 113 title = {On wind wave kinematics}, 114 author = {Boccotti, Paolo}, 115 journal = {Meccanica}, 116 volume = {18}, 117 number = {4}, 118 pages = {205--216}, 119 year = {1983}, 120 publisher = {Springer} 121 } 122 123 @inbook{gurgenidze1988, 124 author = {Gurgenidze, A. T. and Trapeznikov, Yu. A.}, 125 title = {Probabilistic model of wind waves}, 126 booktitle = {Theoretical foundations and methods of calculating wind waves}, 127 address = {Leningrad}, 128 publisher = {Gidrometeoizdat}, 129 pages = {8--23}, 130 year = {1988} 131 } 132 133 @book{rozhkov1990, 134 author = {Rozhkov, V. A. and Trapeznikov, Yu. A. }, 135 title = {Probabilistic models of oceanographic processes}, 136 address = {Leningrad}, 137 publisher = {Gidrometeoizdat}, 138 year = {1990} 139 } 140 141 @phdthesis{kostecki1972stochastic, 142 title={Stochastic model of sea waves}, 143 author={Kostecki, M}, 144 year={1972}, 145 school={CTO, Gdansk} 146 } 147 148 @article{fusco2010short, 149 title = {Short-term wave forecasting for real-time control of wave energy converters}, 150 author = {Fusco, Francesco and Ringwood, John V}, 151 journal = {IEEE Transactions on sustainable energy}, 152 volume = {1}, 153 number = {2}, 154 pages = {99--106}, 155 year = {2010}, 156 publisher = {IEEE} 157 } 158 159 @InProceedings{ stab2012, 160 author = {A. Degtyarev and I. Gankevich}, 161 title = {Evaluation of hydrodynamic pressures for autoregression 162 model of irregular waves}, 163 booktitle = {Proceedings of 11\textsuperscript{th} International 164 Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, 165 Athens}, 166 year = 2012, 167 pages = {841--852} 168 } 169 170 @techreport{degtyarev1997analysis, 171 author={Degtyarev, A. and Boukhanovsky, A.}, 172 title={Analysis of Peculiarities of Ship-Environmental Interaction}, 173 month={September}, 174 year={1997}, 175 address={Ship Stability Research Center, Glasgow}, 176 number={09-97-1AB-1VA}, 177 institution={Strathclyde University} 178 } 179 180 @InProceedings{degtyarev1998modelling, 181 author={Degtyarev, A. B. and and Podoliakin, A. B.}, 182 title={Simulation modelling of ship behaviour in real sea waves (in Russian)}, 183 address={Saint-Petersburg}, 184 volume={V}, 185 pages={416--423}, 186 booktitle={Proc. of II int. conf. on shipbuilding (ISC'98)}, 187 year={1998} 188 } 189 190 @book{galassi2015gnu, 191 author = {Galassi, M. and Davies, J. and Theiler, J. and Gough, B. and Jungman, G. 192 and Alken, P. and Booth, M. and Rossi, F. and Ulerich, R.}, 193 title = {GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual}, 194 year = {2009}, 195 isbn = {0954612078, 9780954612078}, 196 edition = {3}, 197 publisher = {Network Theory Ltd.}, 198 note = {Eds. Brian Gough} 199 } 200 201 @misc{clfft, 202 author = {{clFFT developers}}, 203 title = {{clFFT: OpenCL Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs)}}, 204 howpublished = {\url{}} 205 } 206 207 @Article{ goto2008anatomy, 208 title = {Anatomy of high-performance matrix multiplication}, 209 author = {Goto, Kazushige and Geijn, Robert A.}, 210 journal = {ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS)}, 211 volume = {34}, 212 number = {3}, 213 pages = {12}, 214 year = {2008}, 215 publisher = {ACM} 216 } 217 218 @Article{ goto2008high, 219 title = {High-performance implementation of the level-3 {BLAS}}, 220 author = {Goto, Kazushige and Van De Geijn, Robert}, 221 journal = {ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS)}, 222 volume = {35}, 223 number = {1}, 224 pages = {4}, 225 year = {2008}, 226 publisher = {ACM} 227 } 228 229 @InProceedings{ fabri2009cgal, 230 title = {{CGAL}: The computational geometry algorithms library}, 231 author = {Fabri, Andreas and Pion, Sylvain}, 232 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL international 233 conference on advances in geographic information systems}, 234 pages = {538--539}, 235 year = {2009}, 236 organization = {ACM} 237 } 238 239 @misc{kilgard1996opengl, 240 author = {Mark J. Kilgard}, 241 title = {The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) Programming Interface}, 242 year = {1996}, 243 url = {} 244 } 245 246 @article{veldhuizen2000techniques, 247 title = {Techniques for scientific {C++}}, 248 author = {Veldhuizen, Todd}, 249 journal = {Computer science technical report}, 250 volume = {542}, 251 pages = {60}, 252 year = {2000}, 253 publisher = {Citeseer} 254 } 255 256 @inproceedings{veldhuizen1997will, 257 title = {Will {C++} be faster than {Fortran}?}, 258 author = {Veldhuizen, Todd L. and Jernigan, M. Ed.}, 259 booktitle = {International Conference on Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel Environments}, 260 pages = {49--56}, 261 year = {1997}, 262 organization = {Springer} 263 } 264 265 @Article{ matsumoto1998dynamic, 266 title = {Dynamic creation of pseudorandom number generators}, 267 author = {Matsumoto, Makoto and Nishimura, Takuji}, 268 journal = {Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods}, 269 volume = {2000}, 270 pages = {56--69}, 271 year = {1998} 272 } 273 274 @Article{ matsumoto1998mersenne, 275 title = {Mersenne twister: a 623-dimensionally equidistributed 276 uniform pseudo-random number generator}, 277 author = {Matsumoto, Makoto and Nishimura, Takuji}, 278 journal = {ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 279 (TOMACS)}, 280 volume = {8}, 281 number = {1}, 282 pages = {3--30}, 283 year = {1998}, 284 publisher = {ACM} 285 } 286 287 @Book{ oppenheim1989discrete, 288 title = {Discrete-time signal processing}, 289 author = {Oppenheim, Alan V and Schafer, Ronald W and Buck, John R 290 and others}, 291 volume = {2}, 292 year = {1989}, 293 publisher = {Prentice hall Englewood Cliffs, NJ} 294 } 295 296 @Article{ owen1956tables, 297 title = {Tables for computing bivariate normal probabilities}, 298 author = {Owen, Donald B}, 299 journal = {The Annals of Mathematical Statistics}, 300 volume = {27}, 301 number = {4}, 302 pages = {1075--1090}, 303 year = {1956}, 304 publisher = {JSTOR} 305 } 306 307 @Book{ pavel2013algorithms, 308 title = {Algorithms for efficient computation of convolution}, 309 author = {Pavel, Karas and David, Svoboda}, 310 year = {2013}, 311 publisher = {INTECH Open Access Publisher} 312 } 313 314 @book{ rozhkov1996prob, 315 title = {Theory of probabilities of random events, quantities and functions 316 with hydrometeorological examples (in Russian)}, 317 author = {Rozhkov, V. A.}, 318 address = {Saint-Petersburg}, 319 publisher = {Progress--Pogoda}, 320 year = {1996} 321 } 322 323 @InCollection{ svoboda2011efficient, 324 title = {Efficient computation of convolution of huge images}, 325 author = {Svoboda, David}, 326 booktitle = {Image Analysis and Processing--ICIAP 2011}, 327 pages = {453--462}, 328 year = {2011}, 329 publisher = {Springer} 330 } 331 332 @PhDThesis{ boukhanovsky1997thesis, 333 author = {Boukhanovsky, A. V.}, 334 title = {Probabilistic modeling of wind wave fields taking into account their 335 heterogeneity and nonstationarity}, 336 year = {1997}, 337 school = {Saint Petersburg State University} 338 } 339 340 @Article{ degtyarev2011modelling, 341 title = {Modelling of incident waves near the ship’s hull 342 (application of autoregressive approach in problems of 343 simulation of rough seas)}, 344 author = {Degtyarev, A. B. and Reed, A. M.}, 345 journal = {Proceedings of the 12th International Ship Stability 346 Work-shop}, 347 year = {2011} 348 } 349 350 @Article{ degtyarev2013synoptic, 351 title = {Synoptic and short-term modeling of ocean waves}, 352 author = {Degtyarev, Alexander B. and Reed, Arthur M.}, 353 journal = {International Shipbuilding Progress}, 354 volume = {60}, 355 number = {1-4}, 356 pages = {523--553}, 357 year = {2013}, 358 publisher = {IOS Press} 359 } 360 361 @Article{ huang1980experimental, 362 title = {An experimental study of the surface elevation probability 363 distribution and statistics of wind-generated waves}, 364 author = {Huang, Norden E and Long, Steven R}, 365 journal = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, 366 volume = {101}, 367 number = {01}, 368 pages = {179--200}, 369 year = {1980}, 370 publisher = {Cambridge Univ Press} 371 } 372 373 @Book{ kochin1966theoretical, 374 title = {Theoretical hydrodynamics [in Russian]}, 375 author = {Kochin, N. and Kibel, I. and Roze, N.}, 376 pages = {237}, 377 year = {1966}, 378 publisher = {FizMatLit} 379 } 380 381 @Manual{ mathematica10, 382 author = {{Wolfram Research, Inc.}}, 383 title = {Mathematica}, 384 annote = {Version 10.4}, 385 publisher = {Wolfram Research, Inc.}, 386 address = {Champaign, Illinois}, 387 year = {2016} 388 }