
Wind Simulation Using High-Frequency Velocity Component Measurements
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hold-peak.R (4825B)

      1 source("R/common.R")
      3 select_intervals <- function (table="hold_peak_samples",diff=1) {
      4   db <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "samples/hold-peak.sqlite3")
      5   tmp <- dbGetQuery(db,
      6                     sprintf("WITH series(t,t0,t1) AS (
      7                         SELECT timestamp AS t,
      8                                LAG(timestamp,1,NULL) OVER win AS t0,
      9                                LEAD(timestamp,1,NULL) OVER win AS t1
     10                         FROM %s
     11                         WINDOW win AS (ORDER BY timestamp)
     12                         ORDER BY timestamp)
     13                     SELECT t0 AS end, t AS start FROM series WHERE t0+:diff<t OR t0 IS NULL
     14                     UNION
     15                     SELECT t,t1 FROM series WHERE t+:diff<t1 OR t1 IS NULL
     16                     ORDER BY t0", table), params=list(diff=diff))
     17   dbDisconnect(db)
     18   n <- length(tmp$start)
     19   data.frame(start=tmp$start[c(1:(n-1))], end=tmp$end[c(2:n)])
     20 }
     22 select_hold_peak_samples <- function (timestamp, time_delta) {
     23   db <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "samples/hold-peak.sqlite3")
     24   tmp <- dbGetQuery(db,
     25                     "SELECT timestamp,speed
     26                     FROM hold_peak_samples
     27                     WHERE timestamp BETWEEN :t0 AND (:t0+:dt)
     28                     ORDER BY timestamp",
     29                     params = list(t0 = timestamp, dt=time_delta))
     30   dbDisconnect(db)
     31   tmp
     32 }
     34 # normalized rmse
     35 normalized_rmse <- function(estimated, actual) {
     36   s_max <- max(actual)
     37   s_min <- min(actual)
     38   sqrt(mean((estimated - actual)**2)) / (s_max - s_min)
     39 }
     41 rmse <- function(estimated, actual) {
     42   sqrt(mean((estimated - actual)**2))
     43 }
     45 hp_intervals <- select_intervals()
     46 lc_intervals <- select_intervals(table="load_cell_samples",diff=2)
     47 #print(hp_intervals)
     48 #print(lc_intervals)
     49 # select all data to remove the trend
     51 result <- data.frame(rmse=numeric(0),start=numeric(0),end=numeric(0),urmse=numeric(0))
     52 for (i in 1:nrow(hp_intervals)) {
     53   t0 <- hp_intervals[i,"start"]
     54   t1 <- hp_intervals[i,"end"]
     55   tmp <- lc_intervals[lc_intervals$start <= t0 & t0 <= lc_intervals$end,]
     56   #print(tmp)
     57   lc_t0 <- tmp$start
     58   lc_t1 <- tmp$end
     59   all_lc_velocity <- select_samples(lc_t0, lc_t1-lc_t0,
     60                                     url="samples/hold-peak.sqlite3",
     61                                     table="load_cell_samples")
     62   lc_velocity <- all_lc_velocity[all_lc_velocity$timestamp>=t0 & all_lc_velocity$timestamp<=t1,]
     63   hp_velocity <- select_hold_peak_samples(t0, t1-t0)
     64   velocity <- merge(lc_velocity, hp_velocity, by=c("timestamp"))
     65   velocity$timestamp = velocity$timestamp - min(velocity$timestamp)
     66   # scale samples
     67   t <- c(1:length(velocity$speed.x))
     68   model <- nls(speed.y ~ a*speed.x, data=velocity)
     69   velocity$speed.x <- velocity$speed.x * summary(model)$coefficients[[1]]
     70   lo <- loess.smooth(velocity$timestamp, velocity$speed.x, span=0.5)
     71   new_row <- nrow(result)+1
     72   result[new_row,"rmse"] <- normalized_rmse(velocity$speed.x, velocity$speed.y)
     73   result[new_row,"urmse"] <- rmse(velocity$speed.x, velocity$speed.y)
     74   result[new_row,"start"] <- t0
     75   result[new_row,"end"] <- t1
     76   scatter.smooth(velocity$timestamp, velocity$speed.x)
     77   #plot(velocity$timestamp, velocity$speed.x)
     78   lines(velocity$timestamp, velocity$speed.y, col='red')
     79   #lines(lo)
     80   make_directory(file.path("build","hold-peak"))
     81   filename <- file.path("build","hold-peak",sprintf("%d",t0))
     82   write.table(data.frame(timestamp=velocity$timestamp,
     83                          speed_lc=velocity$speed.x,
     84                          speed_hp=velocity$speed.y),
     85               filename, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
     86   write("\n",file=filename,append=TRUE)
     87   write.table(data.frame(timestamp=lo$x,speed=lo$y), filename,
     88               row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, append=TRUE)
     89 }
     91 print(result[result$rmse==max(result$rmse),])
     92 print(result[result$rmse==min(result$rmse),])
     93 sorted_result <- result[order(result$rmse),]
     94 print(sorted_result)
     96 gnuplot <- function (file, str, ...) {
     97   cat(sprintf(str, ...), file=file, append=TRUE)
     98 }
    100 gnuplot_all <- function (filename, prefix, rmse_column, row_min, row_max, row_longest) {
    101   f <- filename
    102   cat("",file=f)
    103   gnuplot(f, paste(prefix,"_rmse_min = %f\n",sep=""), row_min[rmse_column])
    104   gnuplot(f, paste(prefix,"_rmse_min_timestamp = %d\n",sep=""), as.integer(row_min["start"]))
    105   gnuplot(f, paste(prefix,"_rmse_max = %f\n",sep=""), row_max[rmse_column])
    106   gnuplot(f, paste(prefix,"_rmse_max_timestamp = %d\n",sep=""), as.integer(row_max["start"]))
    107   gnuplot(f, paste(prefix,"_rmse_longest = %f\n",sep=""), row_longest[rmse_column])
    108   gnuplot(f, paste(prefix,"_rmse_longest_timestamp = %d\n",sep=""), as.integer(row_longest["start"]))
    109 }
    111 gnuplot_all("build/gnuplot/hold_peak_rmse.gnuplot", "speed", "rmse",
    112             result[result$rmse == min(result$rmse),],
    113             result[result$rmse == max(result$rmse),],
    114             result[2,])