
Vessel: Efficient Plain Text File Format for Ship Hull Geometry
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      1 \documentclass[runningheads]{llncs}
      3 \usepackage{amsmath}
      4 \usepackage{booktabs}
      5 \usepackage{graphicx}
      6 \usepackage{url}
      7 \usepackage{multirow}
      8 \usepackage{textcomp}
      9 \setlength{\tabcolsep}{4pt}
     11 \begin{document}
     13 \title{Vessel: Efficient plain text file format for ship hull geometry}
     14 \author{%
     15 Alexander Degtyarev\orcidID{0000-0003-0967-2949} \and\\
     16 Ivan Gankevich\textsuperscript{*}\orcidID{0000-0001-7067-6928} \and\\
     17 Anton Gavrikov\orcidID{0000-0003-2128-8368} \and\\
     18 Artemii Grigorev \and\\
     19 Vasily Khramushin\orcidID{0000-0002-3357-169X} \and\\
     20 Ivan Petriakov
     21 }
     23 \titlerunning{Vessel}
     24 \authorrunning{A.\,Degtyarev et al.}
     26 \institute{Saint Petersburg State University, Russia\\
     27 \email{a.degtyarev@spbu.ru},\\
     28 \email{i.gankevich@spbu.ru},\\
     29 \email{st047437@student.spbu.ru},\\
     30 \email{st016177@student.spbu.ru},\\
     31 \email{v.khramushin@spbu.ru},\\
     32 \email{st049350@student.spbu.ru}\\
     33 \url{http://www.shipdesign.ru/}}
     35 \maketitle
     37 \begin{abstract}
     39 Initially, digital geometric model of a ship hull is assumed to maintain
     40 continuity in solving traditional ship theory problems, ship hydromechanics and
     41 seakeeping in severe storm waves. In the research reported here we consider
     42 using a table of plaza ordinates (transversal projection of frames)
     43 supplemented with a description of sterns as a means of describing digital
     44 geometric model. This description, which we call Vessel (VSL) format, allows
     45 for later addition of compartments, appendages and superstructures. These more
     46 complicated ship structures and their characteristics (e.g. ship compartments
     47 and superstructures are characterised by template-based modelling) are added to
     48 initial ship hull model in separate files from the working directory of a
     49 particular experiment. We show how this model is converted into
     50 three-dimensional triangular mesh suitable for ship motion simulations. VSL
     51 format is generally more efficient than industry standard IGES format and
     52 is distinguished by the simplicity and capability of editing by hand.
     54 \keywords{%
     55 Ship lines \and
     56 ship blueprint \and
     57 ship theory \and
     58 ship design \and
     59 ship hydromechanics \and
     60 storm seakeeping \and
     61 Coons surface \and
     62 Hermite spline \and
     63 VSL \and
     64 IGES.
     65 }
     66 \end{abstract}
     69 \section{Introduction}
     72 %\subsection{Digital models of ship lines and ship hull forms}
     74 Initial geometric model of a ship hull is close to traditional hull blueprints
     75 which are naturally rendered as a table of plaza ordinates in ship theory.
     76 Such a model quite reliably characterises ship hull lines and above-water ship
     77 hull parts, while preserving continuity in hydrostatic and hydrodynamic
     78 calculations in ship theory and hydromechanics. This is important for
     79 verification of newly created numerical experiments with a multitude of
     80 historical series of ship calculations, model basin experiments and sea trials.
     81 Obvious advantage of this digital format is that it is relatively simple and
     82 has compact data layout, with the data prepared and refined as plain text
     83 strings representing stern and frame coordinate sequences. We call this format
     84 Vessel (or VSL for short).
     86 Numerous variants of ship hulls were systematically collected in VSL format in
     87 Saint Petersburg State University in Vessel database~\cite{vessel2015}. The
     88 database is maintained with the help of Hull software suite~\cite{hull2010}
     89 which allows for editing ship hull coordinates and calculates certain
     90 hydrostatic characteristics. In this paper we describe VSL format, compare and
     91 contrast its efficiency and performance with industry standard IGES format, and
     92 outline advatanges and disadvantages of using plain text for creating and
     93 editing ship hull geometry by hand.
     95 \section{Methods}
     97 \subsection{Vessel format}
     99 Formalised description of ship hull geometry is done using plain text data
    100 which include ship name, hull dimensions, and successive description of aft,
    101 main (table of plaza ordinates) and bow sections. When digital ship hull model
    102 is first added to Vessel database the following design characteristics are
    103 specified in the comments: displacement, wetted surface area, hull volume ratio
    104 coefficient, date and time of file creation. The diagram of a VSL file is
    105 presented in tab.~\ref{tab:format}, projections and threedimensional model of
    106 Aurora cruiser are presented in fig.~\ref{fig:aurora-1} and~\ref{fig:aurora-2}.
    108 \begin{table}
    109 	\centering
    110 	\caption{VSL file format diagram.\label{tab:format}}
    111 	\begin{tabular}{p{1cm}p{1cm}p{9cm}}
    112 		\toprule
    113 		\multicolumn{3}{l}{1. Technical vessel description (lines starting
    114 		with \texttt{//} or \texttt{;} are comments).} \\
    115 		\multicolumn{3}{l}{2. Format magic number (30) and hull model name in
    116 		angle brackets \texttt{<...>}.} \\
    117 		\multicolumn{3}{l}{3. The number of frames and middle frame number.} \\
    118 		\multicolumn{3}{l}{4. Hull dimensions (length, beam, draft).} \\
    119 		\cmidrule(lr){1-3}
    120 		\multirow{5}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{\parbox[t]{2.9cm}{\centering{}The
    121 		number of points on a curve}}} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{5. \(X(z)\)~---
    122 		sternpost contour abscissas as a function of applicates.} \\
    123 		& \multicolumn{2}{l}{6. \(Y(z)\)~--- transom width ordinates as a
    124 		function of applicates.} \\
    125 		\cmidrule(lr){2-3}
    126 		& \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{\parbox[t]{1.4cm}{\centering{}Frame
    127 		abscissas}} & 7.  \(Y(z)\)~--- frame curves as functions of
    128 		applicates of general hull line. \\
    129 		\cmidrule(lr){2-3}
    130 		& \multicolumn{2}{l}{8. \(Y(z)\)~--- bulbous bow width ordinates as a
    131 		function of applicates.} \\
    132 		& \multicolumn{2}{l}{9. \(X(z)\)~--- stern contour abscissas as a
    133 		function of applicates.} \\
    134 		\cmidrule(lr){1-3}
    135 		\multicolumn{3}{l}{10. Design characteristics (displacement, wetted
    136 		surface, volume ratio coefficient).} \\
    137 		\bottomrule
    138 	\end{tabular}
    139 \end{table}
    141 Ship hull is divided into three sections (fig.~\ref{fig:sections}): aft, main
    142 and bow sections. Main section consists of frames each of which is defined by a
    143 collection of points lying in transverse plane. Smooth curve that goes though
    144 all of these points is created by cubic Hermite spline interpolation. Each
    145 frame may not have the same number of points (but usually do), and there are no
    146 additional points between endpoints of subsequent frames in longitudinal plane.
    147 Aft and bow sections consist of frames in transverse plane and a curve in
    148 longitudinal plane that defines the shape of the ship hull in this plane. This
    149 curve go through (usually) all frames and defines intermediate points between
    150 endpoints of subsequent frames.  If it does not go between some frames, then
    151 there are no intermediate points between them. Curves are not closed and define
    152 only left part of the ship hull, the full ship hull model is created by
    153 mirroring each point of the curve with respect to longitudinal axis and connect
    154 corresponding curve endpoints by straight lines.
    156 \begin{figure}
    157 	\centering
    158 	\includegraphics{build/sections.eps}
    159 	\caption{Three sections of a ship hull as defined by VSL
    160 	format.\label{fig:sections}}
    161 \end{figure}
    163 In accordance with initial purpose of a digital ship hull model, Hull programme
    164 makes basic calculations of certain characteristics of a ship hull, curved
    165 elements and ship stability diagrams by fixing the centre of gravity with
    166 respect to general line, centre of buoyancy, metacentre or current waterline
    167 (fig.~\ref{fig:hydrostatics}).  The programme also performs wave resistance
    168 calculations for arbitrary travel speeds taking into account radiation
    169 intensity and interference of ship waves with respect to waterline as a
    170 function of Froude number.
    172 \begin{figure}
    173 	\centering
    174 	\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{graphics/hydrostatics.png}
    175 	\caption{Ship stability calculations for a ship with small moments of
    176 	inertia for the area of the current waterline (MICW-85). For a design
    177 	draught roll moments are small up to 30\textdegree{} wave slope, and
    178 	stability increases in response to any change in
    179 	draught.\label{fig:hydrostatics}}
    180 \end{figure}
    182 \subsection{Hydrostatic calculations for historic, traditional and contemporary
    183 ship hulls}
    185 As an illustrative example of simulating seakeeping ship characteristics we
    186 consider ship stability diagrams for contemporary and historical ships, and for
    187 a ship that is purposely optimised for improved seakeeping in storm waves.
    189 Fig.~\ref{fig:stability} shows that Aurora cruiser ship hull has excellent
    190 seakeeping characteristics in severe storm waves conditions, which guarantee
    191 safe small oscillations and smoothness of roll by reducing metacentric height~---
    192 initial ship hull stability. Additional positive stability appears for
    193 large roll angles and arbitrary heaving.
    195 \begin{figure}
    196 	\centering
    197 	\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{graphics/stability.png}
    198 	\caption{Transversal projection of a ship hull (top), static ship stability
    199 	diagrams for a fixed centre of gravity \(Z_g\) and metacentric height equal
    200 	to 1\% of a beam for contemporary (a), historical (b) and improved storm
    201 	seakeeping (c) ships.\label{fig:stability}}
    202 \end{figure}
    204 More complicated usage scenario of computational model is optimisation of ship
    205 lines to achieve certain form of wave resistance curve
    206 (fig.~\ref{fig:waves}). In the calculations we build radiation intensity
    207 and ship waves interferences along the current waterline. By changing ship
    208 lines we reduce resistivity extrema for relative speeds (on Froude) on the
    209 order of 0.3 and 0.5 without sacrificing propulsion for minimum wave formation
    210 for speeds 0.4 and 0.2.
    212 \begin{figure}
    213 	\centering
    214 	\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{graphics/waves.png}
    215 	\caption{Wave resistance, radiation intensity and ship waves intensity
    216 	along the ship hull.\label{fig:waves}}
    217 \end{figure}
    219 \subsection{Triangulation of a ship hull given by a collection of curves}
    221 In the original programme~\cite{hull2010} that visualises ship lines and
    222 calculates hydrostatic characteristics, ship hull is described by a collection
    223 of curves; however, for a programme that simulates ship dynamics in rough sea
    224 this description is not convenient. A better representation would be a
    225 collection of triangles (a \emph{triangular mesh}) that approximates
    226 analytic ship hull geometry.  At the centre of each triangle pressure
    227 force induced by ocean waves is applied, and then these forces are used to
    228 calculate ship motion. Triangles is a better representation because they
    229 \begin{itemize}
    230 	\item do not require recomputation every frame (like analytic curves), 
    231 	\item have simple formula for area (which is needed for pressure force
    232 		calculation), and
    233 	\item the same representation is used internally by graphical accelerators
    234 		that visualise simulation frames.
    235 \end{itemize}
    236 In the following paragraphs we describe how analytically given ship hull is
    237 transformed into a fully connected collection of triangles.
    239 Ship hull is transformed from analytic to discrete form by using
    240 \emph{intermediate representation}~ --- two-dimensional rectangular
    241 array of points, which makes it easy to obtain triangular mesh.  Each ship hull
    242 section is transformed to such an array, and then these arrays are
    243 concatenated. Each row of the resulting array represents a frame, and each
    244 frame is an array of points of this frame. Since the array have to be
    245 rectangular, the number of points equal the maximum number of points among all
    246 original frames in VSL file. After that, endpoints are added to make curves
    247 closed, and the whole array is mirrored with respect to longitudinal axis. Then
    248 each rectangular patch of the resulting array is divided into two triangles to
    249 obtain triangular mesh.  Duplicate vertices and faces, that may have been
    250 introduced by mirroring or making curves closed, are removed from the mesh. So,
    251 intermediate representation is easy to transform to a triangular mesh, but we
    252 have to interpolate frame curves to generate the same number of points
    253 in order to transform them to such a representation.
    255 It is straightforward to transform main section to a rectangular array of
    256 points. First, we determine the maximum number of points in a frame across all
    257 ship hull frames. Then for each frame we use cubic Hermite spline interpolation
    258 to generate the specified number of points. If each frame has the same number
    259 of point, we generate the same points that the original frame had, because the
    260 spline goes through all of them.
    262 In contrast to the main section, transformation of bow and aft sections is done
    263 in multiple stages. During the first stage we generate intermediate points
    264 between subsequent frames using the curve describing the ship hull shape in
    265 longitudinal plane. For that purpose we create a polygon in longitudinal plane
    266 that consists of all points of this curve, all points of the frame that is the
    267 closest to the curve endpoints, but does not cross the curve, and all endpoints
    268 of the frames that are between this frame and the curve (it happens when first
    269 and last endpoint of the curve are close to different frames).  Frame points
    270 that lie outside this polygon are removed.  Polygon points that lie between
    271 subsequent frames become intermediate points.  At this stage we decompose a
    272 bow/aft section into a collection of ``rectangular'' patches vertical sides of
    273 which are curves created from subsequent frames and horizontal sides of which
    274 are curves created from intermediate points (fig.~\ref{fig:bow}).
    276 \begin{figure}
    277 	\centering
    278 	\includegraphics{build/bow.eps}
    279 	\caption{Longitudinal slice of bow section of a ship hull that shows
    280 	horizontal curves with large curvature.\label{fig:bow}}
    281 \end{figure}
    283 A patch that is defined by four curves is called Coons
    284 patch~\cite{coons1967surfaces}.  Coons patch is a parametric surface \(S(u,v)\)
    285 between four curves \(c_0(u)\), \(c_1(u)\), \(d_0(v)\), \(d_1(v)\):
    286 \begin{align*}
    287 	& S(u,v) = C_1(u,v) + C_2(u,v) - C_3(u,v), \\
    288 	& C_1(u,v) = v' c_0(u) + v c_1(u), \quad v' = 1-v, \\
    289 	& C_2(u,v) = u' d_0(v) + u d_1(v), \quad u' = 1-u, \\
    290 	& C_3(u,v) = 
    291 		c_0(0)u'v' +
    292 		c_0(1)uv' +
    293 		c_1(0)u'v +
    294 		c_1(1)uv, \\
    295 	& c_0(0) = d_0(0),
    296 	\quad c_0(1) = d_1(0), \quad c_1(0) = d_0(1),
    297 	\quad c_1(1) = d_1(1).
    298 \end{align*}
    299 Here \(C_1\) is linear interpolation between points \(c_0\) and \(c_1\),
    300 \(C_2\) is linear interpolation between points \(d_0\) and \(d_1\), and
    301 \(C_3\) is bilinear interpolation between corner points of the patch. \(C_1\)
    302 and \(C_2\) are ruled surfaces~--- surfaces between two curves, that are
    303 generated by interpolating corresponding curve points. Bicubic interpolation
    304 can be used instead of bilinear to get the same derivative when joining
    305 multiple Coons patches together, but for a grid of interior points linear
    306 interpolation is enough.
    308 Using these formulae we generate a grid of interior points between curves of
    309 each bow/aft patch during the second stage. Our first approach was to use one
    310 Coons patch for each subsequent pair of frames, but we have found that some
    311 ship hulls have horizontal curves with large curvatures which cause linear
    312 interpolation to produce cusps on the resulting surface (fig.~\ref{fig:cusp}).
    313 We solved this problem by using multiple smaller Coons patches that were
    314 arranged vertically for each subsequent pair of frames. This approach removes
    315 the cusps, but the vertical size of the patch have to be small enough to reduce
    316 the effect of the large curvature of the horizontal curve. After generating
    317 grids of intermediate points with Coons patches for each subsequent frame, we
    318 concatenate them to obtain rectangular array for bow/aft sections.
    320 \begin{figure}
    321 	\centering
    322 	\includegraphics{build/micw-bow.eps}
    323 	\caption{Part of the bow section of the ship hull. The section with 
    324 	single Coons patch spanning the whole frame (left).
    325 	The section with multiple smaller Coons patches arranged vertically
    326 	(right).\label{fig:cusp}}
    327 \end{figure}
    329 After transforming each section of the ship hull into a rectangular array and
    330 concatenating them, we obtain an array of dimensions \(m\times{}n\). We then
    331 use two-dimensional cubic Hermite spline interpolation to generate a grid of
    332 \((2m-1)\times{}(2n-1)\) points. Additional points increase surface smoothness
    333 and provide better approximation for the original ship hull.  Finally, we
    334 transform the resulting grid into a triangular mesh to obtain three-dimensional
    335 discrete ship hull model, which is ready for the use in ship motion simulation
    336 and visualisation.
    338 \section{Results}
    340 To prove VSL viability for using it as an alternative to another format that
    341 uses analytic curves called IGES~\cite{smith1983iges}, we measured
    342 triangulation performance and measured how many vertices and faces are
    343 generated when analytic curves and surfaces are transformed into them. We do
    344 not have the same ship hulls in both formats, so we resorted to measuring
    345 performance relative to vertex and face count. To work with IGES format
    346 we use OpenCASCADE library~\cite{opencascade}. Benchmark results are presented
    347 in tab.~\ref{tab:performance}.
    349 \begin{table}
    350 	\centering
    351 	\caption{VSL performance in comparison to IGES for different ship
    352 	hulls.\label{tab:performance}}
    353 	\begin{tabular}{llrrr}
    354 		\toprule
    355 		Ship   & Format & Import time, s & No. of vertices & No. of faces \\
    356 		\midrule
    357 		MICW   & VSL    &          0.019 &            5457 &        10912 \\
    358 		Aurora & VSL    &          0.054 &           14653 &        29306 \\
    359 		5415   & IGES   &          1.300 &           21088 &        41841 \\
    360 		KVLCC2 & IGES   &         24.000 &           57306 &       114110 \\
    361 		KCS    & IGES   &         32.500 &          626188 &      1243307 \\
    362 		\bottomrule
    363 	\end{tabular}
    364 \end{table}
    366 We chose MICW (a hull with reduced moments of inertia for the current
    367 waterline) and Aurora cruiser ship hulls in VSL format and tanker (KVLCC2),
    368 container ship (KCS) and combat ship (5415) in IGES format that are freely
    369 available on the Internet\footnote{\url{https://simman2014.dk/ship-data/}}.
    370 VSL format showed higher performance in comparison to IGES format considering
    371 the number of vertices and faces. The resulting triangular meshes are shown in
    372 fig.~\ref{fig:models}.
    374 \begin{figure}
    375 	\centering
    376 	\includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{build/{aurora.vsl}.eps}\hfill
    377 	\includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{build/{micw.vsl}.eps}
    378 	\caption{Final Aurora and MICW threedimensional triangular
    379 	meshes.\label{fig:models}}
    380 \end{figure}
    382 \section{Discussion}
    384 \subsection{Advantages}
    386 \paragraph{Faster triangulation.} Faster triangulation is advantageous for
    387 performing ship motion simulations on a regular workstation. These machines are
    388 usually not very powerful and do not have a lot of memory for complicated mesh
    389 pre-processing. IGES importer uses multiple threads for triangulation, whereas
    390 VSL does everything in one thread. Yet, it achieves higher performance on a
    391 regular workstation.
    393 \paragraph{Ease of editing.} Most of the VSL files from Vessel database were
    394 written by hand. Points for frames were generated in a drawing programme by
    395 using legacy blueprints as an overlay and approximating curve projections by
    396 points. Then points were exported in plain text format and subsequently
    397 converted to VSL format by hand. Thus, there is no need in complicated and
    398 expensive CAD programme to produce Vessel files.
    400 \paragraph{Compatibility with legacy blueprints.} Legacy ship hull blueprints
    401 were mostly done by drawing projections of ship lines on a paper, and VSL
    402 incorporates longitudinal projections for bow and aft and transversal
    403 projection for the main section. It is easy to convert legacy blueprint to VSL
    404 file by overlaying frame points on the drawing. It is also easy for people who
    405 used to legacy blueprints to reason about ship hull characteristics.
    407 \subsection{Disadvantages}
    409 The main disadvantage of VSL format is that a triangular mesh generated from it
    410 approximates ship hull surface only with a certain accuracy, but cannot
    411 represent it exactly. This is due to the fact that we choose the same number of
    412 points for each frame to be able to create rectangular array of all points and
    413 convert it to a mesh. Obvious solution to this problem is to use
    414 non-rectangular array, but it does not come without disadvantages.
    415 Non-rectangular array complicates triangle generation as we need to compute
    416 intermediate points for smaller patches, and it would be more difficult to make
    417 the resulting surface as smooth as the original, especially at intersections of
    418 frames with different number of points.
    420 A simpler approach is to use rectangular array as the original ship hull
    421 representation, not an intermediate one. In that case each array element
    422 represents a geometric vertex and in addition the type of spline surface that
    423 represents ship hull surface \emph{exactly} is specified in the file. That way
    424 it is easy to create triangular mesh that would be an exact representation of
    425 the original analytic surface when the number of grid points tends to infinity,
    426 and the resulting surface would be as smooth as the original one with all
    427 derivatives and surface normals computed using analytic representation. Similar
    428 approach is followed by FastShip~\cite{fastship} in which ship hull is defined
    429 by a B-spline surface, that in turn is defined by control points, allowing ship
    430 hull designer and ship motion simulation programmes to use exactly the same
    431 ship hull representation. One direction of future work is to incorporate
    432 B-splines into existing format.
    434 \section{Conclusion}
    436 In computational experiments we used theoretical blueprints of Aurora cruiser
    437 which has excellent seakeeping characteristics and for which there can be no
    438 dangerous situations in severe storm waves. We presented the more complicated
    439 geometric ship hull form which is optimised for storm seakeeping. This ship
    440 hull has relatively small moments of inertia for the area of the current
    441 waterline (MICW). For this hull mutual compensation of external force
    442 excitations was proved in seakeeping trials in severe storm waves in model
    443 basin of Leningrad shipbuilding institute under the guidance of prof. Alexander
    444 Nikolaevich Kholodilin~\cite{khram2018}.
    446 Although, traditional plaza table of ordinates with a few frames
    447 has relatively small hull representation accuracy, it gives satisfactory
    448 representation of ship hydrostatic and hydrodynamic characteristics in
    449 computational experiments using multiprocessor machines and supercomputers.
    450 For research stages we used formalised simulation and trochoidal models
    451 of storm sea waves, for which digital ship hull models are quite optimal.
    453 We described efficient plain text format for three-dimensional ship hull
    454 geometry called VSL. This format uses longitudinal and transversal projections
    455 of ship lines given in analytic form. This format is easy to write by hand and
    456 easy to use for converting legacy ship hull blueprints into digital form. We
    457 demonstrated efficiency and viability of this format in comparison to IGES.
    458 Although, there are more precise alternatives for storing ship hull geometry,
    459 and VSL format gives only approximate representation of the original ship hull,
    460 it is distinguished by the simplicity and efficiency.
    462 \subsubsection*{Acknowledgements.}
    463 Research work is supported by Saint Petersburg State University (grant
    464 no.~26520170 and~39417213).
    466 \bibliographystyle{splncs04}
    467 \bibliography{references}
    469 \begin{figure}
    470 	\centering
    471 	\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{graphics/aurora-1.png}
    472 	\caption{Aurora cruiser digital model.\label{fig:aurora-1}}
    473 \end{figure}
    475 \begin{figure}
    476 	\centering
    477 	\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{graphics/aurora-2.png}
    478 	\caption{Aurora cruiser hull is prepared for a numerical ship
    479 	hydromechanics experiment. Although, the number of frame points
    480 	in the main section is relatively small, it allows for smooth
    481 	approximation of hull surface with the desired
    482 	accuracy.\label{fig:aurora-2}}
    483 \end{figure}
    485 \end{document}