
Virtual Testbed: Ship Motion Simulation for Personal Workstations
git clone https://git.igankevich.com/iccsa-19-vtestbed.git
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vessel.gnuplot (473B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/gnuplot -c
      3 set terminal svg size 1920/4,1080/4 dynamic
      4 set hidden3d back offset 0 trianglepattern 3 undefined 1 altdiagonal bentover
      5 set view equal xyz
      6 set view ,,4
      7 #set object 1 rectangle from screen -0.1,-0.1 to screen 1.1,1.1 fillcolor rgb "#f0f0f0" behind
      8 unset key
      9 unset title
     10 unset border
     11 unset xtics
     12 unset ytics
     13 unset ztics
     14 set pm3d  
     15 set style data pm3d
     16 unset colorbox
     17 set output ARG2
     18 splot ARG1
     19 #splot 'Aurora.vsl.gnuplot' with lines lw 0.1 lc 'black'