
Virtual Testbed: Simulation of Ocean Wave Reflection from the Ship Hull
git clone https://git.igankevich.com/iccsa-20-waves.git
Log | Files | Refs

aurora-non-bare.gnuplot (698B)

      1 set terminal svg size 1920/4,1080/4 dynamic
      2 set hidden3d back offset 0 trianglepattern 3 undefined 1 altdiagonal bentover
      3 set view equal xyz
      4 set view ,,4
      5 #set object 1 rectangle from screen -0.1,-0.1 to screen 1.1,1.1 fillcolor rgb "#f0f0f0" behind
      6 unset key
      7 set title 'Aurora' offset 0,-2
      8 #unset border
      9 #unset xtics
     10 #unset ytics
     11 #unset ztics
     12 #load 'gnuplot/rdbu.pal'
     13 set ytics -20,20,20
     14 set ztics 0,10,40
     15 set palette gray
     16 set pm3d  
     17 set style data pm3d
     18 unset colorbox
     19 set xrange [0:130]
     20 set yrange [-20:20]
     21 set zrange [*:20]
     22 set xzeroaxis
     23 set yzeroaxis
     24 set zzeroaxis
     25 set xlabel 'x, m'
     26 set ylabel 'y, m'
     27 set zlabel 'z, m'
     28 set output 'build/gnuplot/aurora-non-bare.svg'
     29 splot 'ships/aurora.gnuplot'