
Simulation modelling of irregular waves for marine object dynamics programmes
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discovery.R (3642B)

      1 bscheduler.load_node_discovery_data <- function () {
      2 	dir <- file.path('build', 'bscheduler-benchmarks', 'output', 'm12')
      3 	all_files <- list.files(
      4 		dir,
      5 		pattern='bsc.',
      6 		recursive=TRUE
      7 	)
      8 	all_data <- data.frame(
      9 		daemons=rep(NA,0),
     10 		nodes=rep(NA,0),
     11 		attempt=rep(NA,0),
     12 		timeout=rep(NA,0),
     13 		t=rep(NA,0)
     14 	)
     15 	row <- 1
     16 	for (file in all_files) {
     17 		daemons <- as.numeric(gsub('^d([0-9]+)/.*$', '\\1', file, perl=TRUE))
     18 		nodes <- as.numeric(gsub('^d[0-9]+/n([0-9]+)/.*$', '\\1', file, perl=TRUE))
     19 		attempt <- as.numeric(gsub('^d[0-9]+/n[0-9]+/a([0-9]+)/.*$', '\\1', file, perl=TRUE))
     20 		f <- file.path(dir, file)
     21 		data <- readLines(f)
     22 		nsubordinates <- length(data[grepl('add subordinate', data)])
     23 		data <- data[grepl('time since epoch', data)]
     24 		data <- gsub('^.*time since epoch ([0-9]+)ms.*$', '\\1', data, perl=TRUE);
     25 		data <- as.numeric(data)
     26 		data <- data - min(data)
     27 		data <- data.frame(data)
     28 		# calculate adjacent difference
     29 		diff <- data[-1,] - data[-nrow(data),]
     30 		# find termination time point
     31 		idx <- which(diff > 4000)
     32 		if (length(idx) > 0) {
     33 			idx <- idx[[1]]
     34 		}
     35 		if (length(idx) == 0 || daemons == 1) {
     36 			idx <- nrow(data)
     37 		}
     38 		# remove all events after termination
     39 		data <- data[c(1:idx),]
     40 		t <- max(data)
     41 		all_data[row, 'attempt'] <- attempt
     42 		all_data[row, 'nodes'] <- nodes
     43 		all_data[row, 'daemons'] <- daemons
     44 		all_data[row, 't'] <- t
     45 		if (daemons == 1) {
     46 			all_data[row, 'timeout'] <- 190
     47 		} else {
     48 			all_data[row, 'timeout'] <- 100
     49 		}
     50 		row <- row + 1
     51 		if (nsubordinates != nodes*daemons-1) {
     52 			write(paste('# Bad no. of subordinates:', f, nsubordinates), stderr())
     53 			write(paste('rm -rf', dirname(f)), stderr())
     54 		}
     55 	}
     56 	# subtract artificial timeout
     57 	all_data$t <- all_data$t - (all_data$nodes*all_data$daemons)*all_data$timeout
     58 	all_data$timeout <- NULL
     59 	write('All data:', stdout())
     60 	print(all_data[order(all_data$daemons, all_data$nodes, all_data$attempt), ])
     61 	result <- aggregate(
     62 		all_data$t,
     63 		by=list(nodes=all_data$nodes, daemons=all_data$daemons),
     64 		FUN=mean
     65 	)
     66 	result$t_avg <- result$x
     67 	result$x <- NULL
     68 	result$t_min <- aggregate(
     69 		all_data$t,
     70 		by=list(nodes=all_data$nodes, daemons=all_data$daemons),
     71 		FUN=min
     72 	)$x
     73 	result$t_max <- aggregate(
     74 		all_data$t,
     75 		by=list(nodes=all_data$nodes, daemons=all_data$daemons),
     76 		FUN=max
     77 	)$x
     78 	# convert milliseconds to seconds
     79 	result$t_avg <- result$t_avg / 1000
     80 	result$t_min <- result$t_min / 1000
     81 	result$t_max <- result$t_max / 1000
     82 	result
     83 }
     85 bscheduler.plot_discovery <- function (xlabel='No. of physical nodes',
     86                                        ylabel='Time, s',
     87                                        toplabel='Processes per node') {
     88 	result <- bscheduler.load_node_discovery_data();
     89 	# consider only large number of nodes
     90 	result <- result[result$nodes>=5,]
     91 	params <- list(list(n=1, col='black'),
     92 				   list(n=8, col='#707070'),
     93 				   list(n=32, col='blue'),
     94 				   list(n=64, col='#c04040'))
     96 	ltext <- sapply(params, function (p) {
     97 		paste(toplabel, p$n, sep=': ')
     98 	})
     99 	lcolors <- sapply(params, function (p) { p$col })
    101 	#par(mfrow=c(3,2))
    103 	plot.window(
    104 		xlim=range(result$nodes),
    105 		ylim=range(result$t_min, result$t_max, 0.5, 2.0)
    106 	)
    107 	for (p in params) {
    108 		n <- p$n
    109 		res <- result[result$daemons==n,]
    110 		x <- res$nodes
    111 		lines(x, res$t_avg, col=p$col, lwd=2)
    112 		points(x, res$t_avg, col=p$col)
    113 		lines(x, res$t_min, lty='dashed', col=p$col)
    114 		lines(x, res$t_max, lty='dashed', col=p$col)
    115 	}
    116 	axis(1, at=c(1:max(result$nodes)))
    117 	axis(2, at=seq(0.5,2.0,0.5))
    118 	title(xlab=xlabel, ylab=ylabel)
    119 	legend(
    120 		'topright',
    121 		legend=ltext,
    122 		col=lcolors,
    123 		lty='solid',
    124 		lwd=2
    125 	)
    126 	box()
    127 }