
Wind Simulation Using High-Frequency Velocity Component Measurements
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distributions.R (10318B)

      1 dweibull2 <- function (x, a1=1, b1=1, c1=1, a2=1, b2=1, c2=1, g=0) {
      2   #ifelse(x<g,
      3   #       a1* abs(c1*b1)*(abs(b1*(x-g))**(c1-1))* exp(-(abs(b1*(x-g))**c1)),
      4   #       a1* abs(c2*b2)*(abs(b2*(x-g))**(c2-1))* exp(-(abs(b2*(x-g))**c2)))
      5   ifelse(x<g,
      6          a1*abs(b1*c1)*exp(-(abs(b1*(abs(x-g)-abs((c1-1)/c1)**(1/c1)))**c1)),
      7          a2*abs(b2*c2)*exp(-(abs(b2*(abs(x-g)-abs((c2-1)/c2)**(1/c2)))**c2)))
      8 }
     10 dweibull4 <- function (x, a1=1, b1=1, c1=1, a2=1, b2=1, c2=1, g1=0,
     11                           a3=1, b3=1, c3=1, a4=1, b4=1, c4=1, g2=0) {
     12   ifelse(x<0,
     13     dweibull2(x,a1,b1,c1,a2,b2,c2,g1),
     14     dweibull2(x,a3,b3,c3,a4,b4,c4,g2))
     15 }
     17 dvonmises <- function (x, x_mean=0, a=1, b=1, c=1) {
     18   a * exp(b*cos(c*(x-x_mean))) / (2*pi*besselI(b,0))
     19 }
     21 dgumbel <- function (x, location=0, scale=1) {
     22   z <- (x-location)/scale
     23   (1/scale) * exp(-(z + exp(-z)))
     24 }
     26 # https://www.tutorialspoint.com/r/r_mean_median_mode.htm
     27 # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2547402/how-to-find-the-statistical-mode
     28 getmode <- function(v) {
     29   #uniqv <- unique(v)
     30   #uniqv[which.max(tabulate(match(v, uniqv)))]
     31   as.numeric(names(sort(-table(v)))[1])
     32 }
     34 # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27418461/calculate-the-modes-in-a-multimodal-distribution-in-r
     35 find_peaks_indices <- function (x) {
     36   modes <- c()
     37   for (i in 2:(length(x)-1)){
     38     if ((x[i] > x[i-1]) & (x[i] > x[i+1])) {
     39       modes <- c(modes,i)
     40     }
     41   }
     42   modes
     43 }
     45 find_real_peaks_indices <- function (x, max_modes=2) {
     46   n <- 1024
     47   #x_density <- density(x,n=n,adjust=0.125)
     48   #y <- x_density$y
     49   y <- x
     50   modes <- find_peaks_indices(y)
     51   # find the first N highest peaks
     52   modes_xy <- data.frame(x=modes,y=y[modes])
     53   modes_xy <- modes_xy[order(modes_xy$y, decreasing=TRUE),]
     54   modes_xy <- modes_xy[c(1:max_modes), ]
     55   # scale indices to [0,1]
     56   (modes_xy$x-1)/(n-1)
     57 }
     59 find_max_x <- function (x, y) {
     60   n <- length(y)-1
     61   indices <- c(0:n)
     62   index <- indices[y == max(y)]/n
     63   x[floor(index*(length(x)-1)+1)]
     64 }
     66 normalize_hist <- function(pdf_x) {
     67   #data.frame(density=pdf_x$density/max(abs(pdf_x$density)),x=pdf_x$mids)
     68   data.frame(density=pdf_x$density,x=pdf_x$mids)
     69 }
     71 fit_velocity_pdf <- function (xx, x, density, sign=-1, plot=TRUE, axis="x", dist="weibull2") {
     72   a0 <- 0
     73   b0 <- 0
     74   c0 <- 1
     75   c1 <- 3
     76   indices <- find_real_peaks_indices(x, max_modes=1)
     77   if (FALSE) {
     78     pdf <- normalize_hist(hist(x, plot=FALSE, breaks=1000))
     79     print(indices)
     80     indices = floor(indices * length(pdf$x))
     81     x_modes <- pdf$x[indices]
     82     print(x_modes)
     83     model <- nls(pdf$density ~ dweibull4(pdf$x,a1,b1,c1,a2,b2,c2,x_modes[[1]],a3,b3,c3,a4,b4,c4,x_modes[[2]]),
     84                  data=pdf,
     85                  start=list(a1=1,b1=1,c1=1,a2=1,b2=1,c2=1,
     86                             a3=1,b3=1,c3=1,a4=1,b4=1,c4=1),
     87                  control=list(warnOnly=TRUE),
     88                  algorithm="port", 
     89                  lower=c(a0,b0,c0,a0,b0,c0,a0,b0,c0,a0,b0,c0),
     90                  upper=c(1000,1000,3,1000,2000,3,1000,1000,3,1000,2000,3))
     91     c = summary(model)$coefficients
     92     if (plot) {
     93       pdf_x_est <- dweibull4(pdf$x,c[[1]],c[[2]],c[[3]],c[[4]],c[[5]],c[[6]],x_modes[[1]],
     94                              c[[7]],c[[8]],c[[9]],c[[10]],c[[11]],c[[12]],x_modes[[2]])
     95       plot(pdf$x, pdf$density, xlab=paste('Velocity', axis), ylab='PDF')
     96       lines(pdf$x, pdf_x_est, col='red')
     97     }
     98     c
     99   } else {
    100     #x_mode <- getmode(x)
    101     #pdf_x <- normalize_hist(hist(x, plot=FALSE, breaks=100))
    102     pdf_x <- data.frame(x=xx,density=x)
    103     c <- c()
    104     pdf_x_set <- c()
    105     if (dist == "weibull2") {
    106       x_mode <- find_max_x(pdf_x$x,pdf_x$density)
    107       #indices = floor(indices * length(pdf_x$x)) + 1
    108       #x_mode <- pdf_x$x[indices][[1]]
    109       c <- tryCatch(
    110                     {
    111                       model <- nls(pdf_x$density ~ dweibull2(pdf_x$x,a,b,c,d,e,f,g=x_mode),
    112                                    data=pdf_x,
    113                                    start=list(a=1,b=1,c=1,d=1,e=1,f=1),
    114                                    control=list(warnOnly=TRUE),
    115                                    algorithm="port", 
    116                                    lower=c(a0,b0,c0,a0,b0,c0), upper=c(1000,1000,c1,1000,2000,c1))
    117                       summary(model)$coefficients
    118                     },
    119                     error=function(cond) {
    120                       message(cond)
    121                       c(1,1,1,1,1,1)
    122                     })
    123       pdf_x_est <- dweibull2(pdf_x$x,c[[1]],c[[2]],c[[3]],c[[4]],c[[5]],c[[6]],x_mode)
    124     } else if (dist == "vonmises") {
    125       c <- tryCatch({
    126         model <- nls(density ~ dvonmises(2*pi*pdf_x$x/(max(pdf_x$x)),0,a,b,c),
    127                      data=pdf_x,
    128                      start=list(a=1,b=1,c=1),
    129                      control=list(warnOnly=TRUE),
    130                      algorithm="port", 
    131                      lower=c(0,1,0), upper=c(1000,1000,pi))
    132         c <- summary(model)$coefficients
    133       },error=function(cond) {
    134         message(cond)
    135         c(1,1,1)
    136       })
    137       pdf_x_est <- dvonmises(2*pi*pdf_x$x/max(pdf_x$x),0,c[[1]],c[[2]],c[[3]])
    138     } else if (dist == "gumbel") {
    139       c <- tryCatch(
    140                     {
    141                       model <- nls(pdf_x$density ~ c*dgumbel(pdf_x$x,location=a,scale=b),
    142                                    data=pdf_x,
    143                                    start=list(a=1,b=1,c=1),
    144                                    control=list(warnOnly=TRUE),
    145                                    algorithm="port", 
    146                                    lower=c(-1000,0.1,c=1), upper=c(1000,1000,1000))
    147                       c = summary(model)$coefficients
    148                     },
    149                     error=function(cond) {
    150                       message(cond)
    151                       c <- c(1,1,1,1)
    152                     })
    153       pdf_x_est <- c[[3]]*dgumbel(pdf_x$x,location=c[[1]],scale=c[[2]])
    154     } else if (dist == "norm") {
    155       fit <- fitdist(pdf_x$x, "norm")
    156       c <- coef(fit)
    157       pdf_x_est <- dnorm(pdf_x$x,mean=c[[1]],sd=c[[2]])
    158     } else if (dist == "rayleigh") {
    159       c <- tryCatch(
    160                     {
    161                       model <- nls(pdf_x$density ~ b*dweibull(sign*pdf_x$x,scale=a,shape=2),
    162                                    data=pdf_x,
    163                                    start=list(a=1,b=1),
    164                                    control=list(warnOnly=TRUE),
    165                                    algorithm="port", 
    166                                    lower=c(0.1,0), upper=c(1000,1000))
    167                       c = summary(model)$coefficients
    168                     },
    169                     error=function(cond) {
    170                       message(cond)
    171                       c <- c(1,1,1,1)
    172                     })
    173       pdf_x_est <- c[[2]]*dweibull(sign*pdf_x$x,scale=c[[1]],shape=2)
    174     } else {
    175       x_mode <- find_max_x(pdf_x$x,pdf_x$density)
    176       c <- tryCatch(
    177                     {
    178                       model <- nls(pdf_x$density ~ c*dweibull(sign*pdf_x$x,scale=a,shape=b),
    179                                    data=pdf_x,
    180                                    start=list(a=1,b=1,c=1),
    181                                    control=list(warnOnly=TRUE),
    182                                    algorithm="port", 
    183                                    lower=c(0.1,0.1,0),
    184                                    upper=c(1000,1000,1000))
    185                       c = summary(model)$coefficients
    186                     },
    187                     error=function(cond) {
    188                       message(cond)
    189                       c <- c(1,1,1,1)
    190                     })
    191       pdf_x_est <- c[[3]]*dweibull(sign*pdf_x$x,scale=c[[1]],shape=c[[2]])
    192     }
    193     #if (plot) {
    194     #  plot(sign*pdf_x$x, pdf_x$density, xlab=paste('Velocity', axis), ylab='PDF')
    195     #  lines(density(sign*x), col='blue')
    196     #  lines(sign*pdf_x$x, pdf_x_est, col='red')
    197     #}
    198     #if (sign < 0) {
    199     #  print(pdf_x$x)
    200     #  pdf_x$x = -rev(pdf_x$x)
    201     #  pdf_x$density = rev(pdf_x$density)
    202     #  pdf_x_est = rev(pdf_x_est)
    203     #}
    204     list(coefficients=c,
    205          actual_density=pdf_x$density,
    206          estimated_density=pdf_x_est,
    207          x=pdf_x$x,
    208          residual=max(abs(pdf_x$density-pdf_x_est)))
    209   }
    210 }
    212 fit_velocity_acf <- function (velocity, plot=TRUE, axis="x", timestamp=0, write=TRUE,
    213                               debug=FALSE) {
    214   acf_x <- acf(velocity, type="covariance", plot=FALSE)
    215   acf_x <- data.frame(acf=acf_x$acf, lag=acf_x$lag)
    216   if (debug) {
    217     plot(acf_x$lag, acf_x$acf, xlab='Lag', ylab=paste('DEBUG ACF', axis))
    218   }
    219   v_mean <- mean(velocity)
    220   c <- tryCatch({
    221     model <- nls(acf ~ a*exp(-abs(b*lag)**c),
    222                  data=acf_x,
    223                  start=list(a=1,b=1,c=1),
    224                  control=list(warnOnly=TRUE),
    225                  algorithm="port", 
    226                  lower=c(0,0,1e-6), upper=c(1000,1000,10))
    227     c <- summary(model)$coefficients
    228   },error=function(cond) {
    229     message(cond)
    230     c(1,1,1)
    231   })
    232   acf_est <- c[[1]]*exp(-abs(c[[2]]*acf_x$lag)**c[[3]])
    233   if (plot) {
    234     plot(acf_x$lag, acf_x$acf, xlab='Lag', ylab=paste('ACF', axis))
    235     lines(acf_x$lag, acf_est, col='red')
    236   }
    237   if (write) {
    238     path <- file.path('build', 'acf', axis)
    239     make_directory(path)
    240     filename <- file.path(path, sprintf("%d", timestamp))
    241     write.table(data.frame(lag=acf_x$lag,actual=acf_x$acf,estimated=acf_est),
    242                 filename, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
    243   }
    244   list(coefficients=c,
    245        rmse=rmse(acf_est,acf_x$acf),
    246        lag=acf_x$lag,
    247        actual=acf_x$acf,
    248        estimated=acf_est)
    249 }
    251 fit_direction <- function (theta, density, plot=TRUE) {
    252   pdf_x <- data.frame(x=theta,density=density);
    253   #print(pdf_x)
    254   scale <- max(abs(theta))
    255   c <- tryCatch({
    256     model <- nls(density ~ dvonmises(2*pi*x/scale-m,0,a,b,c),
    257                  data=pdf_x,
    258                  start=list(a=1,b=1,c=1,m=0),
    259                  control=list(warnOnly=TRUE),
    260                  algorithm="port", 
    261                  lower=c(0,1,0,-10),
    262                  upper=c(1000,1000,1000,10))
    263     c <- summary(model)$coefficients
    264   },error=function(cond) {
    265     message(cond)
    266     c(1,1,1)
    267   })
    268   pdf_x_est <- dvonmises(2*pi*pdf_x$x/scale,c[[4]],c[[1]],c[[2]],c[[3]])
    269   if (plot) {
    270     plot(pdf_x$x, pdf_x$density, xlab='Direction', ylab='PDF')
    271     lines(pdf_x$x, pdf_x_est, col='red')
    272   }
    273   list(coefficients=c,
    274        actual_density=pdf_x$density,
    275        estimated_density=pdf_x_est,
    276        x=pdf_x$x,
    277        residual=max(abs(pdf_x$density-pdf_x_est)))
    278 }