
Functional Programming Interface for Parallel and Distributed Computing
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      2 *** BibTool WARNING:  (line 4 in <stdin>): 64 non-space characters ignored.
      4 @InProceedings{   llvm,
      5   author        = {Lattner, Chris and Adve, Vikram},
      6   title         = {{LLVM}: A Compilation Framework for Lifelong Program Analysis
      7                   \& Transformation},
      8   year          = {2004},
      9   isbn          = {0769521029},
     10   publisher     = {IEEE Computer Society},
     11   address       = {USA},
     12   booktitle     = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Code Generation
     13                   and Optimization: Feedback-Directed and Runtime Optimization},
     14   pages         = {75},
     15   location      = {Palo Alto, California},
     16   series        = {CGO'04}
     17 }
     19 @InProceedings{   lang-virt,
     20   author        = {Chafi, Hassan and DeVito, Zach and Moors, Adriaan and Rompf,
     21                   Tiark and Sujeeth, Arvind K. and Hanrahan, Pat and Odersky,
     22                   Martin and Olukotun, Kunle},
     23   title         = {Language Virtualization for Heterogeneous Parallel
     24                   Computing},
     25   year          = {2010},
     26   isbn          = {9781450302036},
     27   publisher     = {Association for Computing Machinery},
     28   address       = {New York, NY, USA},
     29   doi           = {10.1145/1869459.1869527},
     30   booktitle     = {Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Object
     31                   Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications},
     32   pages         = {835–847},
     33   location      = {Reno/Tahoe, Nevada, USA},
     34   series        = {OOPSLA'10},
     35   comment       = {"While one can hope that a few parallel programming ex-perts
     36                   will be able to tackle the complexity of developingparallel
     37                   heterogeneous software, expecting the average programmer to
     38                   deal with all this complexity is simply not realistic."}
     39 }
     41 @Article{         fetterly2009dryadlinq,
     42   title         = {{DryadLINQ}: A system for general-purpose distributed
     43                   data-parallel computing using a high-level language},
     44   author        = {Yuan Yu and Michael Isard and Dennis Fetterly and Mihai Budiu
     45                   and Erlingsson, {\'U}lfar and Gunda, Pradeep Kumar and Jon
     46                   Currey },
     47   journal       = {Proc. LSDS-IR},
     48   volume        = {8},
     49   year          = {2009},
     50   comment       = {"Our goal is to give the programmer the illusion ofwriting
     51                   for a single computer and to have the system deal with the
     52                   complexities that arise from scheduling, distribution, and
     53                   fault-tolerance."}
     54 }
     56 @Article{         wilde2011swift,
     57   title         = {Swift: A language for distributed parallel scripting},
     58   author        = {Wilde, Michael and Hategan, Mihael and Wozniak, Justin M and
     59                   Clifford, Ben and Katz, Daniel S and Foster, Ian},
     60   journal       = {Parallel Computing},
     61   volume        = {37},
     62   number        = {9},
     63   pages         = {633--652},
     64   year          = {2011},
     65   publisher     = {Elsevier},
     66   comment       = {"This property facilitates three different reliability
     67                   mechanisms that are implemented bythe runtime system and that
     68                   need not be exposed at the language level:retries,restarts,
     69                   andreplication."}
     70 }
     72 @Article{         pinho2014oopp,
     73   title         = {An object-oriented parallel programming language for
     74                   distributed-memory parallel computing platforms},
     75   journal       = {Science of Computer Programming},
     76   volume        = {80},
     77   pages         = {65--90},
     78   year          = {2014},
     79   note          = {Special section on foundations of coordination languages and
     80                   software architectures (selected papers from FOCLASA11)},
     81   issn          = {0167-6423},
     82   doi           = {10.1016/j.scico.2013.03.014},
     83   author        = {Eduardo Gurgel Pinho and Francisco Heron {de Carvalho}},
     84   comment       = {Main object, good references}
     85 }
     87 @Article{         spark2016,
     88   author        = {Zaharia, Matei and Xin, Reynold S. and Wendell, Patrick and
     89                   Das, Tathagata and Armbrust, Michael and Dave, Ankur and Meng,
     90                   Xiangrui and Rosen, Josh and Venkataraman, Shivaram and
     91                   Franklin, Michael J. and Ghodsi, Ali and Gonzalez, Joseph and
     92                   Shenker, Scott and Stoica, Ion},
     93   title         = {{Apache Spark}: A Unified Engine for Big Data Processing},
     94   year          = {2016},
     95   publisher     = {Association for Computing Machinery},
     96   address       = {New York, NY, USA},
     97   volume        = {59},
     98   number        = {11},
     99   issn          = {0001-0782},
    100   url           = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2934664},
    101   doi           = {10.1145/2934664},
    102   journal       = {Commun. ACM},
    103   month         = oct,
    104   pages         = {56--65}
    105 }
    107 @Article{         fault-tolerant-distributed-haskell,
    108   title         = {Transparent fault tolerance for scalable functional
    109                   computation},
    110   volume        = {26},
    111   doi           = {10.1017/S095679681600006X},
    112   journal       = {Journal of Functional Programming},
    113   publisher     = {Cambridge University Press},
    114   author        = {Stewart, Robert and Maier, Patrick and Trinder, Phil},
    115   year          = {2016},
    116   pages         = {e5},
    117   comment       = {"Computations in HdpH-RS are always as reliable as the root
    118                   node".}
    119 }
    121 @InProceedings{   vavilapalli2013yarn,
    122   author        = {Vavilapalli, Vinod Kumar and Murthy, Arun C. and Douglas,
    123                   Chris and Agarwal, Sharad and Konar, Mahadev and Evans, Robert
    124                   and Graves, Thomas and Lowe, Jason and Shah, Hitesh and Seth,
    125                   Siddharth and Saha, Bikas and Curino, Carlo and O'Malley, Owen
    126                   and Radia, Sanjay and Reed, Benjamin and Baldeschwieler,
    127                   Eric},
    128   title         = {{Apache Hadoop YARN: Yet Another Resource Negotiator}},
    129   booktitle     = {Proceedings of the 4\textsuperscript{th} Annual Symposium on
    130                   Cloud Computing},
    131   series        = {SOCC'13},
    132   year          = {2013},
    133   isbn          = {978-1-4503-2428-1},
    134   location      = {Santa Clara, California},
    135   pages         = {1--16},
    136   articleno     = {5},
    137   numpages      = {16},
    138   url           = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2523616.2523633},
    139   doi           = {10.1145/2523616.2523633},
    140   acmid         = {2523633},
    141   publisher     = {ACM},
    142   address       = {New York, NY, USA}
    143 }
    145 @Misc{            hadoop,
    146   author        = {{Apache Software Foundation}},
    147   title         = {Hadoop},
    148   url           = {https://hadoop.apache.org},
    149   version       = {3.2.1},
    150   date          = {2020-10-18}
    151 }
    153 @InProceedings{   oozie,
    154   author        = {Islam, Mohammad and Huang, Angelo K. and Battisha, Mohamed
    155                   and Chiang, Michelle and Srinivasan, Santhosh and Peters,
    156                   Craig and Neumann, Andreas and Abdelnur, Alejandro},
    157   title         = {Oozie: Towards a Scalable Workflow Management System for
    158                   Hadoop},
    159   year          = {2012},
    160   isbn          = {9781450318761},
    161   publisher     = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    162   address       = {New York, NY, USA},
    163   url           = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2443416.2443420},
    164   doi           = {10.1145/2443416.2443420},
    165   booktitle     = {Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Scalable
    166                   Workflow Execution Engines and Technologies},
    167   articleno     = {4},
    168   numpages      = {10},
    169   location      = {Scottsdale, Arizona, USA},
    170   series        = {SWEET'12}
    171 }
    173 @Misc{            storm,
    174   author        = {{Apache Software Foundation}},
    175   title         = {Storm},
    176   url           = {https://storm.apache.org},
    177   version       = {2.2.0},
    178   date          = {2021-04-15}
    179 }
    181 @InProceedings{   gankevich2015subord,
    182   author        = {Gankevich, Ivan and Tipikin, Yuri and Gaiduchok, Vladimir},
    183   booktitle     = {International Conference on High Performance Computing
    184                   Simulation (HPCS)},
    185   title         = {Subordination: Cluster management without distributed
    186                   consensus},
    187   year          = {2015},
    188   pages         = {639--642},
    189   keywords      = {Clustering algorithms;Computers;Heuristic algorithms;IP
    190                   networks;Network topology;Nominations and
    191                   elections;Topology;cluster accounting;cluster
    192                   management;cluster monitoring;job scheduling;leader election},
    193   doi           = {10.1109/HPCSim.2015.7237106}
    194 }
    196 @InProceedings{   gankevich2016factory,
    197   author        = {I. Gankevich and Y. Tipikin and V. Korkhov and V. Gaiduchok},
    198   booktitle     = {International Conference on High Performance Computing
    199                   Simulation (HPCS'16)},
    200   title         = {Factory: Non-stop batch jobs without checkpointing},
    201   year          = {2016},
    202   pages         = {979--984},
    203   doi           = {10.1109/HPCSim.2016.7568441},
    204   isbn          = {978-1-5090-2088-1},
    205   month         = {July}
    206 }
    208 @InProceedings{   gankevich2017subord,
    209   author        = {I. Gankevich and Y. Tipikin and V. Korkhov},
    210   booktitle     = {Proceedings of International Conference on High Performance
    211                   Computing Simulation (HPCS'17)},
    212   title         = {Subordination: Providing Resilience to Simultaneous Failure
    213                   of Multiple Cluster Nodes},
    214   year          = {2017},
    215   pages         = {832--838},
    216   publisher     = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)},
    217   address       = {NJ, USA},
    218   doi           = {10.1109/HPCS.2017.126},
    219   isbn          = {978-1-5386-3250-5},
    220   month         = {July}
    221 }
    223 @Article{         galassi2002guile,
    224   title         = {Guile Reference Manual},
    225   author        = {Galassi, Mark and Blandy, Jim and Houston, Gary and Pierce,
    226                   Tim and Jerram, Neil and Grabmueller, Martin},
    227   year          = {2002},
    228   publisher     = {Citeseer}
    229 }
    231 @Article{         sussman1998,
    232   author        = {Sussman, Gerald Jay and Steele, Guy L.},
    233   year          = {1998},
    234   month         = {12},
    235   title         = {The First Report on Scheme Revisited},
    236   journal       = {Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation},
    237   pages         = {399--404},
    238   volume        = {11},
    239   issue         = {4},
    240   doi           = {10.1023/A:1010079421970}
    241 }
    243 @Article{         mccarthy1960,
    244   author        = {McCarthy, John},
    245   title         = {Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their
    246                   Computation by Machine, Part I},
    247   year          = {1960},
    248   issue_date    = {April 1960},
    249   publisher     = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    250   address       = {New York, NY, USA},
    251   volume        = {3},
    252   number        = {4},
    253   issn          = {0001-0782},
    254   doi           = {10.1145/367177.367199},
    255   journal       = {Commun. ACM},
    256   month         = apr,
    257   pages         = {184–195},
    258   numpages      = {12}
    259 }
    261 @Misc{            ndbc-web-data-guide,
    262   title         = {{NDBC} Web Data Guide},
    263   url           = {https://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/docs/ndbc_web_data_guide.pdf},
    264   year          = {2015},
    265   month         = {October}
    266 }
    268 @TechReport{      ndbc-techreport,
    269   title         = {Nondirectional and directional wave data analysis
    270                   procedures},
    271   author        = {Earle, Marshall D},
    272   journal       = {NDBC technical Document},
    273   institution   = {NDBC},
    274   year          = {1996}
    275 }
    277 @Article{         hutton-fold,
    278   title         = {A tutorial on the universality and expressiveness of fold},
    279   volume        = {9},
    280   doi           = {10.1017/S0956796899003500},
    281   number        = {4},
    282   journal       = {Journal of Functional Programming},
    283   publisher     = {Cambridge University Press},
    284   author        = {Hutton, Graham},
    285   year          = {1999},
    286   pages         = {355--372}
    287 }