
Wind Simulation Using High-Frequency Velocity Component Measurements
git clone https://git.igankevich.com/iccsa-21-wind.git
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turbulence.gnuplot (1169B)

      1 set terminal svg size 450,450/3 font 'Free Serif, 10' enhanced round dynamic
      2 set xtics nomirror out offset 0,0.5
      3 set ytics nomirror out offset 0.5,0
      4 set border 1+2 back
      5 set xlabel offset 0,1.25
      6 set ylabel offset 2.5,0
      7 set title offset 0,-1
      8 set tmargin 1
      9 set lmargin 6
     10 set rmargin 1
     11 unset key
     13 set output 'build/gnuplot/turbulence.svg'
     15 set multiplot layout 1,3
     17 set xrange [0:6]
     18 set yrange [0.3:*]
     19 set xtics 0,1
     20 set ytics 0.4,0.2
     22 n = 3
     24 set xlabel 'Velocity X, m/s'
     25 set ylabel 'Turbulence coefficient X'
     26 plot \
     27 '< sort -nk1 build/turbulence' using (abs($1)):4 every n with points pt 6 lc '#404040' notitle,\
     28 '' using (abs($1)):4 smooth bezier with lines lc '#c04040' lw 2 notitle
     30 set xlabel 'Velocity Y, m/s'
     31 set ylabel 'Turbulence coefficient Y'
     32 plot \
     33 '< sort -nk2 build/turbulence' using (abs($2)):5 every n with points pt 6 lc '#404040' notitle,\
     34 '' using (abs($2)):5 smooth bezier with lines lc '#c04040' lw 2 notitle
     36 set xlabel 'Velocity Z, m/s'
     37 set ylabel 'Turbulence coefficient Z'
     38 plot \
     39 '< sort -nk3 build/turbulence' using (abs($3)):6 every n with points pt 6 lc '#404040' notitle,\
     40 '' using (abs($3)):6 smooth bezier with lines lc '#c04040' lw 2 notitle