
Applications of on-demand virtual clusters to high performance computing
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      1 #!/usr/bin/gnuplot -persist
      3 set terminal svg enhanced dashed round size 1600/6*0.94, 900/5*0.94 font "Times New Roman,10" round
      5 set style line 1 lt 1 lc rgb "#202020" lw 2
      6 set style line 2 lt 2 lc rgb "#202020" lw 2
      7 set style line 3 lt 3 lc rgb "#202020" lw 2
      8 set style line 4 lt 4 lc rgb "#202020" lw 2
      9 set style line 5 lt 1 lc rgb "#0e3f5d"
     10 set style line 6 lt 1 lc rgb "#202020" lw 2
     11 set style line 7 lt 1 lc rgb "#202020"
     12 set style line 8 lt 2 lc rgb "#202020" lw 2
     13 set style line 9 lt 3 lc rgb "#202020" lw 4
     15 unset grid
     17 #set xrange [1:25]
     18 set yrange [0:*]
     19 set xtics 8,8 add ('1' 1) nomirror out
     20 set xlabel 'No. of cores'
     21 set ytics 0,1 nomirror out
     22 set ylabel 'Time [s]'
     23 set border ls 7
     24 #nunset key
     25 #set key center right Right outside textcolor rgb '#4f6266'
     26 #set style fill pattern 2 border
     28 #set output 'ping.svg'
     29 #set multiplot layout 2, 3
     30 #unset key
     31 #unset label 3
     32 #plot 'mpi.dat.avg'      using 1:($2+$3+$4) with lines ls 6 notitle,\
     33 #     'mpi.phys.dat.avg' using 1:2 with lines ls 8 notitle
     34 #set label 1 'Create'        at graph 0.80,0.05 front font 'DejaVU Sans Bold, 12'
     35 #set label 2 'Mpirun'        at graph 0.80,0.67 front font 'DejaVU Sans Bold, 12'
     36 #set label 3 'Destroy'       at graph 0.80,0.84 front font 'DejaVU Sans Bold, 12'
     37 ##set label 4 'Mpirun phys.'  at graph 0.43,0.44 front font 'DejaVU Sans Bold, 12'
     38 #plot 'mpi.dat.avg' \
     39 #	       using 1:($2)         with lines ls 6 notitle,\
     40 #	    '' using 1:(($2+$3))    with lines ls 6 notitle,\
     41 #	    '' using 1:(($2+$3+$4)) with lines ls 6 notitle
     42 ##plot 'mpi.dat.avg' \
     43 ##	       using 1:($2/($2+$3+$4))         with lines ls 6 notitle,\
     44 ##	    '' using 1:(($2+$3)/($2+$3+$4))    with lines ls 6 notitle,\
     45 ##	    '' using 1:(($2+$3+$4)/($2+$3+$4)) with lines ls 8 notitle
     46 #
     47 #unset multiplot
     48 #unset label 1
     49 #unset label 2
     50 #unset label 3
     52 pre = 0
     53 post = 0
     54 set border 3 ls 7
     55 set key left bottom reverse Left maxrows 2
     56 set ytics 0,30 nomirror out
     57 set ylabel 'Time [s]' offset 2,0
     58 set xtics ('4' 4, '9' 9, '16' 16, '25' 25, '36' 36, '49' 49, '64' 64) nomirror out
     59 #set output 'openfoam.svg'
     60 #set multiplot layout 2, 3
     61 set output 'openfoam-1.svg'
     62 set yrange [50:*]
     63 set xrange [16:*]
     64 #set title 'veth+vswitch'
     65 #plot 'openfoam.lxc.dat.avg'  using 1:(($2+pre*$3+$4+post*$5+$6)/60) with lines ls 6 title 'LXC cluster',\
     66 #     'openfoam.phys.dat.avg' using 1:((pre*$2+$3+post*$4)/60)       with lines ls 8 title 'HPC cluster'
     67 plot \
     68 	'openfoam.phys.dat.avg'    using 1:((pre*$2+$3+post*$4)/1)       with lines ls 4 title 'no LXC',\
     69 	'openfoam.none.dat.avg'    using 1:(($2+pre*$3+$4+post*$5+$6)/1) with lines ls 1 title 'none',\
     70 	''      using 1:(($2+pre*$3+$4+post*$5+$6)/1) with lines ls 3 title 'veth',\
     71 	'openfoam.macvlan.dat.avg' using 1:(($2+pre*$3+$4+post*$5+$6)/1) with lines ls 2 title 'macvlan'
     72 unset title
     75 set output 'openfoam-2.svg'
     76 set key left bottom reverse Left maxrows 4
     77 #set key center bottom reverse Left
     78 #set yrange [-0.2:0.2]
     79 set ylabel 'Time [s]'
     80 set yrange [-20:0]
     81 #set xrange [16:*]
     82 set ytics autofreq #0,0.05
     83 #plot '< paste openfoam.phys.dat.avg openfoam.lxc.dat.avg' \
     84 #	using 1:((pre*$2+$3+post*$4) - ($6+pre*$7+$8+post*$9+$10)) with lines ls 6 title 'LXC'
     85 plot \
     86 	'< paste openfoam.phys.dat.avg openfoam.none.dat.avg' \
     87 		using 1:((pre*$2+$3+post*$4) - ($6+pre*$7+$8+post*$9+$10)) with lines ls 1 title 'none',\
     88     '< paste openfoam.phys.dat.avg openfoam.macvlan.dat.avg' \
     89 		using 1:((pre*$2+$3+post*$4) - ($6+pre*$7+$8+post*$9+$10)) with lines ls 2 title 'macvlan',\
     90 	'< paste openfoam.phys.dat.avg' \
     91 		using 1:((pre*$2+$3+post*$4) - ($6+pre*$7+$8+post*$9+$10)) with lines ls 3 title 'veth'
     92 quit