
Applications of on-demand virtual clusters to high performance computing
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Log | Files | Refs (320B)

      1 4 0.554114 28.3585 456.233 13.6438 0.00511008
      2 9 0.550774 31.93 180.69 16.1 0.00544507
      3 16 0.549218 39.3033 111.643 21.0958 0.00838172
      4 25 0.551504 51.4799 100.539 26.4082 0.00885908
      5 36 0.541967 64.8509 88.2403 33.5153 0.00663203
      6 49 0.543137 79.6884 87.988 42.4152 0.00671481
      7 64 0.541727 96.9079 105.476 54.1479 0.00717326