
Vessel: Efficient Plain Text File Format for Ship Hull Geometry
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      1 \documentclass[aspectratio=169]{beamer}
      2 \usepackage{polyglossia}
      3 \setdefaultlanguage{english}
      4 \usetheme{SaintPetersburg}
      6 \usepackage{booktabs}
      7 \usepackage{multicol}
      8 \usepackage{multirow}
      9 \usepackage{tikz}
     10 \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta}
     11 \setlength{\tabcolsep}{4pt}
     13 \input{preamble}
     15 %\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]
     17 \title{Vessel: Efficient plain text file format for ship hull geometry}
     18 \author{%
     19 A.\:Degtyarev \and
     20 I.\:Gankevich \and
     21 A.\:Gavrikov \and
     22 A.\:Grigorev \and
     23 V.\:Khramushin \and
     24 I.\:Petriakov%
     25 }
     26 \date{July 2019}
     28 \begin{document}
     30 \frame{\maketitle}
     32 \begin{frame}{Virtual testbed project}
     33 	Global goal: Decision support system that analyses data from ships in
     34 	sea, models the environment and predicts (and prevents) dangerous situations.
     35 	\vskip\baselineskip
     36 	Key features:
     37 	\begin{itemize}
     38 		\item Real-time visualisation. Without it we can not validate physics.
     39 		\item Realistic marine objects. We load ships from digital blueprints.
     40 		\item Wave reflection from ship hull (work-in-progress).
     41 	\end{itemize}
     42 	\vskip\baselineskip
     43 	Side goal: Use plain-text format for storing 3-D ship hull models.
     44 \end{frame}
     46 \begin{frame}
     47 	\frametitle{Ship lines}
     48 	\centering
     49 	\includegraphics[width=.8\textwidth]{graphics/ship-lines.png}
     50 \end{frame}
     52 \begin{frame}{Aurora cruiser in VSL format}
     53 	\footnotesize
     54 	\lstinputlisting[language=vsl]{vsl/aurora.vsl}
     55 \end{frame}
     57 \begin{frame}{Aurora cruiser ship lines}
     58 	\centering
     59 	\includegraphics{build/aurora-lines.eps}
     60 \end{frame}
     62 \begin{frame}{MICW ship lines}
     63 	\centering
     64 	\includegraphics{build/micw-lines.eps}
     65 \end{frame}
     67 \begin{frame}{Triangulation}
     68 	\framesubtitle{Attempt \#1}
     69 	\textbf{Input:} frames, aft and bow curves.\\
     70 	\textbf{Output:} matrix of vertices that make up the ship hull.
     71 	\begin{enumerate}
     72 		\item Divide ship hull intro three sections.
     73 			\includegraphics{build/sections.eps}
     74 		\item Choose the number of rows in the matrix.
     75 		\item Use Coons surfaces to interpolate points for aft and bow.
     76 	\end{enumerate}
     77 \end{frame}
     79 \begin{frame}{Coons surface}
     80 	\small
     81 	\begin{columns}[T]
     82 		\begin{column}{0.44\textwidth}
     83 			\includegraphics{build/coons-surface.eps}
     84 		\end{column}
     85 		\begin{column}{0.59\textwidth}
     86 			\begin{align*}
     87 				& S(u,v) = C_1(u,v) + C_2(u,v) - C_3(u,v), \\
     88 				& \\
     89 				& C_1(u,v) = v' c_0(u) + v c_1(u), \quad v' = 1-v, \\
     90 				& C_2(u,v) = u' d_0(v) + u d_1(v), \quad u' = 1-u, \\
     91 				& C_3(u,v) = 
     92 					c_0(0)u'v' +
     93 					c_0(1)uv' +
     94 					c_1(0)u'v +
     95 					c_1(1)uv, \\
     96 				& \\
     97 				& c_0(0) = d_0(0), \quad c_0(1) = d_1(0), \\
     98 				& c_1(0) = d_0(1), \quad c_1(1) = d_1(1).
     99 			\end{align*}
    100 		\end{column}
    101 	\end{columns}
    102 \end{frame}
    104 %\begin{frame}{Ship hull sections}
    105 %	\centering
    106 %\end{frame}
    107 %
    108 %\begin{frame}{Hydrostatics}
    109 %	\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{graphics/hydrostatics.png}
    110 %\end{frame}
    111 %
    112 %\begin{frame}{Stability}
    113 %	\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{graphics/stability.png}
    114 %\end{frame}
    115 %
    116 %\begin{frame}{Waves}
    117 %	\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{graphics/waves.png}
    118 %\end{frame}
    120 \begin{frame}
    121 	\centering
    122 	\begin{columns}
    123 		\begin{column}{0.49\textwidth}
    124 			\includegraphics{build/bow-before-after.eps}
    125 			\vfill
    126 			\includegraphics{build/bow-before-after-3d.eps}
    127 		\end{column}
    128 		\begin{column}{0.49\textwidth}
    129 			\begin{itemize}
    130 				\item Removes cusps with small curvature.
    131 				\item The problem of acute angles persists.
    132 			\end{itemize}
    133 		\end{column}
    134 	\end{columns}
    135 \end{frame}
    137 \begin{frame}{Triangulation}
    138 	\framesubtitle{Attempt \#2}
    139 	\textbf{Input:} frames, aft and bow curves.\\
    140 	\textbf{Output:} matrix of vertices that make up the ship hull.
    141 	\begin{enumerate}
    142 		\item Divide ship hull intro three sections.
    143 		\item Choose the number of rows in the matrix.
    144 		\item Interpolate \textbf{longitudinal ship lines} for aft and bow.
    145 		\item Use \textbf{B-spline} surfaces to interpolate points for aft and bow.
    146 	\end{enumerate}
    147 \end{frame}
    149 \begin{frame}{B-spline surfaces}
    150 	\includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{graphics/micw-b-spline.png}
    151 \end{frame}
    153 \begin{frame}{VSL performance}
    154 	\centering
    155 	\begin{tabular}{llrrr}
    156 		\toprule
    157 		Ship   & Format & Import time, s & No. of vertices & No. of faces \\
    158 		\midrule
    159 		MICW   & VSL    &          0.019 &            5457 &        10912 \\
    160 		Aurora & VSL    &          0.054 &           14653 &        29306 \\
    161 		5415   & IGES   &          1.300 &           21088 &        41841 \\
    162 		KVLCC2 & IGES   &         24.000 &           57306 &       114110 \\
    163 		KCS    & IGES   &         32.500 &          626188 &      1243307 \\
    164 		\bottomrule
    165 	\end{tabular}
    166 \end{frame}
    168 \begin{frame}
    169     \centering
    170     \Large
    171     \vspace{1.5\baselineskip}
    172     Thank you for attention! 
    173 \end{frame}
    175 \begin{frame}
    176 	\tiny\vfill
    177 	Copyright \textcopyright{} 2019 Ivan Gankevich
    178 	\texttt{\href{mailto:i.gankevich@spbu.ru}{i.gankevich@spbu.ru}}. \\
    179 	\vskip\baselineskip
    180 	Ship lines (3D design) under CC BY 3.0 by Tosaka, \url{https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ship_lines_(3D_design).PNG}. \\
    181 	Sample Coons patch under CC0 by Wojciech mula , \url{https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Example_of_coons_surface.svg}. \\
    182 	\vskip\baselineskip
    183 	This work is licensed under a \textbf{Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
    184 	International License}. The copy of the license is available at
    185 	\url{https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/}.
    186 \end{frame}
    188 \end{document}