
Applications of on-demand virtual clusters to high performance computing
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imb.2.out (3324B)

      1 #------------------------------------------------------------
      2 #    Intel (R) MPI Benchmarks 4.0, MPI-1 part    
      3 #------------------------------------------------------------
      4 # Date                  : Tue Sep  2 20:34:38 2014
      5 # Machine               : x86_64
      6 # System                : Linux
      7 # Release               : 3.10.0-123.4.2.el7.x86_64
      8 # Version               : #1 SMP Mon Jun 30 16:09:14 UTC 2014
      9 # MPI Version           : 2.1
     10 # MPI Thread Environment: 
     12 # New default behavior from Version 3.2 on:
     14 # the number of iterations per message size is cut down 
     15 # dynamically when a certain run time (per message size sample) 
     16 # is expected to be exceeded. Time limit is defined by variable 
     17 # "SECS_PER_SAMPLE" (=> IMB_settings.h) 
     18 # or through the flag => -time 
     22 # Calling sequence was: 
     24 # /opt/IMB-MPI1 -npmin 4 Exchange
     26 # Minimum message length in bytes:   0
     27 # Maximum message length in bytes:   4194304
     28 #
     29 # MPI_Datatype                   :   MPI_BYTE 
     30 # MPI_Datatype for reductions    :   MPI_FLOAT
     31 # MPI_Op                         :   MPI_SUM  
     32 #
     33 #
     35 # List of Benchmarks to run:
     37 # Exchange
     39 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     40 # Benchmarking Exchange 
     41 # #processes = 4 
     42 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     43        #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]   Mbytes/sec
     44             0         1000        76.24        76.38        76.31         0.00
     45             1         1000        76.38        76.48        76.41         0.05
     46             2         1000        76.43        76.53        76.46         0.10
     47             4         1000        76.34        76.42        76.40         0.20
     48             8         1000        75.73        75.85        75.78         0.40
     49            16         1000        75.79        75.88        75.85         0.80
     50            32         1000        75.64        75.72        75.70         1.61
     51            64         1000        75.19        75.27        75.24         3.24
     52           128         1000        74.90        74.98        74.95         6.51
     53           256         1000        76.54        76.65        76.58        12.74
     54           512         1000        78.90        78.97        78.94        24.73
     55          1024         1000        99.59        99.68        99.63        39.19
     56          2048         1000       110.47       110.59       110.52        70.64
     57          4096         1000       250.39       250.41       250.40        62.40
     58          8192         1000       324.50       324.70       324.60        96.24
     59         16384         1000       499.22       499.45       499.34       125.14
     60         32768         1000       803.45       803.47       803.46       155.58
     61         65536          640      1657.42      1658.16      1657.95       150.77
     62        131072          320      3107.30      3108.34      3107.82       160.86
     63        262144          160      6182.99      6198.73      6194.33       161.32
     64        524288           80     13205.42     13258.69     13226.84       150.84
     65       1048576           40     25815.78     26005.88     25900.31       153.81
     66       2097152           20     44905.10     44966.26     44934.96       177.91
     67       4194304           10     90961.00     91084.72     91024.58       175.66
     70 # All processes entering MPI_Finalize