serial-import (691B)
1 #!/bin/sh 2 3 db=hold-peak.sqlite3 4 tmp=$(mktemp) 5 sqlite3 $db << 'EOF' 6 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS load_cell_samples ( 7 timestamp INTEGER, t FLOAT, 8 x INTEGER, y INTEGER, z INTEGER, 9 sign_x INTEGER, sign_y INTEGER, sign_z INTEGER); 10 EOF 11 while read line 12 do 13 date=$(echo "$line" | sed -rne 's/([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}).*/2021-04-17 \1:\2:\3/p') 14 # we swap X and Y here, since the anemometere was rotated 90 degrees CW 15 rest=$(echo "$line" | sed -rne 's/.*t ([^ ]+) x ([^ ]+) y ([^ ]+) z ([^ ]+) sx ([^ ]+) sy ([^ ]+) sz ([^ ]+).*/\1|\3|\2|\4|\5|\6|\7/p') 16 date=$(date --date="$date" "+%s") 17 echo "$date|$rest" 18 done < $1 > $tmp 19 sqlite3 $db ".import $tmp load_cell_samples" 20 rm $tmp