
Wind Simulation Using High-Frequency Velocity Component Measurements
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vtestbed.R (6741B)

      1 source("R/common.R")
      2 source("R/distributions.R")
      4 delevel <- function (x) {
      5   x - min(x)
      6 }
      8 # the timestamp against which the simulation output is validated
      9 time_start = 1616936400
     10 time_end = time_start
     11 time_delta = 60*60*2
     13 data <- read.table("samples/vtestbed/statistics.log", sep=",", header=TRUE)
     14 #data <- read.table("samples/vtestbed/statistics-2021-04-28.log", sep=",", header=TRUE)
     15 #data <- read.table("samples/vtestbed/statistics-2021-04-28_21-42-37.log", sep=",", header=TRUE)
     16 #data <- read.table("samples/vtestbed/wind_data", sep=",", header=TRUE)
     17 #timestamps <- seq(1,floor(max(data$time)))
     18 ##print(timestamps)
     19 ## resample the data to 1 second period
     20 #new_data <- data.frame(
     21 #  time=timestamps,
     22 #  wind_velocity_x = approx(data$time, data$wind_velocity_x, timestamps)$y,
     23 #  wind_velocity_y = approx(data$time, data$wind_velocity_y, timestamps)$y,
     24 #  wind_velocity_z = approx(data$time, data$wind_velocity_z, timestamps)$y
     25 #)
     26 #data = new_data
     28 # select every 10th point
     29 #data <- data[seq(1,nrow(data),4000),]
     31 data$time = seq(1,nrow(data))
     32 x_mean = -2.439
     33 y_mean = -2.158
     34 z_mean = -1.367
     35 data$wind_velocity_x = data$wind_velocity_x + x_mean
     36 data$wind_velocity_y = data$wind_velocity_y + y_mean
     37 data$wind_velocity_z = data$wind_velocity_z + z_mean
     38 #data <- data[c("time","wind_velocity_x","wind_velocity_y","wind_velocity_z")]
     39 #plot(data$time, data$wind_velocity_x)
     40 #plot(data$time, data$wind_velocity_y)
     41 #plot(data$time, data$wind_velocity_z)
     42 data$speed <- speed(data$wind_velocity_x,data$wind_velocity_y,data$wind_velocity_z)
     43 data$direction <- direction(data$wind_velocity_x,data$wind_velocity_y)
     44 #hist(data$speed)
     45 #hist(data$direction)
     48 do_fit_velocity <- function (velocity, suffix="no-suffix") {
     49   velocity_hist <- normalize_hist(hist(velocity, plot=FALSE, breaks=100))
     50   x = velocity_hist$x;
     51   v = velocity_hist$density;
     52   d = density(velocity,adjust=0.5)
     53   dist <- fit_velocity_pdf(x, v, density=d$y, sign=1, axis="v", dist="weibull")
     54   plot(x, dist$actual_density, xlab='Wind speed', ylab='PDF')
     55   lines(d, col='green', lwd=2)
     56   lines(dist$x, dist$estimated_density, col='red', lwd=2)
     57   path <- file.path('build', 'vtestbed', suffix)
     58   make_directory(path)
     59   filename <- file.path(path, "velocity")
     60   write.table(data.frame(x=dist$x,actual=dist$actual_density,estimated=dist$estimated_density),
     61               filename, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
     62   dist
     63 }
     65 do_fit_direction <- function (direction, suffix="no-suffix") {
     66   hist <- normalize_hist(hist(direction, plot=FALSE, breaks=1000))
     67   x = hist$x;
     68   v = hist$density;
     69   d = density(direction,adjust=0.5)
     70   dist <- fit_direction(x, v, plot=FALSE)
     71   plot(x, dist$actual_density, xlab='Direction', ylab='PDF')
     72   lines(d, col='green', lwd=2)
     73   lines(dist$x, dist$estimated_density, col='red', lwd=2)
     74   path <- file.path('build', 'vtestbed', suffix)
     75   make_directory(path)
     76   filename <- file.path(path, "direction")
     77   write.table(data.frame(x=dist$x,actual=dist$actual_density,estimated=dist$estimated_density),
     78               filename, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
     79   dist
     80 }
     82 do_fit_acf <- function (velocity, axis="x", suffix="no-suffix", delevel=FALSE) {
     83   v = velocity
     84   model <- fit_velocity_acf(v, axis=axis, plot=FALSE, write=FALSE);
     85   if (delevel) {
     86     model$actual = delevel(model$actual)
     87     model$estimated = delevel(model$estimated)
     88   }
     89   plot(model$lag, model$actual, xlab='Lag', ylab=paste('ACF ', axis, sep=""))
     90   lines(model$lag, model$estimated, col='red', lwd=2)
     91   path <- file.path('build', 'vtestbed', suffix)
     92   make_directory(path)
     93   filename <- file.path(path, sprintf("acf-%s", axis))
     94   write.table(data.frame(lag=model$lag,actual=model$actual,estimated=model$estimated),
     95               filename, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
     96   model
     97 }
     99 # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19918985/r-plot-only-text
    100 banner <- function (str) {
    101   plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), ann = F, bty = 'n', type = 'n', xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n')
    102   text(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, str, cex = 1.6, col = "black")
    103 }
    105 banner("Virtual testbed")
    106 dist_speed <- do_fit_velocity(data$speed, suffix="vtb")
    107 dist_direction <- do_fit_direction(data$direction[data$direction<=0], suffix="vtb")
    108 model_acf_x <- do_fit_acf(data$wind_velocity_x, axis="X", suffix="vtb")
    109 model_acf_y <- do_fit_acf(data$wind_velocity_y, axis="Y", suffix="vtb")
    110 model_acf_z <- do_fit_acf(data$wind_velocity_z, axis="Z", suffix="vtb")
    112 banner("Anemometer")
    113 data_real <- select_samples(time_start, time_delta)
    114 dist_speed_real <- do_fit_velocity(data_real$speed, suffix="anem")
    115 dist_direction_real <- do_fit_direction(data_real$direction[data_real$direction<=0], suffix="anem")
    116 model_acf_x_real <- do_fit_acf(data_real$x[data_real$x<=0], axis="X", suffix="anem", delevel=FALSE)
    117 model_acf_y_real <- do_fit_acf(data_real$y[data_real$y<=0], axis="Y", suffix="anem", delevel=FALSE)
    118 model_acf_z_real <- do_fit_acf(data_real$z[data_real$z<=0], axis="Z", suffix="anem", delevel=FALSE)
    120 # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27455948/in-r-whats-the-simplest-way-to-scale-a-vector-to-a-unit-vector
    121 normalise <- function(x) {
    122   #x <- as.vector(x)
    123   #s <- max(abs(x))
    124   #if (s == 0) {
    125   #  ret <- x
    126   #} else {
    127   #  ret <- x/s
    128   #}
    129   #ret
    130   x
    131 }
    133 banner("Comparison")
    134 plot(dist_speed$x, normalise(dist_speed$actual_density), xlab='Wind speed', ylab='PDF')
    135 lines(dist_speed$x, normalise(dist_speed$estimated_density), col='red', lwd=2)
    136 points(dist_speed_real$x, normalise(dist_speed_real$actual_density), col='blue')
    137 lines(dist_speed_real$x, normalise(dist_speed_real$estimated_density), col='blue', lwd=2)
    139 plot(dist_direction$x, normalise(dist_direction$actual_density), xlab='Wind direction', ylab='PDF')
    140 lines(dist_direction$x, normalise(dist_direction$estimated_density), col='red', lwd=2)
    141 points(dist_direction_real$x, normalise(dist_direction_real$actual_density), col='blue')
    142 lines(dist_direction_real$x, normalise(dist_direction_real$estimated_density), col='blue', lwd=2)
    144 plot(model_acf_x$lag, model_acf_x$actual, col='red', xlab='Lag', ylab="ACF X")
    145 lines(model_acf_x$lag, model_acf_x$estimated, col='red', lwd=2)
    146 points(model_acf_x_real$lag, (model_acf_x_real$actual), col='blue')
    147 lines(model_acf_x_real$lag, (model_acf_x_real$estimated), col='blue', lwd=2)
    149 plot(model_acf_y$lag, model_acf_y$actual, col='red', xlab='Lag', ylab="ACF Y")
    150 lines(model_acf_y$lag, model_acf_y$estimated, col='red', lwd=2)
    151 points(model_acf_y_real$lag, (model_acf_y_real$actual), col='blue')
    152 lines(model_acf_y_real$lag, (model_acf_y_real$estimated), col='blue', lwd=2)
    154 plot(model_acf_z$lag, model_acf_z$actual, col='red', xlab='Lag', ylab="ACF Z")
    155 lines(model_acf_z$lag, model_acf_z$estimated, col='red', lwd=2)
    156 points(model_acf_z_real$lag, (model_acf_z_real$actual), col='blue')
    157 lines(model_acf_z_real$lag, (model_acf_z_real$estimated), col='blue', lwd=2)