
Simulation modelling of irregular waves for marine object dynamics programmes
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benchmarks.R (12896B)

      1 source(file.path("build", "arma-benchmarks", "R", "arma.load.R"))
      2 source(file.path("build", "arma-benchmarks", "R", "arma.load_events.R"))
      3 source(file.path("R", "common.R"))
      5 arma.load_benchmark_data <- function(attempt, framework, models, tags) {
      6 	data <- data.frame()
      7 	for (m in models) {
      8 		if (!(m %in% colnames(data))) {
      9 			data[,m] <- rep(NA, nrow(data))
     10 		}
     11 		idx <- 1
     12 		for (t in tags) {
     13 			values <- arma.load(
     14 				file.path(
     15           "build", "arma-benchmarks", "output",
     16           "gpulab1", attempt, 10000, framework, m),
     17 				t,
     18 				".*\\s+([0-9]+)us.*"
     19 			)
     20 			name <- names(tags)[idx]
     21 			data[if (nchar(name) == 0) t else name,m] <- mean(values/1000/1000)
     22 			idx <- idx + 1
     23 		}
     24 	}
     25   data
     26 }
     28 arma.print_openmp_vs_opencl <- function(model_names, row_names) {
     29   options(asciiType="org")
     30   models <- c("ar", "ma", "lh");
     31   frameworks <- c("openmp", "opencl")
     32   tags <- list(
     33     determine_coefficients=c("deteremine_coefficients", "determine_coefficients"),
     34     validate=c("validate"),
     35     generate_surface=c("generate_surface"),
     36     nit=c("nit_acf", "nit_realisation"),
     37     copy_to_host=c("copy_to_host"),
     38     velocity=c("window_function", "second_function", "fft", "dev_to_host_copy"),
     39     write_all=c("write_all")
     40   )
     41   # remove names that were not requested
     42   for (name in names(tags)) {
     43     if (!(name %in% names(row_names))) {
     44       tags[[name]] <- NULL
     45     }
     46   }
     47   all_data <- list()
     48   for (framework in frameworks) {
     49     all_data[[framework]] <- arma.load_benchmark_data("a4", framework, models, tags)
     50   }
     51   # translate and pretty print in org-mode format
     52   saved_row_names <- rownames(all_data$openmp)
     53   for (framework in names(all_data)) {
     54     rownames(all_data[[framework]]) <- 1:nrow(all_data[[framework]])
     55   }
     56   big_table <- merge(all_data$openmp, all_data$opencl, by="row.names")
     57   rownames(big_table) <- saved_row_names
     58   big_table[,"Row.names"] <- saved_row_names
     59   big_table <- big_table[,!(names(big_table) == "ma.y")]
     60   big_table[,"Row.names"] <- sapply(big_table[,"Row.names"], function (c) get(c, row_names))
     61   colnames(big_table) <- sapply(colnames(big_table), function (c) get(c, model_names))
     62 #  rownames(big_table) <- sapply(rownames(big_table), function (c) paste("~", c, "~", sep=""))
     63   print(ascii(c("", "", "", "OpenMP", "", "OpenCL")))
     64   print(ascii(c("", "<r>", "<r>", "<r>", "<r>", "<r>")))
     65   arma.print_ascii(ascii(big_table, include.rownames=FALSE))
     66 }
     68 arma.load_io_benchmark_data <- function(attempt, filesystems, suffix, tags) {
     69 	data <- data.frame()
     70 	for (fs in filesystems) {
     71 		if (!(fs %in% colnames(data))) {
     72 			data[,fs] <- rep(NA, nrow(data))
     73 		}
     74 		idx <- 1
     75 		for (t in tags) {
     76 			values <- arma.load(
     77 				file.path(
     78           "build", "arma-benchmarks", "output", "gpulab1",
     79           paste(attempt, fs, suffix, sep="-"), 10000, "openmp", "ar"),
     80 				t,
     81 				".*\\s+([0-9]+)us.*"
     82 			)
     83 			name <- names(tags)[idx]
     84 			data[if (length(name) == 0 || nchar(name) == 0) t else name,fs] <- mean(values/1000/1000)
     85 			idx <- idx + 1
     86 		}
     87 	}
     88   data
     89 }
     91 arma.print_sync_vs_async_io <- function(suffix_names, row_names, top_names) {
     92   options(asciiType="org")
     93   tags <- list("generate_surface", "write_all")
     94   filesystems <- c("xfs", "nfs", "gfs")
     95   all_data <- list()
     96   for (suffix in c("seq", "par")) {
     97     all_data[[suffix]] <- arma.load_io_benchmark_data("a5", filesystems, suffix, tags)
     98   }
     99   # translate and pretty print in org-mode format
    100   saved_row_names <- rownames(all_data$seq)
    101   for (suffix in names(all_data)) {
    102     rownames(all_data[[suffix]]) <- 1:nrow(all_data[[suffix]])
    103   }
    104   big_table <- merge(all_data$seq, all_data$par, by="row.names")
    105   rownames(big_table) <- saved_row_names
    106   big_table[,"Row.names"] <- saved_row_names
    107   big_table[,"Row.names"] <- sapply(big_table[,"Row.names"], function (c) get(c, row_names))
    108   colnames(big_table) <- sapply(colnames(big_table), function (c) get(c, suffix_names))
    109   print(ascii(c("", "", "", top_names[[1]], "", "",  top_names[[2]])))
    110   print(ascii(c("", "<r>", "<r>", "<r>", "<r>", "<r>",  "<r>")))
    111   arma.print_ascii(ascii(big_table, include.rownames=FALSE))
    112 }
    114 arma.plot_io_events <- function (names) {
    115   fsnames <- list(
    116     xfs="XFS",
    117     nfs="NFS",
    118     gfs="GlusterFS"
    119   )
    120   filesystems <- c("xfs", "nfs", "gfs")
    121   conf <- list(
    122     a=list(
    123       color='#000000',
    124       lty="solid",
    125       lwd=3,
    126       name="generate_surface"
    127     ),
    128     b=list(
    129       color='#9F2D20',
    130       lty="solid",
    131       lwd=3,
    132       name="write_surface"
    133     )
    134   )
    135   for (fs in filesystems) {
    136     attempt <- paste("a5", fs, "events", sep="-")
    137     data <- arma.load_events(
    138       file.path("build", "arma-benchmarks",
    139                 "output", "gpulab1", attempt, 10000, "openmp", "ar"),
    140       c("write_surface", "generate_surface", "programme")
    141     )
    142     ev_prog <- data[data$event == "programme",]
    143     ev_gen <- data[data$event == "generate_surface",]
    144     ev_write <- data[data$event == "write_surface",]
    145     ev_write$thread_no = max(ev_gen$thread_no) + 1
    146     threads <- 0:max(ev_write$thread_no)
    147     max_x <- max(ev_write$t1, ev_gen$t1)/1000/1000
    149     plot.window(xlim=c(0,max_x), ylim=range(threads))
    150     conf$a$table=ev_gen
    151     conf$b$table=ev_write
    152     for (c in conf) {
    153       table <- c$table
    154       for (row in seq(1,nrow(table),1)) {
    155         ev <- table[row,]
    156         ys <- rep(ev$thread_no, 2)
    157         xs <- c(ev$t0, ev$t1)/1000/1000
    158     	#points(xs[[1]], ys[[1]], pch=19, cex=0.4)
    159     	#arrows(xs[[1]], ys[[1]], xs[[2]], ys[[2]], angle=10, length=0.05)
    160         lines(xs, ys, lwd=1, col=c$color)
    161         points(xs, ys, col=c$color, cex=0.4)
    162       }
    163     }
    164     axis(1, at=pretty(c(0,max_x)))
    165     axis(
    166       2,
    167       at=threads,
    168       labels=c(sapply(
    169         threads[1:(length(threads)-1)],
    170         function (t) paste("omp", t, sep="-")
    171       ), "io-0"),
    172       las=2
    173     )
    174     mtext(names$xlab, side=1, line=3)
    175     mtext(names$ylab, side=2, line=4)
    176     title(fsnames[[fs]])
    177   }
    178   legend(
    179     "bottom",
    180     inset=c(0,0.2),
    181     legend=sapply(conf, function (c) c$name),
    182     col=sapply(conf, function (c) c$color),
    183     lty=sapply(conf, function (c) c$lty),
    184     lwd=sapply(conf, function (c) c$lwd),
    185     xpd=TRUE
    186   )
    187 }
    189 arma.load_realtime_data <- function () {
    190   tags <- c(
    191     "harts_g1",
    192     "harts_g2",
    193     "harts_fft",
    194     "harts_copy_to_host"
    195   )
    196   sizes <- 2^c(7:14)
    197   frameworks <- c("openmp", "opencl")
    198   attempt <- "a6"
    199   data <- data.frame()
    200   row <- 1
    201   for (framework in frameworks) {
    202     for (m in sizes) {
    203       for (t in tags) {
    204         all_data <- arma.load(
    205           file.path("build", "arma-benchmarks", "output", "storm", attempt, m, framework),
    206           t,
    207           ".*\\s+([0-9]+)us.*"
    208         )
    209         data[row,"framework"] <- framework
    210         data[row,"size"] <- as.integer(m)
    211         data[row,"t"] <- mean(all_data/1000/1000)
    212         data[row,"routine"] <- t
    213         row <- row + 1
    214       }
    215     }
    216   }
    217   data
    218 }
    220 arma.aggregate_by_size <- function (data, framework) {
    221   fwdata <- data[data["framework"] == framework,]
    222   fwdata <- aggregate(
    223   	fwdata$t,
    224   	by=list(size=fwdata$size),
    225   	FUN=sum
    226   )
    227   fwdata <- setNames(fwdata, c("size", "t"))
    228   fwdata
    229 }
    231 arma.filter_copy_to_host <- function (data) {
    232   data[data["routine"] != "harts_copy_to_host",]
    233 }
    235 arma.add_text <- function (data, str, pos=4, off=1) {
    236   len <- length(data$t)
    237 	text(data$size[[len-1]], data$t[[len-1]], str, pos=pos, offset=off)
    238 }
    240 arma.plot_realtime_data <- function (data, ...) {
    241   args <- list(...)
    242   openmp <- arma.aggregate_by_size(data, "openmp")
    243   opencl <- arma.aggregate_by_size(data, "opencl")
    244   opengl <- arma.aggregate_by_size(arma.filter_copy_to_host(data), "opencl")
    246   plot.window(
    247     xlim=range(c(openmp$size, opencl$size, opengl$size)),
    248     ylim=range(ceiling(c(0, openmp$t, opencl$t, opengl$t))))
    249   lines(openmp$size, openmp$t, lty="solid", type="b")
    250   lines(opencl$size, opencl$t, lty="dashed", type="b")
    251   lines(opengl$size, opengl$t, lty="dotted", type="b")
    252   axis(1, at=2^c(7:14))
    253   axis(2, at=c(0:8))
    254   box()
    255   arma.add_text(openmp, "OpenMP", pos=3, off=1.5)
    256   arma.add_text(opencl, "OpenCL", pos=3, off=1.5)
    257   arma.add_text(opengl, "OpenCL/OpenGL", pos=3, off=-1.5)
    258 }
    260 arma.filter_by_framework_and_size <- function (data, size, framework) {
    261   data <- data[data["framework"]==framework & data["size"] == size, ]
    262   data <- data[c("routine", "t")]
    263   rownames(data) <- c(1:length(data$t))
    264   data
    265 }
    267 arma.print_table_for_realtime_data <- function (data, routine_names, column_names) {
    268   par(family="serif")
    269   openmp <- arma.filter_by_framework_and_size(data, 2^14, "openmp")
    270   opencl <- arma.filter_by_framework_and_size(data, 2^14, "opencl")
    271   all_data <- merge(openmp, opencl, by="row.names")
    272   all_data <- all_data[c("routine.x", "t.x", "t.y")]
    273   all_data <- setNames(all_data, c("routine", "openmp", "opencl"))
    274   # remove non-existent data copying
    275   all_data[all_data$routine=="harts_copy_to_host", "openmp"] <- NA
    276   all_data$routine <- sapply(all_data$routine, function (c) get(c, routine_names))
    277   all_data <- setNames(all_data, column_names)
    278   print(ascii(c("", "<r>", "<r>")))
    279   arma.print_ascii(ascii(all_data, include.rownames=FALSE, digits=4))
    280 }
    282 arma.load_bscheduler_data <- function (all_test_cases) {
    283 	all_data = data.frame(
    284 		framework=rep(NA,0),
    285 		size=rep(NA,0),
    286 		t=rep(NA,0)
    287 	)
    288 	row <- 1
    289 	for (size in seq(10000, 30000, 2500)) {
    290 		for (test_case in all_test_cases) {
    291 			attempt <- test_case[[1]]
    292 			framework <- test_case[[2]]
    293 			hostname <- test_case[[3]]
    294 			data <- arma.load_events(
    295 				file.path(
    296 					"build",
    297 					"arma-benchmarks",
    298 					"output",
    299 					hostname,
    300 					attempt,
    301 					size,
    302 					framework,
    303 					"ar"
    304 				),
    305 				c("programme")
    306 			)
    307 			ev_prog <- data[data$event == "programme",]
    308 			all_data[row, 'framework'] <- paste(attempt, framework, sep="-")
    309 			all_data[row, 'size'] <- size
    310 			all_data[row, 't'] <- mean(ev_prog$t1 - ev_prog$t0)*1e-6
    311 			row <- row + 1
    312 		}
    313 	}
    314 	all_data
    315 }
    317 arma.load_bscheduler_performance_data <- function() {
    318 	all_test_cases <- list(c("a9-single-node-direct", "openmp", "m1"),
    319 						   c("a9-single-node-direct", "bscheduler", "m1"),
    320 						   c("a9-two-nodes-direct", "bscheduler", "m1"))
    321 	arma.load_bscheduler_data(all_test_cases)
    322 }
    324 arma.load_master_slave_failure_data <- function() {
    325 	all_test_cases <- list(c("a10-failure-direct-slave", "bscheduler", "m1"),
    326 						   c("a9-single-node-direct", "bscheduler", "m1"),
    327 						   c("a10-failure-direct-master", "bscheduler", "m1"))
    328 	arma.load_bscheduler_data(all_test_cases)
    329 }
    331 arma.plot_bscheduler_performance_data <- function (all_data, args) {
    332   if (!('openmp_args' %in% names(args))) {
    333     args$openmp_args = list(col="black", lty="solid", lwd=1, pch=20)
    334   }
    335   if (!('bsc1_args' %in% names(args))) {
    336     args$bsc1_args = list(col="black", lty="dashed", lwd=1, pch=20)
    337   }
    338   if (!('bsc2_args' %in% names(args))) {
    339     args$bsc2_args = list(col="black", lty="dotted", lwd=1, pch=20)
    340   }
    342 	plot.window(xlim=range(all_data$size), ylim=range(0,all_data$t))
    343 	conf <- list(
    344 		a=c(args$openmp_args, list(
    345 			framework='a9-single-node-direct-openmp',
    346 			name=args$openmp
    347 		)),
    348 		b=c(args$bsc1_args, list(
    349 			framework='a9-single-node-direct-bscheduler',
    350 			name=args$bsc1
    351 		)),
    352 		c=c(args$bsc2_args, list(
    353 			framework='a9-two-nodes-direct-bscheduler',
    354 			name=args$bsc2
    355 		))
    356 	)
    357 	for (c in conf) {
    358 		data <- all_data[all_data$framework==c$framework, ]
    359 		lines(data$size, data$t, col=c$col, lty=c$lty, lwd=c$lwd)
    360 		points(data$size, data$t, col=c$col, lwd=c$lwd, pch=c$pch)
    361 	}
    362 	legend(
    363 		"bottomright",
    364 		legend=sapply(conf, function (c) c$name),
    365 		col=sapply(conf, function (c) c$col),
    366 		lty=sapply(conf, function (c) c$lty),
    367 		lwd=sapply(conf, function (c) c$lwd)
    368 	)
    369 	axis(1)
    370 	axis(2)
    371 	box()
    372 }
    374 arma.plot_master_slave_failure_data <- function (all_data, args) {
    375   if (!('master_args' %in% names(args))) {
    376     args$master_args = list(col="black", lty="solid", lwd=1, pch=20)
    377   }
    378   if (!('slave_args' %in% names(args))) {
    379     args$slave_args = list(col="black", lty="dashed", lwd=1, pch=20)
    380   }
    381   if (!('nofailures_args' %in% names(args))) {
    382     args$nofailures_args = list(col="black", lty="dotted", lwd=1, pch=20)
    383   }
    385 	plot.window(xlim=range(all_data$size), ylim=range(0,all_data$t))
    386 	conf <- list(
    387 		a=c(args$master_args, list(
    388 			framework='a10-failure-direct-master-bscheduler',
    389 			name=args$master
    390 		)),
    391 		b=c(args$slave_args, list(
    392 			framework='a10-failure-direct-slave-bscheduler',
    393 			name=args$slave
    394 		)),
    395 		c=c(args$nofailures_args, list(
    396 			framework='a9-single-node-direct-bscheduler',
    397 			name=args$nofailures
    398 		))
    399 	)
    400 	for (c in conf) {
    401 		data <- all_data[all_data$framework==c$framework, ]
    402 		lines(data$size, data$t, col=c$col, lty=c$lty, lwd=c$lwd)
    403 		points(data$size, data$t, col=c$col, lwd=c$lwd, pch=c$pch)
    404 	}
    405 	legend(
    406 		"bottomright",
    407 		legend=sapply(conf, function (c) c$name),
    408 		col=sapply(conf, function (c) c$col),
    409 		lty=sapply(conf, function (c) c$lty),
    410 		lwd=sapply(conf, function (c) c$lwd)
    411 	)
    412 	axis(1)
    413 	axis(2)
    414 	box()
    415 }