
Vessel: Efficient Plain Text File Format for Ship Hull Geometry
git clone https://git.igankevich.com/iccsa-19-vessel.git
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aurora-lines.gnuplot (861B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/gnuplot -d
      3 set terminal svg size 1920/3,1080/3 round font 'Open Sans, 10' lw 0.5
      4 load 'gnuplot/style.gnuplot'
      5 set view equal xyz 
      6 set view 60,30, 3.4,3.4
      7 unset border
      8 unset xtics
      9 unset ytics
     10 unset ztics
     11 set key bottom left Left reverse
     13 set output 'build/aurora-lines.svg'
     14 splot for [i=6:1000] 'gnuplot/aurora-before.dat' index i with lines lc '#808080' lw 2 notitle, \
     15 '' index 5 with lines lc '#808080' lw 2 title 'Frames', \
     16 '' index 0 with lines lc 'red' lw 4 title 'Aft', \
     17 '' index 2 with lines lc 'blue' lw 4 title 'Bow'
     18 set arrow from 0,0,0 to 10,10,10
     20 set output 'build/micw-lines.svg'
     21 splot for [i=6:1000] 'gnuplot/micw-before.dat' index i with lines lc '#808080' lw 2 notitle, \
     22 '' index 5 with lines lc '#808080' lw 2 title 'Frames', \
     23 '' index 0 with lines lc 'red' lw 4 title 'Aft', \
     24 '' index 2 with lines lc 'blue' lw 4 title 'Bow'