
Functional Programming Interface for Parallel and Distributed Computing
git clone https://git.igankevich.com/iccsa-21-guile.git
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results.gnuplot (896B)

      1 set terminal svg size 500,200 dynamic enhanced round font 'Times, 12'
      2 set xtics nomirror out offset 0,0.5
      3 set ytics nomirror out offset 0.5,0
      4 set border 1+2 back
      5 set key outside top right Left reverse width -10
      6 set grid
      7 set xlabel 'No. of threads' offset 0,1.0
      8 set ylabel 'Time, s' offset 1.5,0
      9 set output 'build/gnuplot/results.svg'
     10 load 'gnuplot/paired.pal'
     11 plot \
     12 'data/guile/map.log' with linespoints ls 1 pt 12 ps 1.5 title 'map (Guile)', \
     13 'data/sbn-guile/map.log' with linespoints ls 2 pt 1 title 'map (Guile + kernels)', \
     14 'data/guile/fold-right.log' with linespoints ls 3 pt 3 title 'fold (Guile)', \
     15 'data/sbn-guile/fold-right.log' with linespoints ls 4 pt 4 title 'fold (Guile + kernels)', \
     16 'data/guile/fold-pairwise.log' with linespoints ls 5 pt 8 title 'fold-pairwise (Guile)', \
     17 'data/sbn-guile/fold-pairwise.log' with linespoints ls 6 pt 6 title 'fold-pairwise (Guile + kernels)'