1 #!/usr/bin/gnuplot 2 3 set terminal svg dashed rounded enhanced dynamic 4 #set terminal pdf dashed rounded enhanced 5 set datafile separator ',' 6 set xrange [1:12] 7 set yrange [0:*] 8 set xtics nomirror add ('1' 1) out 9 set border 3 10 set key outside Left right reverse 11 12 set style line 1 lw 2 13 set style line 2 lw 2 14 set style line 3 lw 2 15 16 set output 'time.svg' 17 set multiplot layout 2, 1 18 19 set ytics 0,40 nomirror out 20 plot '<grep ,3, time_xen' using 1:3 smooth unique with lines ls 1 title 'Xen', \ 21 '<grep ,4, time_lxc_all' using 1:3 smooth unique with lines ls 2 title 'LXC start', \ 22 '<grep ,4, time_lxce' using 1:3 smooth unique with lines ls 3 title 'LXC execute' 23 24 set ytics 0,10 nomirror out format ' %g' 25 set yrange [0:40] 26 plot '<grep ,4, time_lxc_all' using 1:3 smooth unique with lines ls 2 title 'LXC start', \ 27 '<grep ,4, time_lxce' using 1:3 smooth unique with lines ls 3 title 'LXC execute'