
Virtual Testbed: Simulation of Ocean Wave Reflection from the Ship Hull
git clone https://git.igankevich.com/iccsa-20-waves.git
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ships.gnuplot (1114B)

      1 set terminal svg size 1920/3,1080/3 dynamic font 'Liberation Sans, 14'
      2 set hidden3d back offset 0 trianglepattern 3 undefined 1 altdiagonal bentover
      3 set view equal xyz
      4 set view ,,4
      5 #set object 1 rectangle from screen -0.1,-0.1 to screen 1.1,1.1 fillcolor rgb "#f0f0f0" behind
      6 unset key
      7 #unset border
      8 #unset xtics
      9 #unset ytics
     10 #unset ztics
     11 #load 'gnuplot/rdbu.pal'
     12 #set ytics -20,20,20
     13 set ztics 0,10,40
     14 set palette gray
     15 set pm3d  
     16 set style data pm3d
     17 unset colorbox
     18 set xrange [-50:250]
     19 set yrange [-20:200]
     20 set zrange [*:40]
     21 #set xzeroaxis
     22 #set yzeroaxis
     23 #set zzeroaxis
     24 set xlabel 'x, m'
     25 set ylabel 'y, m'
     26 set zlabel 'z, m'
     27 set output 'build/gnuplot/diogen.svg'
     28 set title 'Diogen' offset -15,-11
     29 set grid
     30 splot 'ships/diogen.gnuplot' using ($1+50):2:3
     31 unset border
     32 unset xtics
     33 unset ytics
     34 unset ztics
     35 unset grid
     36 unset xzeroaxis
     37 unset yzeroaxis
     38 unset zzeroaxis
     39 unset xlabel
     40 unset ylabel
     41 unset zlabel
     42 set yrange [-20:20]
     43 set output 'build/gnuplot/aurora.svg'
     44 set title 'Aurora' offset 0,-9
     45 splot 'ships/aurora.gnuplot'
     46 set output 'build/gnuplot/micw.svg'
     47 set title 'MICW' offset 19,-11.5
     48 splot 'ships/micw.gnuplot'