
Functional Programming Interface for Parallel and Distributed Computing
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     30 \title{Functional programming interface\\for parallel and distributed computing}
     31 \author{%
     32     I.\:Petriakov \and
     33     I.\:Gankevich
     34 }
     35 \institute{Saint Petersburg State University}
     36 \date{September 2021}
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     79 \begin{document}
     81 \frame{\maketitle}
     83 \begin{frame}{Motivation}
     84     \begin{itemize}
     85         \item There is no universal low-level representation of distributed computations.
     86         \item There is no high-level interface for distributed computing in functional languages.
     87         \item Existing solutions do not provide automatic fault tolerance for both slave and master nodes.
     88     \end{itemize}
     89     \vfill
     91     \textit{Parallel} --- several processor cores of single cluster node.
     93     \textit{Distributed} --- several cluster nodes.
     94 \end{frame}
     96 \begin{frame}[fragile]{From sync. call stack to async. call stack (kernels)}
     97     Kernel = data + code + result of the computation.
     98     \begin{columns}[T]
     99         \begin{column}{0.36\textwidth}
    100 \begin{lstlisting}[language=cpp]
    101 int nested(int a) {
    102   return 123 + a;
    103 }
    104 \end{lstlisting}
    105         \end{column}
    106         \begin{column}{0.63\textwidth}
    107 \begin{lstlisting}[language=cpp]
    108 struct Nested: public Kernel {
    109   int result;
    110   int a;
    111   Nested(int a): a(a) {}
    112   void act() override {
    113     result = a + 123;
    114     LATEX{\color[HTML]{ac4040}\bf{}\ttfamily{}async\_return}END();
    115   }
    116 };
    117 \end{lstlisting}
    118         \end{column}
    119     \end{columns}
    120     \vfill\small
    121     \begin{tabular}{ll}
    122         \color[HTML]{ac4040}\bf\texttt{async\_call} & push child kernel to the queue \\
    123         \color[HTML]{ac4040}\bf\texttt{async\_return} & push current kernel to the queue \\
    124         \color[HTML]{ac4040}\bf\texttt{async\_message} & send a kernel to another one via the queue \\
    125     \end{tabular}
    126 \end{frame}
    128 \begin{frame}[fragile]{From sync. call stack to async. call stack (kernels)}
    129     \begin{columns}[T]
    130         \begin{column}{0.36\textwidth}
    131 \begin{lstlisting}[language=cpp]
    132 void main() {
    133   // code before
    134   int result = nested();
    135   // code after
    136   print(result);
    137 }
    138 \end{lstlisting}
    139         \end{column}
    140         \begin{column}{0.63\textwidth}
    141 \begin{lstlisting}[language=cpp]
    142 struct Main: public Kernel {
    143   void act() override {
    144     // code before
    145     LATEX{\color[HTML]{ac4040}\bf{}\ttfamily{}async\_call}END(new Nested);
    146   }
    147   void react(Kernel* child) override {
    148     int result = ((Nested*)child)->result;
    149     // code after
    150     print(result);
    151     LATEX{\color[HTML]{ac4040}\bf{}\ttfamily{}async\_return}END();
    152   }
    153 };
    155 void main() {
    156   LATEX{\color[HTML]{ac4040}\bf{}\ttfamily{}async\_call}END(new Main);
    157   wait();
    158 }
    159 \end{lstlisting}
    160         \end{column}
    161     \end{columns}
    162 \end{frame}
    164 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Cluster scheduler architecture}
    165     \begin{columns}[T]
    166         \begin{column}{0.40\textwidth}
    167             \tikzset{Rect/.style={text width=1.70cm,draw,align=center,thick,rounded corners}}
    168             \small
    169             \textbf{Daemon process:}\strut{}
    170             \begin{tikzpicture}[x=2.25cm,y=-1.10cm]
    171                 \node[Rect] (parallel) at (2,0) {Processor queue\strut};
    172                 %\node[Rect] (timer) at (1,0) {Timer queue\strut};
    173                 %\node[Rect] (disk) at (2,0) {Disk queue\strut};
    174                 \node[Rect] (nic) at (4,0) {Network queue\strut};
    175                 \node[Rect] (process) at (3,0) {Process queue\strut};
    176                 \node[Rect] (cpu0) at (2,-1) {CPU 0\strut};
    177                 \node[Rect] (cpu1) at (2,1) {CPU 1\strut};
    178                 %\node[Rect] (disk0) at (2,-1) {Disk 0\strut};
    179                 %\node[Rect] (disk1) at (2,1) {Disk 1\strut};
    180                 %\node[Rect] (timer0) at (1,-1) {Timer 0\strut};
    181                 \node[Rect] (nic0) at (4,-1) {NIC 0\strut};
    182                 \node[Rect] (nic1) at (4,1) {NIC 1\strut};
    183                 \node[Rect] (child) at (3,1) {Child\strut};
    184                 \path[draw,thick] (parallel) -- (cpu0);
    185                 \path[draw,thick] (parallel) -- (cpu1);
    186                 %\path[draw,thick] (timer) -- (timer0);
    187                 %\path[draw,thick] (disk) -- (disk0);
    188                 %\path[draw,thick] (disk) -- (disk1);
    189                 \path[draw,thick] (nic) -- (nic0);
    190                 \path[draw,thick] (nic) -- (nic1);
    191                 \path[draw,thick] (process) -- (child);
    192             \end{tikzpicture}
    193             \vskip0.5\baselineskip\textbf{Application process:}\strut{}
    194             \begin{tikzpicture}[x=2.25cm,y=-1.10cm]
    195                 \node[Rect] (parallel) at (2,0) {Processor queue\strut};
    196                 \node[Rect] (process) at (3,0) {Process queue\strut};
    197                 \node[Rect] (cpu0) at (2,-1) {CPU 0\strut};
    198                 \node[Rect] (cpu1) at (2,1) {CPU 1\strut};
    199                 \node[Rect] (parent) at (3,-1) {Parent\strut};
    200                 \path[draw,thick] (parallel) -- (cpu0);
    201                 \path[draw,thick] (parallel) -- (cpu1);
    202                 \path[draw,thick] (process) -- (parent);
    203             \end{tikzpicture}
    204         \end{column}
    205         \begin{column}{0.50\textwidth}
    206             \vskip0.5\baselineskip
    207             \begin{itemize}
    208                 \item Run applications in child processes.
    209                 \item Route kernels between application processes running on
    210                     different cluster nodes.
    211                 \item Maintain a list of available cluster nodes.
    212             \end{itemize}
    213             \vskip3\baselineskip\small\hspace{-2.0cm}
    214             \begin{tabular}{lp{5.5cm}}
    215                 \texttt{async\_call} & push child kernel to the queue \\
    216                 \texttt{async\_return} & push current kernel to the queue \\
    217                 \texttt{async\_message} & send a kernel to another one via the queue \\
    218             \end{tabular}
    219         \end{column}
    220     \end{columns}
    221 \end{frame}
    223 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Fault tolerance}
    224     \begin{itemize}
    225         \item Assumption: \textit{main} kernel has only one child kernel at a time.
    226         \item Every \textit{step} kernel (a child of \textit{main}) has a copy of the \textit{main}.
    227         \item Scheduler ensures that \textit{main} and \textit{step} are on different cluster nodes.
    228         \item Every \textit{step} is also appended to the local log file.
    229     \end{itemize}
    230     \vfill
    231     \begin{columns}[T]
    232         \begin{column}{0.25\textwidth}
    233             \definecolor{mydark}{HTML}{E31A1C} 
    234             \definecolor{mylight}{HTML}{FB9A99} 
    235             \tikzset{Rect/.style={text width=1.50cm,rounded corners,draw,align=center,thick}}
    236             \tikzset{Arrow/.style={draw,-latex}}
    237             \tikzset{DotNoArrow/.style={draw,mydark,thick}}
    238             \tikzset{Dot/.style={DotNoArrow,-latex}}
    239             \begin{tikzpicture}[x=2.50cm,y=-1.5cm]
    240                 \node[Rect] (m0) at (0,-1) {Main kernel};
    241                 \node[Rect] (m1) at (0,0) {Step kernel};
    242                 \node[Rect] (m2) at (-0.5,1) {Child kernel 1};
    243                 \node[Rect] (m3) at (0.5,1) {Child kernel 2};
    244                 % solid arrows
    245                 \path[Arrow] (m1) -- (m0);
    246                 \path[Arrow] (m2) -- (m1);
    247                 \path[Arrow] (m3) -- (m1);
    248             \end{tikzpicture}
    249         \end{column}
    250         \begin{column}{0.70\textwidth}
    251             \begin{tabular}{ll}
    252                 Failure & Resolution \\
    253                 \midrule
    254                 Child 1 & resend Child 1 to the remaining nodes \\
    255                 Child 2 & resend Child 2 to the remaining nodes \\
    256                 Step & resend Step to the remaining nodes \\
    257                 Main & restore Main from the copy \\
    258                 Main and Step & restore Main and Step from the log \\
    259             \end{tabular}
    260             \vfill\tiny{}
    261             \begin{itemize}
    262             \item I. Gankevich, Yu. Tipikin, V. Korkhov
    263             \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/HPCS.2017.126}{Subordination: Providing resilience to simultaneous failure of multiple cluster nodes}, HPCS'17, 2017.\\
    264         \item I. Gankevich, Yu. Tipikin, V. Korkhov, V. Gaiduchok, A. Degtyarev, A. Bogdanov
    265             \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJBIDM.2017.10007764}{Master node fault tolerance in distributed big data processing clusters}, International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, 2017.
    266             \end{itemize}
    267         \end{column}
    268     \end{columns}
    269 \end{frame}
    271 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Kernel and queue definition}
    272 \begin{lstlisting}[language=cpp]
    273 enum class states {upstream, downstream, point_to_point};
    275 class kernel {
    276 public:
    277   virtual void act();
    278   virtual void react(kernel* child);
    279   virtual void write(buffer& out) const;
    280   virtual void read(buffer& in);
    281   kernel* parent = nullptr;
    282   kernel* target = nullptr;
    283   states state = states::upstream;
    284 };
    286 class queue {
    287 public:
    288   void push(kernel* k);
    289 };
    290 \end{lstlisting}
    291 \end{frame}
    293 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Automatic parallelism}
    294     The idea: evaluate arguments in parallel (one kernel for each argument).
    295 \begin{lstlisting}[language=Scheme]
    296 (define (map proc lst) "Parallel map."
    297   (if (null? lst) lst
    298     (cons (proc (car lst)) (map proc (cdr lst)))))
    299 (define (fold proc init lst) "Sequential fold."
    300   (if (null? lst) init
    301     (fold proc (proc (car lst) init) (cdr lst))))
    302 (define (do-fold-pairwise proc lst)
    303   (if (null? lst) '()
    304     (if (null? (cdr lst)) lst
    305       (do-fold-pairwise proc
    306         (cons (proc (car lst) (car (cdr lst)))
    307               (do-fold-pairwise proc (cdr (cdr lst))))))))
    308 (define (fold-pairwise proc lst) "Parallel pairwise fold."
    309   (car (do-fold-pairwise proc lst)))
    310 \end{lstlisting}
    311 \end{frame}
    313 \begin{frame}{Guile with automatic parallelism (synthetic benchmark)}
    314     \centering
    315     \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{build/gnuplot/results.eps}
    316 \end{frame}
    318 \begin{frame}{Conclusion and future work}
    319     Kernels provide 
    320     \begin{itemize}
    321         \item standard way of expressing parallel and distributed programme parts,
    322         \item automatic fault tolerance for master and worker nodes and
    323         \item automatic load balancing via cluster scheduler.
    324     \end{itemize}
    325     \vfill
    326     Arguments-based parallelism provide
    327     \begin{itemize}
    328         \item high-level programming interface for clusters and single nodes,
    329         \item conveniently hides the shortcomings of parallel and distributed computations.
    330     \end{itemize}
    331 \end{frame}
    333 \begin{frame}
    334     \tiny\vfill
    335     Copyright \textcopyright{} 2021 Ivan Petriakov, Ivan Gankevich
    336     \texttt{\href{mailto:i.gankevich@spbu.ru}{i.gankevich@spbu.ru}}. \\
    337     \vskip\baselineskip
    338     \vskip\baselineskip
    339     This work is licensed under a \textit{Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
    340     International License}. The copy of the license is available at
    341     \url{https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/}.
    342 \end{frame}
    344 \end{document}