
Acceleration of Computing and Visualization Processes with OpenCL for Standing Sea Wave Simulation Model
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      1 @Book{		  kochin1966theoretical,
      2   title		= {Theoretical hydrodynamics [in Russian]},
      3   author	= {Kochin, N. and Kibel, I. and Roze, N.},
      4   pages		= {237},
      5   year		= {1966},
      6   publisher	= {FizMatLit}
      7 }
      9 @inproceedings{bucur:2013:OOE,
     10  author = {Bucur, Adrian},
     11  title = {{OpenCL} -- {OpenGL} {ES} Interop: Processing Live Video Streams on a Mobile Device -- Case Study},
     12  booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 Mobile},
     13  series = {SIGGRAPH'13},
     14  year = {2013},
     15  isbn = {978-1-4503-2341-3},
     16  location = {Anaheim, California},
     17  pages = {15},
     18  url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2503512.2503532},
     19  doi = {10.1145/2503512.2503532},
     20  acmid = {2503532},
     21  publisher = {ACM},
     22  address = {New York, NY, USA},
     23 } 
     25 @inproceedings{ukidave:2014:PEO,
     26  author = {Ukidave, Yash and Gong, Xiang and Kaeli, David},
     27  title = {Performance Evaluation and Optimization Mechanisms for Inter-operable Graphics and Computation on GPUs},
     28  booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop on General Purpose Processing Using GPUs},
     29  series = {GPGPU-7},
     30  year = {2014},
     31  isbn = {978-1-4503-2766-4},
     32  location = {Salt Lake City, UT, USA},
     33  pages = {37--45},
     34  url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2576779.2576784},
     35  doi = {10.1145/2576779.2576784},
     36  acmid = {2576784},
     37  publisher = {ACM},
     38  address = {New York, NY, USA},
     39  keywords = {GPGPU, Heterogeneous computing, Interoperability, OpenCL, OpenGL},
     40 } 
     42 @INPROCEEDINGS{liao:2012:GPC,
     43  author={W. S. Liao and T. J. Hsieh and Y. L. Chang},
     44  booktitle={2012 IEEE 18th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems},
     45  title={GPU Parallel Computing of Spherical Panorama Video Stitching},
     46  year={2012},
     47  pages={890--895},
     48  doi={10.1109/ICPADS.2012.146},
     49  ISSN={1521-9097},
     50  month={Dec}
     51 }
     53 @inproceedings{moulik:2011:RGC,
     54  author = {Moulik, S. and Boonn, W.},
     55  title = {The role of {GPU} computing in medical image analysis and visualization},
     56  booktitle={SPIE Medical Imaging},
     57  volume = {7967},
     58  organization={International Society for Optics and Photonics},
     59  pages = {1--8},
     60  year = {2011},
     61  doi = {10.1117/12.880093},
     62  URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.880093}
     63 }
     65 @misc{michal:2011:OOA,
     66  Author = {Micha\l \.{Z}abicki},
     67  Title = {{OpenCL}/{OpenGL} approach for studying active {Brownian} motion},
     68  Year = {2011},
     69  Eprint = {arXiv:1104.2499},
     70 }
     72 @CONFERENCE{bogdanov:2016:CDR,
     73  author={Bogdanova, A.V. and Ivashchenko, A.I. and Belezeko, A.I.},
     74  title={Creating distributed rendering applications},
     75  booktitle={CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
     76  year={2016},
     77  volume={1787},
     78  pages={130--134},
     79  url={http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1787/130-134-paper-21.pdf},
     80 }
     85 @article{opencv:opencl,
     86     title = {The OpenCV Library},
     87     author = {Gary Bradsky},
     88     journal = {Dr. Dobb's Journal of Software Tools},
     89     year = {2000}
     90 }
     93 @book{galassi2015gnu,
     94  author = {Galassi, M and Davies, J and Theiler, J and Gough, B and Jungman, G and Alken, P and Booth, M and Rossi, F and Ulerich, R},
     95  title = {GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual},
     96  year = {2009},
     97  isbn = {0954612078, 9780954612078},
     98  edition = {3},
     99  publisher = {Network Theory Ltd.},
    100  note = {Eds. Brian Gough}
    101 } 
    103 @misc{clfft,
    104   author = {{clFFT developers}},
    105   title = {{clFFT: OpenCL Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs)}},
    106   howpublished = {\url{https://clmathlibraries.github.io/clFFT/}}
    107 }
    109 @misc{unity:compute,
    110     author = {{Unity Technologies}},
    111     title = {{Unity - Manual:  Compute Shaders}},
    112     howpublished = {\url{https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ComputeShaders.html}}
    113 }
    115 @ARTICLE{geer:vut,
    116 author={D. Geer},
    117 journal={Computer},
    118 title={Vendors Upgrade Their Physics Processing to Improve Gaming},
    119 year={2006},
    120 volume={39},
    121 number={8},
    122 pages={22-24},
    123 keywords={computer games;computer graphic equipment;parallel processing;physics computing;rendering (computer graphics);ATI GPU;Havok FX physics engine;add-in card;computer games;graphics-engine vendors;graphics-processing units;graphics-processing-engine software;parallel pixel-processing;physics processing unit;Bandwidth;Displays;Engines;Equations;Graphics;Manufacturing;Parallel processing;Physics;Rendering (computer graphics);Shape;game design and development;graphics engines},
    124 doi={10.1109/MC.2006.284},
    125 ISSN={0018-9162},
    126 month={Aug},}
    128 @article{objects2013opencl,
    129   title={OpenCL API Reference},
    130   author={Khronos Group},
    131   year={2013}
    132 }
    134 @book{opengl:orm,
    135   Author = {OpenGL Architecture Review Board},
    136   Title = {Opengl Reference Manual: The Official Reference Document for Opengl, Release 1 (OTL)},
    137   Publisher = {Addison-Wesley (C)},
    138   Year = {1993},
    139   ISBN = {0201632764}
    140 }
    142 @article{molnar:sorting,
    143   title={A sorting classification of parallel rendering},
    144   author={Molnar, Steven and Cox, Michael and Ellsworth, David and Fuchs, Henry},
    145   journal={IEEE computer graphics and applications},
    146   volume={14},
    147   number={4},
    148   pages={23--32},
    149   year={1994},
    150   publisher={IEEE}
    151 }
    154 @inproceedings{degtyarev2011modelling,
    155   title={Modelling of incident waves near the ship’s hull (application of autoregressive approach in problems of simulation of rough seas)},
    156   author={Degtyarev, AB and Reed, AM},
    157   booktitle={Proceedings of the 12th International Ship Stability Workshop},
    158   year={2011}
    159 }
    161 @article{degtyarev2013synoptic,
    162   title={Synoptic and short-term modeling of ocean waves},
    163   author={Degtyarev, Alexander B and Reed, Arthur M},
    164   journal={International Shipbuilding Progress},
    165   volume={60},
    166   number={1-4},
    167   pages={523--553},
    168   year={2013},
    169   publisher={IOS Press}
    170 }