
Virtual Testbed: Simulation of Air Flow Around Ship Hull and Its Effect on Ship Motions
git clone https://git.igankevich.com/iccsa-20-wind.git
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verification.gnuplot (807B)

      1 set terminal svg dynamic size 1080/4*1.9, 1080/4 round enhanced font 'Liberation Serif, 12'
      2 set output "build/gnuplot/verification.svg"
      3 #set key outside top center
      4 unset key
      5 set xtics -50,25,50 out nomirror offset 0,0.5
      6 set ytics -50,25,50 out nomirror offset 0.5,0
      7 set xrange [-52:52]
      8 set yrange [-52:52]
      9 set border 1+2
     10 set size square
     11 set size ratio -1
     12 load 'gnuplot/rdbu.pal'
     13 set cbrange [0:100]
     14 set xlabel 'x, m' offset 0,1
     15 set ylabel 'y, m' offset 1,0
     16 set cblabel 'Velocity, m/s' offset -1,0
     17 s = 0.05
     18 set multiplot layout 1,2
     19 set object 1 circle front at 0,0 size 54.8858/2 fillcolor rgb "black" lw 0.5
     20 plot 'gnuplot/wind.orig' using 1:2:($3*s):($4*s):(sqrt($3**2+$4**2)) with vectors lw 0.1 lc palette
     21 plot 'gnuplot/wind.our' using 1:2:($3*s):($4*s):(sqrt($3**2+$4**2)) with vectors lw 0.1 lc palette