
Wind Simulation Using High-Frequency Velocity Component Measurements
git clone https://git.igankevich.com/iccsa-21-wind.git
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velocity-dist.gnuplot (5097B)

      1 load 'gnuplot/paired.pal'
      2 load 'build/gnuplot/x_rmse.gnuplot'
      3 load 'build/gnuplot/y_rmse.gnuplot'
      4 load 'build/gnuplot/z_rmse.gnuplot'
      5 set terminal svg size 450,450/3*2 font 'Free Serif, 10' enhanced round dynamic
      6 set xtics nomirror out offset 0,0.25
      7 set ytics nomirror out offset 0.5,0
      8 set border 1+2 back
      9 #set key top center outside Left reverse
     10 unset key
     12 set output 'build/gnuplot/velocity-dist.svg'
     14 set xlabel 'υ_x' offset 0,1.0
     15 set yrange [0:0.4]
     16 set ytics 0,0.1
     17 set rmargin 0
     18 set tmargin 2
     19 set multiplot layout 2,3
     21 positive(x) = x<0 ? (1/0) : x
     22 negative(x) = x>0 ? (1/0) : x
     23 round(x) = floor(x+0.5)
     25 ###################################
     26 # first row
     27 ###################################
     29 filename = sprintf('build/velocity/x/weibull/%d', x_rmse_max_timestamp)
     30 set lmargin 5
     31 set title offset 0,-1
     32 set title sprintf("%s–%s\nNRMSE_x = %.1f%%",\
     33         strftime('%F %H:%M', x_rmse_max_timestamp),\
     34         strftime('%H:%M', x_rmse_max_timestamp+2*60*60),\
     35         (x_rmse_max*100))
     36 set xrange [-10:10]
     37 plot \
     38 filename index 0 using 1:2 with points pt 6 lc '#404040' title 'Observed PDF of υ_x',\
     39 '' index 0 using (positive($1)):3 with lines lw 2 lc '#c04040' title 'Estimated PDF of positive υ_x',\
     40 '' index 0 using (negative($1)):3 with lines lw 2 lc '#4040c0' title 'Estimated PDF of negative υ_x'
     41 #'' index 1 using 1:2 with lines dashtype 1 lw 2 lc '#808080' notitle, \
     43 filename = sprintf('build/velocity/y/weibull/%d', y_rmse_max_timestamp)
     44 set lmargin 5
     45 set xlabel 'υ_y'
     46 set title sprintf("%s–%s\nNRMSE_y = %.1f%%",\
     47         strftime('%F %H:%M', y_rmse_max_timestamp),\
     48         strftime('%H:%M', y_rmse_max_timestamp+2*60*60),\
     49         (y_rmse_max*100))
     50 #set xrange [-4:4]
     51 plot \
     52 filename index 0 using 1:2 with points pt 6 lc '#404040' title 'Observed PDF of υ_y',\
     53 '' index 0 using (positive($1)):3 with lines lw 2 lc '#c04040' title 'Estimated PDF of positive υ_y',\
     54 '' index 0 using (negative($1)):3 with lines lw 2 lc '#4040c0' title 'Estimated PDF of negative υ_y'
     55 #'' index 1 using 1:2 with lines dashtype 1 lw 2 lc '#808080' notitle, \
     56 #unset key
     58 filename = sprintf('build/velocity/z/weibull/%d', z_rmse_max_timestamp)
     59 #set xrange [-4:4]
     60 set xlabel 'υ_z'
     61 set title sprintf("%s–%s\nNRMSE_z = %.1f%%",\
     62         strftime('%F %H:%M', z_rmse_max_timestamp),\
     63         strftime('%H:%M', z_rmse_max_timestamp+2*60*60),\
     64         (z_rmse_max*100))
     65 plot \
     66 filename index 0 using 1:2 with points pt 6 lc '#404040' title 'Observed PDF of υ_z',\
     67 '' index 0 using (positive($1)):3 with lines lw 2 lc '#c04040' title 'Estimated PDF of positive υ_z',\
     68 '' index 0 using (negative($1)):3 with lines lw 2 lc '#4040c0' title 'Estimated PDF of negative υ_z'
     69 #'' index 1 using 1:2 with lines dashtype 1 lw 2 lc '#808080' notitle, \
     71 # Velocity X min. RMSE = 0.016698 (1614135600), mean speed = 2.748603
     72 # Velocity Y min. RMSE = 0.021981 (1615647600), mean speed = 1.377537
     73 # Velocity Z min. RMSE = 0.015136 (1615647600), mean speed = 1.377537
     75 ###################################
     76 # second row
     77 ###################################
     78 set bmargin 3
     79 set xrange [-4.5:4.5]
     80 set yrange [0:1.2]
     81 set ytics 0,0.2
     82 #set xtics -10,1
     84 filename = sprintf('build/velocity/x/weibull/%d', x_rmse_min_timestamp)
     85 set lmargin 5
     86 set title sprintf("%s–%s\nNRMSE_x = %.1f%%",\
     87     strftime('%F %H:%M', x_rmse_min_timestamp),\
     88     strftime('%H:%M', x_rmse_min_timestamp+2*60*60),\
     89     (x_rmse_min*100))
     90 plot \
     91 filename index 0 using 1:2 with points pt 6 lc '#404040' title 'Observed PDF of υ_x',\
     92 '' index 0 using (positive($1)):3 with lines lw 2 lc '#c04040' title 'Estimated PDF of positive υ_x',\
     93 '' index 0 using (negative($1)):3 with lines lw 2 lc '#4040c0' title 'Estimated PDF of negative υ_x'
     94 #'' index 1 using 1:2 with lines dashtype 1 lw 2 lc '#808080' notitle, \
     96 filename = sprintf('build/velocity/y/weibull/%d', y_rmse_min_timestamp)
     97 set lmargin 5
     98 #set xrange [-3:3]
     99 set xlabel 'υ_y'
    100 set title sprintf("%s–%s\nNRMSE_y = %.1f%%",\
    101     strftime('%F %H:%M', y_rmse_min_timestamp),\
    102     strftime('%H:%M', y_rmse_min_timestamp+2*60*60),\
    103     (y_rmse_min*100))
    104 #set xrange [-3:5]
    105 plot \
    106 filename index 0 using 1:2 with points pt 6 lc '#404040' title 'Observed PDF of υ_y',\
    107 '' index 0 using (positive($1)):3 with lines lw 2 lc '#c04040' title 'Estimated PDF of positive υ_y',\
    108 '' index 0 using (negative($1)):3 with lines lw 2 lc '#4040c0' title 'Estimated PDF of negative υ_y'
    109 #'' index 1 using 1:2 with lines dashtype 1 lw 2 lc '#808080' notitle, \
    111 filename = sprintf('build/velocity/z/weibull/%d', z_rmse_min_timestamp)
    112 set xlabel 'υ_z'
    113 set title sprintf("%s–%s\nNRMSE_z = %.1f%%     ",\
    114     strftime('%F %H:%M', z_rmse_min_timestamp),\
    115     strftime('%H:%M', z_rmse_min_timestamp+2*60*60),\
    116     (z_rmse_min*100))
    117 plot \
    118 filename index 0 using 1:2 with points pt 6 lc '#404040' title 'Observed PDF of υ_z',\
    119 '' index 0 using (positive($1)):3 with lines lw 2 lc '#c04040' title 'Estimated PDF of positive υ_z',\
    120 '' index 0 using (negative($1)):3 with lines lw 2 lc '#4040c0' title 'Estimated PDF of negative υ_z'
    121 #'' index 1 using 1:2 with lines dashtype 1 lw 2 lc '#808080' notitle, \