high_amplitude_realtime-1024.log (1664B)
1 OpenCL platform = AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing 2 OpenCL platform vendor = Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 3 OpenCL device type = GPU 4 Input file = /run/user/1000/tmp.d7L6r3OYaQ 5 _vbo_phi=1 6 Output grid size = (200,1024,40) 7 Output grid patch size = (1,0.00782014,0.205128) 8 Model = plain_wave 9 Verification scheme = none 10 Plain wave model = func=cos,amplitudes=[4],wavenumbers=[0.125],phases=[0],velocities=[0.5] 11 Velocity potential solver name = N4arma8velocity30High_amplitude_realtime_solverIdEE 12 Velocity potential solver = wnmax=from (0,0) to (0,0.25) npoints (2,2),depth=12,domain=from (10,-12) to (10,4) npoints (1,128) 13 iLayout = 1 14 oLayout = 1 15 batchSize = 128 16 dim = 2 17 dimSize = 2 18 iDist = 40960 19 oDist = 40960 20 inStrides = (0,1) 21 [ 40 1 ] 22 23 outStrides = (0,1) 24 [ 40 1 ] 25 26 lengths = (0,1) 27 [ 1024 40 ] 28 29 precision = 2 30 scale_forward = 1 31 scale_backward = 2.44141e-05 32 tr = 1 33 loc = 1 34 tmpbufsize = 83886080 35 prfl setup 1182097us 36 prfl create_vector_field 21us 37 prfl dev_to_host_copy = 221485us 38 prfl fft = 81544us 39 prfl second_function = 426406us 40 prfl window_function = 255702us 41 Warning: Program terminating, but clFFT resources not freed. 42 Please consider explicitly calling clfftTeardown( ).