
Virtual Testbed: Simulation of Ocean Wave Reflection from the Ship Hull
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      2 @Article{         fenton1978vertical,
      3   title         = {Wave forces on vertical bodies of revolution},
      4   volume        = {85},
      5   doi           = {10.1017/S0022112078000622},
      6   number        = {2},
      7   journal       = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics},
      8   publisher     = {Cambridge University Press},
      9   author        = {Fenton, J. D.},
     10   year          = {1978},
     11   pages         = {241–255}
     12 }
     14 @InProceedings{   fenton1993shoaling,
     15   title         = {Simulating wave shoaling with boundary integral equations},
     16   author        = {Fenton, John D and others},
     17   booktitle     = {11th Australasian Conference on Coastal and Ocean
     18                   Engineering: Coastal Engineering a Partnership with Nature;
     19                   Preprints of Papers},
     20   pages         = {71},
     21   year          = {1993},
     22   organization  = {Institution of Engineers, Australia}
     23 }
     25 @InProceedings{   fenton1994spectral,
     26   title         = {A spectral method for diffraction problems},
     27   author        = {Fenton, John D},
     28   booktitle     = {Proc. of Int. Symp. on Waves - Physical and Numerical
     29                   Modelling},
     30   pages         = {961--970},
     31   year          = {1994},
     32   organization  = {The University of British Columbia},
     33   address       = {Vancouver}
     34 }
     36 @Article{         wackers2011rans,
     37   author        = {Wackers, J. and Koren, B. and Raven, H. C. and van der
     38                   Ploeg, A. and Starke, A. R. and Deng, G. B. and Queutey, P.
     39                   and Visonneau, M. and Hino, T. and Ohashi, K.},
     40   title         = {Free-Surface Viscous Flow Solution Methods for Ship
     41                   Hydrodynamics},
     42   journal       = {Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering},
     43   year          = {2011},
     44   month         = {Mar},
     45   day           = {01},
     46   volume        = {18},
     47   number        = {1},
     48   pages         = {1--41},
     49   issn          = {1886-1784},
     50   doi           = {10.1007/s11831-011-9059-4}
     51 }
     53 @Article{         nouguier2015,
     54   title         = {Second-order Lagrangian description of tri-dimensional
     55                   gravity wave interactions},
     56   volume        = {772},
     57   doi           = {10.1017/jfm.2015.179},
     58   journal       = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics},
     59   publisher     = {Cambridge University Press},
     60   author        = {Nouguier, Frédéric and Chapron, Bertrand and Guérin,
     61                   Charles-Antoine},
     62   year          = {2015},
     63   pages         = {165--196}
     64 }