
Distributed Data Processing on Microcomputers with Ascheduler and Apache Spark
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      1 @inproceedings{gankevich2015subordination,
      2   title={Subordination: Cluster management without distributed consensus},
      3   author={Gankevich, Ivan and Tipikin, Yuri and Gaiduchok, Vladimir},
      4   booktitle={High Performance Computing \& Simulation (HPCS), 2015 International Conference on},
      5   pages={639--642},
      6   year={2015},
      7   organization={IEEE}
      8 }
     10 @inproceedings{gankevich2016factory,
     11   title={Factory: Master Node High-Availability for Big Data Applications and Beyond},
     12   author={Gankevich, Ivan and Tipikin, Yuri and Korkhov, Vladimir and Gaiduchok, Vladimir and Degtyarev, Alexander and Bogdanov, Alexander},
     13   booktitle={International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications},
     14   pages={379--389},
     15   year={2016},
     16   organization={Springer}
     17 }
     19 @inproceedings{gankevich2016nonstop,
     20   title={Factory: Non-stop batch jobs without checkpointing},
     21   author={Gankevich, Ivan and Tipikin, Yuri and Korkhov, Vladimir and Gaiduchok, Vladimir},
     22   booktitle={High Performance Computing \& Simulation (HPCS), 2016 International Conference on},
     23   pages={979--984},
     24   year={2016},
     25   organization={IEEE}
     26 }
     28 @article{cox2014iridis,
     29   title={Iridis-pi: a low-cost, compact demonstration cluster},
     30   author={Cox, Simon J and Cox, James T and Boardman, Richard P and Johnston, Steven J and Scott, Mark and O’brien, Neil S},
     31   journal={Cluster Computing},
     32   volume={17},
     33   number={2},
     34   pages={349--358},
     35   year={2014},
     36   publisher={Springer}
     37 }
     39 @inproceedings{fox2015raspberry,
     40   title={Raspberry HadooPI: a low-cost, hands-on laboratory in big data and analytics},
     41   author={Fox, Kenneth and Mongan, William M and Popyack, Jeffrey},
     42   booktitle={SIGCSE},
     43   pages={687},
     44   year={2015}
     45 }
     47 @article{hajji2016understanding,
     48   title={Understanding the Performance of Low Power Raspberry Pi Cloud for Big Data},
     49   author={Hajji, Wajdi and Tso, Fung Po},
     50   journal={Electronics},
     51   volume={5},
     52   number={2},
     53   pages={29},
     54   year={2016},
     55   publisher={Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}
     56 }
     58 @inproceedings{kaewkasi2014study,
     59   title={A study of big data processing constraints on a low-power hadoop cluster},
     60   author={Kaewkasi, Chanwit and Srisuruk, Wichai},
     61   booktitle={Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC), 2014 International},
     62   pages={267--272},
     63   year={2014},
     64   organization={IEEE}
     65 }
     67 @misc{spark,
     68   title={Apache Spark official website},
     69   howpublished={\url{http://spark.apache.org/}}
     70 }
     72 @misc{mastering-spark,
     73   author={Jacek Laskowski},
     74   title={Mastering Apache Spark 2.0},
     75   howpublished={\url{https://www.gitbook.com/book/jaceklaskowski/mastering-apache-spark/details}}
     76 }
     78 @misc{BATMAN,
     79   title={{B.A.T.M.A.N.} official web page},
     80   howpublished={\url{https://www.open-mesh.org/projects/open-mesh/wiki}}
     81 }